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Good Communication

is Two-Fold

By #KristinaWritesPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Be Positive

You may walk away from a conversation thinking that was the best conversation you have ever had and attribute it to you and your great communication style. But is it really because of you or is it because of someone that was in the conversation with you? Were you just hyped up and made to feel good because the other person made you feel that way? It can be a deflated feeling to realize you were not the focal point, but the others were. Don’t let that happen though, continue to be proud of yourself. Mainly because it takes more than one to carry on a successful and positive conversation.

Instead of jumping into immediate judgement mode, which we all tend to do from time to time. Think about the conversation and think about what the other people did that made you feel so clear and positive of the end results. Was it their mannerisms, their responses, or even their body language? These can all be very basic habits that we do not even realize until we sit down and begin to analyze them.

Active Listening can be done Anywhere

People tend to throw around the term “active listening” without really understanding what it is. Active listening can be great if participation is equal and just. You take turns talking that way everyone involved feels like they are being heard. It is important to keep eye contact, display positive emotional and non-verbal ques, and throwing in a genuine smile from time to time cannot hurt! It is important to remember that active listening is not the same as passive or constructive listening. Passive or constructive listening involves little to no responses or expressions from either side.

Likeable Names...Is that a Thing...

It is crucial to use someone’s name too. There are so many assumptions surrounding a person and their name, but some could be true and if they are that would be cool. It is said that students with “likeable” names get better grades in school! That would be ridiculous if proven to be true. I have even read articles where it was assumed that children with names starting with certain letters are treated more fairly or receive better grades. Both situations are ridiculous, if they are even remotely true! When considering names, the most important thing to remember is; the other person’s name! You can guarantee that if you remember a person’s name from a conversation, they are more likely to see that as a compliment above anything else.

I am not ranting or anything like that. I just want people to understand how to share conversations with others. We can all be competent and successful conversationalists; we just need to put forth effort. Imagine how pleased someone in a conversation would be once you allow them to talk about themselves. This should be of no surprise to anyone that when you get to talk about yourself and your own successes; it just makes you smile inside. You begin feeling better about yourself. So, allow the other people in the conversation to begin feeling good about themselves as well.

Good Communication is for ALL forms

By perfecting the skills of a good communicator, you will be opening doors in so many parts of your life. Both professionally and personally. Good communication will help build or rebuild relationships that you would have never truly imagined were possible. Maybe opening a new door in a professional realm, you never know. For instance, I went to school and achieved my BA in Criminal Justice. Do you think I work in Criminal Justice now, no way! I work in customer service. Because I love the communication I have, the positive forms of communication I have daily.

Positive Communication is Key! Listen First; Respond Second.

Thanks for Reading.


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About the Creator


I love life & everyone in it! I have realized what I really want to do with my life; Write!

So, I'm an Ghost Blogger, Content Writer & Generalized Creator based in Texas and I write about...Life!

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Website: KristinaWrites

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