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Factors of success

Factors of success

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Factors of success

Factors of success:

The first factor of success is having a strong understanding of the fundamentals of cannabis cultivation. Understanding how and why things work, in addition to knowing what factors need to be controlled to ensure optimal conditions for your specific situation. In order to understand the basics, you should know about the different parts of a cannabis plant. The Cannabis plant consists of three major components; roots, stem, and flowers. Each of these components have their own roles in the production of cannabinoids and terpenes.


Roots play a very important role in the health of the plant. They take in water and nutrients from the surrounding environment and then transport them to the leaves and buds. Rooting techniques consist of two methods; using peat moss and perlite. Peat moss is known to be a good rooting medium and its porous nature contributes to high levels of humidity for the root system. Perlite is similar to peat moss however it is much lighter than peat moss. Both of these materials help promote the germination of the seedlings while also providing adequate oxygen circulation. There are many ways to propagate seeds, including cuttings or seedlings. Seedlings require higher lighting intensities than cuttings due to the increased rate at which they consume nutrients.


Stems provide the plant with structure and balance. Stems are composed of xylem cells, phloem cells, and cambium cells. Xylem cells move water throughout the plant, phloem cells transport nutrients throughout the plant, and cambium provides a structural foundation for the plant. Stems are divided into two categories; vegetative stems and flowering stems. Vegetative stems do not produce flowers, while flowering stems do. Vegetative stems provide the necessary structure for a plant to grow vigorously and remain balanced. Flowering stems develop buds and eventually turn into female flowers. At the end of the flowering period, male flowers develop and eventually become pollen. During the flowering stage, the amount of nutrients received from stems decreases, because the majority of the energy goes towards flower formation. Soil amendments that benefit the stems would therefore be best suited for the vegetative phase of the plant's lifecycle.


Flowers are responsible for producing trichomes (hairs) and resin. The resins can be extracted and purified to obtain Cannabinoids or terpene compounds. Trichome formation occurs after the plant reaches maturity. The location of trichomes varies depending on the strain being cultivated. A lot of strains develop trichomes on the calyxes, pistils, or ovaries, whereas other strains develop trichomes only on the leaves. The type of trichomes produced varies greatly based on genetics. Some common types of trichomes are glumes, capitate glands, clubbed gland, and basal-fractured glands.

Other factors that influence the quality of your harvest are:

Lighting Intensity:

During flowering, the intensity of lighting is decreased to encourage the production of THC. Other nutrients may be added at this time to encourage heavy bud growth. If you are growing indoors, you should utilize low to medium lighting schedules to maximize yields. Indoor growers often use high pressure sodium lights as opposed to metal halide lamps due to the former's lower power consumption. Low light environments encourage branching and branching encourages the formation of dense, compact buds. Dense buds are preferred over thin ones since they hold more THC. When grown under low light, marijuana plants tend to stay shorter and bushier and have fewer branches.


Marijuana grows best between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit can cause damage to the plant and lower temperatures may slow down the growth cycle. You should monitor temperature changes frequently and adjust accordingly. Outdoor growers should pay close attention to ambient air temperature and wind speed because prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can result in diminished yields.

Air Circulation:

Air circulation increases the efficiency of your LEDs and fans. Fans increase air flow, thus increasing the effectiveness of your ventilation system. Air circulates faster near the ground and slower closer to the ceiling. To maintain ideal airflow rates, try placing fans in strategic locations around your room, and keep them clean and free of debris.


About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.

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