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Did the pressure of success spoil Simone Biles in Tokyo?

Theory of what happened to Simone Biles from my experience in sports

By George B VietoPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Let me start by saying that even though I have never played a professional sport in my lifetime other than bowling in a bowling alley and playing the Nintendo Wii bowling games at home, I can understand why U S gymnast Simone Biles has been the lightning rod from her fans as well as critics over her decision to sit out the team competition after her first vault was not up to her expectations.

Simone who used the word the "Twisties" to describe her decision to sit out the team competition as well as the other events in the 2021 Summer Olympic Games is the fear of injury in which I can relate to when I played Little League Baseball in the former Canal Zone in Panama until I got smart and gave up playing baseball for bowling in Balboa Panama where I found it easier to knock down pins with a bowling ball easier than trying to a baseball.

What I can see from the sidelines when Simone did interviews to the media is that she was angry that she felt that she was being short changed by the judges and the powers that be that run the U S A Gymnastics that did not come to her aid when she and her mates were raped by Doctor Larry Nassar who was convicted of rape and sent to prison until he passes away.

I did write blogs on some sites that if I were in her shoes, I would seek help from a mental health coach or a doctor since a doctor would be able to find words of encouragement to overcome whatever fear she has since we are all human beings. Just keep it private from the media.

My view is that I am sure that Simone has her group of advisors who either only preached to her what she wanted to hear or they wanted to see her fail in the main event since not everyone loves a winner.

My late mom always told me that my mind will always be my worst enemy which it has been since when I did not have my mind on the prize in bowling, my game would suffer.

What makes me laugh about Simone is that on her leotard the symbol of a goat which is "Greatest Of All Time." as her way to attract attention to herself since she felt slighted by ESPN that she was not on their love list.

One thing I have noticed of all sports players is that have championship wins as well as losses on their resume.

What makes me laugh is that I am a fan of the "Rocky Balboa" movie franchise since in the movies when Rocky Balboa was to have his final boxing match against Clubber Lang against the advice of his manager Mickey Goldmill not to fight Clubber since Rocky was a businessman who was no longer was the super fighter when he was a contender was that Mickey suffered a heart attack before the fight with Clubber which upset Rocky's mindset and he lost the heavyweight title to his boxing rival.

All right so kids in this generation are not old enough to remember the imaginary friend that was inspired by a boxing match between Chuck Wepner vs. Muhammad Ali.

If I would have been in Simone I would attend big band shows instead of rap and hip hop music that will mix their minds with negative thinking. On the other hand big band and love music add some pep in her step.

Positive thinking is the way to win games, if a gymnast loses by doing their best, it will be with no fear.

The late George Halas who used to coach the Chicago Bears once said "No one who ever gave his best ever regretted it." Got that kiddies?

If I were Simone just realize that being booed by fans for her failure to live up to a fans expectations is the problem of the fan and not the sports star.

I am sure that as soon at the Olympic Games in Tokyo become a distant memory, the bad experience that Simone and other sports stars will be a distant memory since life goes on.

Even Superman had a bad day in the office trying to save the world since one of his enemies once said "Hero one day, fool the next."


About the Creator

George B Vieto

A native of Ancon Panama who enjoys bowling, women gymnastics and classic cartoons as well as classic cartoons.

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