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Man like Boaz 

Guidance for Sexual Discipline

By Olufemi OniPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Hypergamy cannot be defeated merely by men berating promiscuity. For every whore, there is a whore monger. It is by men becoming honorable, that whoredom will be defeated.

It was all bliss until tragedy struck. Death took Naomi’s husband, and her two sons in quick succession. The heavy blows that life dealt her are nothing any of us would ever wish for. Naomi returned back to the country of her Nativity (Israel) with one of her daughters-in-law who insisted she would stick with Naomi. Her name was Ruth; the Israelite woman, and citizen of Moab. Ruth had an option to return to her own relatives but chose instead to remain with Naomi. This story is covered in the book of Ruth (one of the several books contained in the Sacred Hebrew Scriptures).

Ruth 1:16

And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God

Enters Boaz; a kinsman of Naomi. He (Boaz) was a respected man in the community. Ruth worked on his farm upon their return to their land of nativity. In this circumstance, Naomi gave righteous counsel to Naomi to stay away from the young men of the community who may seek to take advantage of her. In the same vein, she encouraged Ruth to make herself “accessible” by Boaz.

In today’s “woke” culture, Naomi would be accused of pimping Ruth but this was far from the case.

Ruth conducted herself with great care and with utmost discretion unlike many females today who act like stray dogs. She was accountable to Naomi, and was eager to serve Boaz. The dynamics of the encounter between Boaz & Ruth is the main subject of this post.

Boaz had the opportunity to take advantage of Ruth but he chose the path of honor. He did the right thing.

One evening, while everyone had left the farmhouse, Ruth stayed behind unbeknownst to Boaz. He had laid down after the day’s s work only to discover that Ruth was in his vicinity. Ruth then proceeded to offer herself to Boaz; following the righteous guidance of Naomi. There was no one around. He could have taken liberty with her and ravished the young woman but, Boaz controlled himself. This act seals Boaz as a man’s man. He is the epitome of righteous manhood. Boaz was disciplined.

Women control access to sex, and men control access to relationships.

Today, honor is a very scarce virtue. Many men lack the discipline to control their sexual urges which is why many women have resorted to using sex as a wager to have their way. A man that cannot control his sexual urge is everything but a man.

Proverbs 25:28

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

A man that does not have control over his sexual appetite is a tragedy in the making, and in waiting. As a man, you should not be led by the whims and caprice of your sexual organ. Celibacy is not a virtue that is required only of women. You have no business as a man getting sexually active with someone who is not your spouse. I encourage every male man to zip up; embrace a life of sexual discipline. This is the only practical way for us to stem the tide against the rise of hypergamy. When you meet a man that has control of his penis, there you have a man that no gates of hell can stop. Boaz is the model, and archetype for sexual discipline in men. We can do better as men. Be like Boaz.


About the Creator

Olufemi Oni

Ex-Negropean. Singer, writer and freedom artist, ÀKÀNJÍ writes about faith, culture, and lifestyle.

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