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Even if he is hitting on you, these 6 signs indicate that he has a girlfriend.

You may have just started dating him or you may already be together. In either case, you are interested in the indicators that he has a girlfriend. What you should know is as follows.

By berry liPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

You only recently met him, yet you already see yourself falling for him. He doesn't say outright if he's single or dating anyone, though. Before you follow him further, you should be aware of the indications that he has a girlfriend, regardless of whether he is being evasive on design or accidentally.

It's not like everyone screams, "I'm in a relationship!," while sporting a badge or placard at all times. I'm engaged! Don't be too optimistic! It might also be challenging to determine whether he has a girlfriend if he is not married and wearing a wedding ring.

Or maybe you’re already dating him and are suspicious that he might already have a girlfriend. Either way, you’ll need to know the signs to look for.

So, let’s start with the signs he has a girlfriend when you just met him.

the telltale signs of a girlfriend when you don't know a person well

Although some of these warning signals can be challenging to spot, this is an excellent place to start. Here are the telltale signs to watch out for whether you recently started hanging out with a guy or just met him. You've only recently met him, so odds are he's being friendly and you like him.

There are, of course, other cunning indications that he's trying to conceal his relationship with someone else. And we'll discuss those afterwards!

1. How does he behave around you?

The first place to start is to look for how he acts when he’s around you. Guys aren’t always upfront about having a girlfriend. So, you have to pay attention to whether he uses words like “us” or “we” when he’s talking about what he’s doing in his life.

Another behavior is if he doesn’t flirt with you when you try to flirt with him. Either he’s not interested in you, or he has a girlfriend. He might be nice and polite, but just not flirty. So, don’t confuse the two.

2. Watch his body language around everyone

Some people are natural flirts, and their body language shows it. There are a lot of guys who like to hug and touch girls that they’re not dating. So, if he avoids your attempts to hug him or sit close to him, then he might be in a relationship.

Avoid forcing any sort of physical "intimacy" with him. Don't force him to do anything, not even hold your hand. If he's taken, he can withdraw or move away from you. Just follow his example, and you'll understand.

3. Discover what he does with his free time.

A guy will often spend the most of his time with his girlfriend when he has one. However, if he primarily discusses how he spends his time with his male pals, he may not be taken into consideration.

So, if you ask him what he’s doing this weekend and he says he’s free, that’s a good sign that he probably doesn’t have a girlfriend.

4. Stalk his social media

This might be one of the easiest ways to find out if he has a girlfriend without directly asking him. Look at what he says he did on the weekends. Check out his pictures and see if there is anyone who stands out.

If you see him with his hands all over a girl – the same girl – then that is a big sign that he already has a girlfriend.

You can also look at his tagged pictures or the pages of his friends. On social media, boys occasionally don't share many pictures or relationship-related content, but their buddies might.

He will know you are stalking him if you unintentionally like or remark on any of them, so be careful!

5. Check his phone

As much as you can, get some glances at his phone. What does his background look like? Is it generic or is it a photo of him and a girl? You could ask to borrow his phone for something, and then sneakily peek at his photo albums and texts.

You can say that your phone’s battery died and you have to make an important call. This will make you look less suspicious. But don’t abuse his privacy or log into anything without permission because you don’t want to get caught.

6. Ask him

Instead of trying to act like a detective, you could take the simple, direct and easier route. Just ask him! You don’t have to ask him in a way that it shows that you are interested in him.

Try to direct the conversation to relationships and then causally ask him if he is in one. It’s not always the most comfortable way to do it, but it might be the most effective.

Now that we’ve talked about the signs he has a girlfriend when you first meet a guy, let’s talk about the signs to look for if you’re already dating him.

Listening to your intuition is typically one of the easiest methods to tell if a man already has a girlfriend. Use these indicators to corroborate your suspicions if you have even the slightest inkling of them.


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