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How New Ghostwriters Can Kill Their Comfort Zones

Or not, and stay average and poor forever

By Rick MartinezPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

You've heard stories of people who have found success doing what they love.

They've made a great living out of their passion for writing, and you want to do the same. But there's one problem: you're stuck in your comfort zone. There's no cheating; if you want to be a successful writer, you must push yourself out of your comfort zone.

It won't be easy, but with the proper steps and actionable advice, you can kill your comfort zone and get on the path to success.

Embrace The Suck

I know, you've heard this song before.

But if you're reading this, you likely still need to take action. Your comfort zone is cozy and familiar, and also the place where stagnation and mediocrity thrive. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is essential to achieve success as a writer.

This means embracing failure as part of the learning process and not letting fear or doubt hold you back from taking risks or trying something new. The truth is you may not be comfortable with the bullshit people will toss your way, but you have to know it's there, accept it, and then drive on anyway.

You need to become comfortable with feeling uncomfortable to reach greater heights than before.

Blaze Trails Where None Existed Before

The road to success as a ghostwriter involves venturing into uncharted territory.

You will come across times when things don't go according to plan and times when situations may seem daunting or complicated. Still, these moments are necessary for you to grow as an individual and as a professional writer. Please don't shy away from unfamiliar scenarios; instead, look at them as opportunities for growth.

Things like researching and diving into unfamiliar topics and concepts. Or challenge yourself by pushing boundaries and testing ideas those ideas. And also, don't be afraid to ask questions or test limits.

Think of every day you rise as a day to venture into unchartered waters.

Screw Up, Learn, And Move On

Everyone ghostwriter screws up at some point; it's part of the game.

Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, use them as lessons that can help guide future decisions and takeaways that can help make your writing more effective from now on. Learning from our literary mistakes helps us grow more resilient so we can better face future challenges head-on without fear or hesitation.

Do Not Let What Others Think Of You Limit Your Success

It's very easy for other people's opinions about our work (or us) to shape how we perceive ourselves and our abilities—especially when we feel vulnerable or uncertain about our writing skills or career goals.

I get it, and it's more complex than it seems. Especially if some of the folks are ones you value or are close to you. But remember this: only YOU can decide what constitutes success in your life—not anyone else.

So don't let someone else's opinion limit what you're capable of achieving—only you have this power!

Get Naked

You may feel like an imposter syndrome starting off as a freelance writer or ghostwriter—this is normal.

Hell, truth be told, there are many days that I feel like an imposter myself! But don't let these feelings discourage you from putting yourself out there; instead, use them as motivation for growth. Take every opportunity available to network with other professionals in the industry, pitch yourself for jobs, write blog posts and articles that showcase your knowledge & expertise—these activities will increase your visibility online, leading to more potential clients/customers coming your way.

The long and short of it is that if hitting that "publish" button scares you, it's all the more reason to let it rip!

Put yourself out there…get naked with your writing!

Dream Big, Then Dream Bigger

Dreaming big is essential if you want to achieve success—but it doesn't end there.

Once you've set your goals & ideas into motion by taking actionable steps towards making them happen (like networking with peers/colleagues), then all that's left is waiting & working hard until those dreams become a reality.

The Final Word

Breaking through our comfort zones isn't always easy - but it's always worth it if it means achieving greater success in life than ever before.

Taking risks & pushing boundaries is scary - but necessary if we want to break free from mediocrity & reach for bigger heights than before. With the 6 steps outlined above and a little bit of patience/perseverance - nothing will stand between you and becoming the successful writer/freelancer/ghostwriter that has been residing inside all along.

Good luck on this journey - here's hoping that all your hard work pays off soon enough ;) ​

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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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