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How does rounding logic work?

About to rebuild earthly logic

By Chris PagianPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How does rounding logic work?
Photo by Kevin Valerio on Unsplash

The perfect logic of existence has always been in operation, but we are just not aware of it. The existence of all living species, the normal functioning of all things, is always in the operation of the perfect logic, except for us humans, who have been operating outside the perfect logic since we became human, and we are implementing the paradoxical logic, which is the creation of the first phase of civilization. The second phase of civilization, which began with the perception of existence, is the logic of perfection, which is our theoretical return to the original theory of existence.

What is the logic of perfection? It is that the order of operation of all things is smooth and complementary, an integral and indivisible organic operation. This means that all things operate for the same purpose, that the meaning of existence or ethical relations of things is fundamentally the same, that every action constitutes the commonality of interests, that is, all interests are mutual and complementary, and that all aspects of things are reflections of the whole existence, that nothing is independent of the operation of the whole or the only purpose, that no action has a different meaning. There is no contradiction of purpose or divergence of meaning in the operation of things, all operation is in order, all logical deduction is a closed-loop movement around the purpose, and there are no holes or gaps in logic. Everything that exists is rational and valid, everything that exists serves a purpose and achieves it without exception.

Why does such a complete logical system exist? It is because of the need for existence, which must operate in this way to last, and existence must have such an order of operation to maintain its operation for hundreds of millions of years. It took hundreds of millions of years of existence to produce this long-grinded logical system, and only this logical system that has withstood the test of time for hundreds of millions of years can guarantee the eternal existence of existence; otherwise, existence would have collapsed long ago. What we need to do next is to abandon our self-created logical system of existence and return to the original logical order of existence, that is, to reuse the logical system of existential perfection. To be precise, it is to use perfect logic rationally and intelligently. This is the first time that mankind has returned to the original logic of existence on its initiative, allowing mankind to run in a civilized form on the perfect logic that existence has been running for hundreds of millions of years.

This is an unprecedented ideological project for mankind. What does a change in the logic of behavior mean? It means that we will transform ourselves, that we will undergo metamorphosis like never before. First of all, we will decisively and completely abandon the concept of life, and the ethical logic of life will be abandoned. In other words, the logic of life is no longer from life to death, but from perception to perception, and the purpose of life is replaced by the perception of existence instead of survival. The meaning of life is not how long has one lived, how much wealth has one acquired, or how much success has one achieved. Rather, what has been perceived? What state of perception has been established and maintained? These are two different logic and, of course, two different orders of life are established as a result. Perception is no longer an independent existence, the perceiving body must interact with the perceived body, the perceiving body must depend on the perceived body to exist, the perceiving body and the perceived body are not in a relationship of use or even mutual interest, but in a relationship of common and integral existence.

This changes the relationship of possession and uses between human and object, the object is the human itself, and the human is the object itself. The relationship connecting human and object is not the relationship of profit and harm but the relationship of perception, and the relationship connecting human and human is not the relationship of life competition but the relationship of mutual perception. Perception is an interactive relationship that cannot be separated; once separated, both parties cease to exist. Therefore, in this ethical-logical relationship, there is no longer a contradiction between man and things, just as there is no contradiction between the left hand and the right hand. Heaven and earth, water and fire, black and white, far and near ...... are all our existence, they are no longer a pair of contradictions, and it is precisely because there is a difference between them that they constitute our colorful existence. All things in the world are unified in our perception, and they have only the meaning of being perceived by us, and no other meaning of existence. In this way, goats and tigers, flowers and viruses, fire and ice have the same meaning and value for us, they are indispensable, and it is they that constitute the rich and colorful content of our perception, in which we exist.

The logical relationship between human beings is completely changed; human beings are indispensable objects of perception for each other, and they live in each other's perceptions, no longer in their own lives. This means that the distance and gulf between people disappear, and people instead live by the interaction of each other's perceptions. Your existence is my perception, which is a new ethical-logical relationship, without you I would have no perception, without perception I would not exist. How much perception I have is how much existence I have, and what content of perception I have is what content of existence I have. This is the mode of operation of the logic of consummation, this is the rationalized reflection of the nature of existence. In this way, we exist on the same logic as all other creatures, except that the other creatures run instinctive behavior and we, in this line, act rationally and intellectually.

Subsequently, we will use science to prove that we operate on the same logic as other creatures. Most importantly, after we give up our purpose of existence, we are in complete agreement and identical with the purpose of existence, which is to maintain the good existence of existence, that is, to maintain the active, balanced and continuous operation of perceptual movement, which for us is the pleasure of perceptual existence, that is, the pleasure of perceptual existence. Under this purpose, no contradiction or conflict will ever happen again, and this is the form of the operation of perfect logic.


About the Creator

Chris Pagian

Spontaneity is the character, things are not more than three is the principle.

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