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Humanity, Our Human Unity

Who are we collectively?

By John Ames BirchPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
The future lies within our unity, our humanity.

“Compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition: the quality or state of being humane.”

Humanity, the collective state of being of our entire species, but what does that truly mean?

Who are we? What does it mean to be human, and what legacy will we leave behind?

These fundamental questions have captivated each generation as they searched for an answer. Delving deeper into ourselves and each other to know who we are collectively.

We strive together, hope together, and come together to form into settlements and communities. From this common ground we work together to build the future. We teach each other and learn from each other. Expanding the idea of the collective whole called humanity.

Over the years we have evolved together finding common ground, sometimes building it, from which to create a better world. Creating these biological entanglements between us and those we love.

From neighbors to friends, friends to families, and families to nations. We grow our understanding of ourselves, and the collective whole through these moments of space and time. The love we show not just to ourselves, but each other evolves the collective expression of who we all are.

We are beautiful beings when we love, shining like stars, guiding us all forwards. Those acts of love, be it compassion, kindness, generosity, understanding, or hope are testaments to who we are, and who we strive to be.

Each day these random acts of kindness prove how noble we can be. Countless people place their lives in danger to protect and serve, to feed, clothe, heal, and defend one another. These noble hearts shining like beacons, candles in the dark, sheltering us from the storm.

The kindness and compassion displayed when a stranger helps another sparks hope in us all. The echoes of love, these ripples cascade through spacetime furthering its echo to those that follow by the standards we set. These moments of love uplift all humankind as it reminds us of who we are. A promise to all of humanity, a promise for the people, and by the people.

Each of us together connected by invisible strings linking hands, hearts, and minds. Pulling us together while we live, love, and evolve in our corner of existence. A beacon of life, of hope in an incomprehensibly vast omniverse.

To exist, to be alive here and now, to be a part of the great miracle called life is a wonder. Each of us important pieces to the puzzle, the great masterpiece of humanity. In each of us lies a gift, a beautiful expression of identity, thought, feeling, and love, our eternal self.

Through art and music, theatre to science, love and friendship, thought and feeling, we experience ourselves. We learn, grow, and evolve as each experience brings us closer to who we are individually and collectively.

But who are we really? Are we just the collective sum of experience and expression, or are we more beautiful than we will ever know.

Life is beautiful and we should live it so. Hard as it may be to turn enemies to friends it can heal us. We can choose peace, each of us, by deciding who we are and living it each day. Looking to our neighbors with hope instead of fear, love instead of hate, defending ourselves, but defending and loving each other.

We all want to be safe, secure, and loved. We want to not only dream that future, but create it, understand it, and live it, but to do so we must earn it. Love is the guide, passion the fuel, and dreams the blueprint for that future. Each generation, each person adding to that collective future we all dream about.

We can reach that future together no matter the obstacles, but we need to believe in that unity, our humanity, to show us. We must never forget the mistakes of the past, but we can no longer afford to repeat them, or the pain and suffering will never end.

We must stand together under one sky, united in our humanity if our species is to survive. Together we will show each other that better future by proving it each day through the kindness we show to ourselves, those we love, and the beautiful hearts that surround us.

“You either create a world for everyone or else you will end up in a world fit for no one”

John Ames Birch


About the Creator

John Ames Birch

Hello all I’m just an everyday person taking a introspective look at myself and the world. Trying to help anywhere and everywhere I can.

“You either create a world for everyone or else you will end up in a world fit for no one”

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