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Enterprising or Sour Grapes

Aware intelligent and sexy - quite the combo

By Phyllis HoltPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

McAllister woke in a sour mood. His day, his week, hell his whole month hadn’t gone well. It seemed today wasn't going to be any different. It was annoying and decidedly unsatisfying. He wasn’t used to things going wrong going badly or going awry. It was beyond frustrating.

He was used to making “it” happen, whether that entailed completing a merger or an acquisition, he was on top of the situation and finishing the deal by noon. Surprisingly this wasn't the case and he'd met with severe opposition from an unknown source that caught him completely off guard. The surprise slapped him up the side of the head. It was unfathomable unthinkable he'd misread the situation that badly that he'd inadvertently dropped the ball.

As a result, he'd been driven to look closely at what had transpired, why, and who was involved. He'd learned a woman by the name of Andrea Denver had met with the staff of the old mill and after rallying them together managed to gain enough interest and capital to stave off his take overbid on the mill by pouring their savings and pension funds back into the company to keep it afloat.

It was done secretively, in a last-ditch effort, and they'd pulled it off admirably without divulging a hint of their intent. He hadn't expected it. He conceded it was an inspired idea, but a stopgap at best. They were bleeding capital; major and very necessary changes in several areas of the structure of the business and modification to portions of the operation were a must if they expected to save the mill in the long run. Those costs were over and above what they could handle at this point. If he were a betting man, he figured they'd spent every dime and had little else to throw in the pot.

He’d immediately delved into what he could find about Andrea Denver and from the precious little information he’d obtained learned she was devoted and had dug in her heels, would undoubtedly stay the course. Since little ever surprised him and he was seldom curious, he found himself completely intrigued.

On one hand, he was fascinated at having found someone he could match wits with, someone as determined as he from the looks of things. He admired her gameplay and tenacity even as it annoyed the living hell out of him since he was required to do a lot of in-depth legwork to salvage the situation.

Alright, a plan of action was called for. Where to start! His best course of action was heading to the little town of Outback and witness firsthand how things worked and what he was up against. Aware that as an outsider he couldn't possibly blend in, decided discretion was the better part of valour and just might give him the tools to squelch whatever the current plans were. Indeed, he might salvage the situation after all.

He'd asked his right-hand man, Albert Frances, to arrange a flight to a little airport about fifty miles from Outback where he intended to rent a car and driving into the little town in the role of happy vacationer. In truth, if he'd dropped the ball this badly maybe that's exactly what he needed to get his head back in the game.

What he’d found surprised him. None of the reports he'd read included how quaint the town was, a delightful mix of old and new. They'd managed to capture and incorporate whimsy while enjoying modern amenities available to a much larger town with larger funds available to them for restoration and refurbishment. He wasn’t sure what he’d pictured in his mind, but it definitely wasn’t this! They obviously banded together and work toward a common goal, united in their efforts toward a common goal.

After settling into his hotel, he asked a few questions at the front desk and pick up a brochure, chose to saunter along what he assumed was the main street. The woman manning the desk couldn't help taking a second look. As eye candy went, he had sweet appeal. Tall, with a swarthy complexion boasting of time spent vacationing somewhere exotic, those piercing brown eyes missed very little. His tall muscular frame and relaxed walk suggested he was used to getting what he wanted. She wondered, 'what does he want here?' but didn't voice her opinion. Unaware of the impression he'd made, he continued on out the door and down what he assumed was the main street, peering into mom and pop stores along the way. He was pleasantly surprised at the variety of historical culture, whimsy and elegance he found all of which invited a second look.

His second surprise was seeing Andrea Denver in the flesh. Laughingly handing a coffee to a patron, she'd said something that garnered a guffaw and laughter among all who heard her off the cuff remark. She was a striking beauty who could easily have graced the cover of any magazine. She seemed comfortable and relaxed in her own skin while appearing totally oblivious to her effect on the male population. Rich auburn hair, skin the colour of milk, and eyes that laughed and dance on a delicate bone structure were but a beginning. Her movements were graceful, never rushed. And that ready smile knocked him on his ass when she turned in on him. Damn!

"Welcome to Coffee Haven. What can I get you?"

"I haven't looked at the menu, but I'm starving. What would you suggest?"

"Anything Harry creates is delectable from his take on grilled cheese and homemade tomato soup to his downright sinful take on any confection you can name."

"Then it sounds like his grilled cheese and soup are the order of the day, along with a piece of the sinful pie. Thanks for the suggestion." She smiled and walked away calling his order toward the kitchen.

McAllister was divided on how to handle the situation. She had no idea who he was allowing for the element of surprise and by remaining incognito he might learn more about what if any upcoming plans might be in the works. Or conversely, could lay his cards on the table and find out precisely, first hand, from the woman in charge, what she and the town were expecting. Overlaying the business aspect, was Andrea Denver herself. An enchanting woman he considered intelligent and obviously adaptable with pull or charisma because the community had rallied to her suggestion and kept the entire thing quiet. Not even a whisper of probability existed. And he wanted the opportunity to get to know her, not as an adversary but as a woman. That was his second surprise.


About the Creator

Phyllis Holt

A Self Published eBook Novelist - Blog & Reviews of Books, Films, Authors & Music since 2016. Writer, Humorist, Cheesecake lover, and cat enthusiast.

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