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How Can You Maintain a Good Mood in the Cold Season

Do you like the cold season?

By Joss PagePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How Can You Maintain a Good Mood in the Cold Season
Photo by Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash

Bad mood, chronic fatigue, and weakness, who has not experienced such conditions on their skin? Asthenia settles not only in spring but also in winter. Doctors say that adapting to the cold season is more difficult, but it is not difficult to overcome these moments. The culprit for these conditions is the lack of winter sunlight.

Seasonal affective disorders are a group of conditions that can be quite serious, a subtype of major depressive disorder, in which quality of life can be seriously compromised by fatigue, poor mood, anxiety, low libido, etc. Many people who suffer from other types of depression suffer from similar but less intense symptoms.

Low temperatures, gloomy weather, shorter days, and insufficient exposure to daylight are factors that can contribute to the loss of a good mood in the cold season.

Lethargy, apathy, and loss of interest in daily activities can occur both in the presence and absence of seasonal affective disorder. Regardless of the cause of your illness, there are several ways you can support your mood.

Administering food supplements that help maintain a good mood

Omega 3 Supplements - Recent studies show that Omega 3 fatty acids from deep fish oil can help maintain emotional balance. DHA, a type of Omega 3, is found in the tissues of the brain, but also those of the central nervous system.

Vitamin D Supplements - Maintaining an optimal level of vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the body. This vitamin is associated with both mood and the immune system.

The body produces vitamin D from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, but in winter you may need to supplement this vitamin, the time spent in the sun is often insufficient. You can make up for the lack of vitamin D in the cold season by taking food supplements.

Ginkgo biloba - studies in recent years show that Ginkgo Biloba can be used to improve mood as well as improve cognitive function. Ginkgo biloba helps to install and maintain well-being.

Folic Acid - It is known that folic acid deficiency, also known as vitamin B9, can cause irritability, as well as mental "fog" and memory problems. Folic acid can promote well-being, which is used by the body to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood.

Tryptophan - Tryptophan is an amino acid that has calming and relaxing effects, inducing well-being. It is found in foods such as turkey or bananas.

St. John's wort - St. John's wort extract is often used to combat depression, and studies in recent years have shown its effectiveness. Therefore, people who are in a state of malaise may take such an extract to regain their good mood.

Changing the lifestyle to maintain a good mood

There are several lifestyle changes you can make to combat the depressive thoughts and sadness associated with the cold season.

Exercise every day - exercise releases hormones of happiness in the brain, instantly improving mood. If you make a habit of playing sports every day, you will regain your well-being. Moreover, to have more benefits, practice outdoor sports during the day for a dose of vitamin D.

Eat (healthier) - fruits, vegetables, and seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats so they should be part of your diet. Give up added sugars, fats, and high-calorie foods.

Aromatherapy - Essential oils have a direct impact on the area of ​​the brain responsible for regulating mood. Lavender oil helps fight anxiety, but grapefruit essential oil is also effective in this regard. Use essential oils in the evening before bed.

Do you still feel melancholy despite trying to brighten your day? You may have clinically significant depression. For this to be evaluated objectively, consult a specialist.

It's important to stay in good shape during the cold season. While it's a little more difficult to go out, due to the cold outside, you can do many things at home, to have a good mood.


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