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Darling, I really can't stand you anymore!

How to avoid driving each other up the walls of Quarantine

By Gabriella Published 4 years ago 4 min read

Cabin Fever. Under normal circumstances, we live very fast paced lives, are constantly rushing and, if anything, don’t get to see our loved ones as much as we would like to.

But these aren’t normal circumstances, and, if you are quarantined with family, friends or any other human being, chances are you might be experiencing a form cabin-fever.

The sudden collapse of routine, normal life and social interaction can be extremely stressful to cope with. Most people are not used to being indoors all day. You might be alone, you might have chosen to isolate with somebody or you might be isolating with your normal household members. Anyhow - the amount of time we are now having to spend with exclusively the same people has increased and is not an easy thing to handle.

We are humans, we need alone time, we need variety and we need escape. Quarantine has limited our access to any of these and may trigger very negative emotions. You may be feeling trapped inside your home, even with your loved ones. In order to avoid creating irreversible and long-lasting damages for when life resumes to something more normal, it is important to be mindful of each other and observe Cabin-Fever Rules and Etiquette.

You may find your fellow isolators extremely irritating and annoying during this period. Everything they do is irksome. You don’t want to see them, hear them. Can you just STOP BREATHING?? If you are a confrontational person you might be tempted to provoke a response. This may help you release your frustration for a short while, but you really shouldn't take it there. Instead, try to avoid them as much as you can, leave the house, room or area for a short while. Try to lift your focus off of them and do something that makes you feel good.

If problems do occur, as is probably inevitable, avoid saying hurtful things you might regret later. Understand that by insulting to express you frustration will only further escalate a conflict. You will later cool down and realise that you were agitated, but the other person might feel very hurt and not get over the offence as quickly. When using hostile language to express our feelings and dissatisfaction, we make it very difficult for the other person to understand our point, as they will primarily feel attacked and offended. They will now accuse you of offending them and the new problems pile up. Instead, try to maintain a cool manner when speaking. Be calm and objective when explaining your point of view. Avoid accusations like “You did this” and instead opt for a more comprehensive “I felt like you were doing”.

Arguments may get very heated and you may feel like you are talking to a wall. Avoid lashing out and becoming aggressive, as this too, is very contra-productive when it comes to managing a conflict. If you feel like you are unable to hold a conversation without shouting, insulting, or using hostile body language, it is perfectly fine to postpone this discussion until you feel more relaxed. Getting angry doesn’t help alleviate a situation and you might blow a situation out of proportion.

Lastly, understand that you are not alone in this weird situation. Try not to take things personal. It is natural to think about ourselves first. Most people do, meaning, the effect of an event on you, is very clear and apparent. To you. Other people aren't necessarily targeting you when they do thoughtless things, because they too, are primarily thinking about themselves. Don’t feel triggered if someone breathes too loud, listens to music a bit to late, opens the door a bit to hard or walks around a bit too heavily. Chances are, that you too, are inconsiderate sometimes. Not because you are horrible, but because you to doing certain things, that normally, don't bother anyone.

Uncomfortable situations require understanding, fairness and open-mindedness in order for us to grow. If you look on the bright side, this experience is a learning process. The realisations that we are all currently acquiring about ourselves we can use as valuable tools in order to create a more positive, calm, reflective and peaceful life. Even though it might be difficult right now, there is light at the end of the tunnel. This period will soon be over and you will be more clear on what you require to create a harmonious environment for yourself. Be respectful of the others, they too, are experiencing a difficult moment. Don’t loose your patience and disregard your loved ones. We are all stuck in the same hot cabin.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it and feel a little more calm and hopeful. If you know somebody who is experiencing cabin fever, feel free to send this to them. I am grateful for your support. With Love, Gabriella.


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I have 1000 dreams and I'm completing them one by one.

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