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Choosing Joy Despite Darkness

Snips, slices, and freewheeling with scissors....

By Karen EarlsPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Choosing Joy Despite Darkness
Photo by Samuel Hsu on Unsplash

Here in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada our Winters are darker. Statistics show that Vitamin D, and Magnesium deficiency are prevalent among Canadians, especially during Winter months, and more so the further North you go. This year with the reality of the Covid-19 global pandemic, some darkness of Winter seemed intensified, and not exclusive to the season. Governmental authority decisions didn't ease the extremity.

Honestly, I try to be aware, the effects of this pandemic on the world is beyond words. Each person on the planet will have their own view, experience, and trauma to unfold to some degree depending on factors like; location, level of isolation, education, gender, economic status, employment, immunity, world-view, political persuasion, personality, upbringing, relationships, preconditions of physical and/or mental illness, and many more.... I empathize. For you the reader, as you proceed; please know I empathize. The internet is accessible all over the planet, and I am not in your shoes, nor you in mine. I sincerely hope this article inspires hope, and gives buoyancy of heart to you today. In your situations, your choices, and preferences, may you know: you matter. You are here with a human mind to imagine, think, act, move, relate and influence the community in which you do your life for a given timeframe. Amazing and honoured that you would take the time to read these words, to click on this chunk of text and invest your time here.

I find creativity is in my DNA. At the cellular level I am created. I am able to create because I am alive to do so. My personality has been formed by my family genes, and my influences from early on have been creative ones. My Father is an immigrant, his heritage rich, and deep. My Mother was Canadian born, at a time in History much different than we see today. Together my parents committed to live with one another, embark on partnership through the blessings and trials. They have five children, of which I am second in birth order. All my siblings are male, and we enjoyed much fun, creativity, and learning in our upbringing in several different spaces we knew to be home.

Creativity requires tools. Around my life looking back there are always "tools of the trade". Doctor and nurses ushering me into the world, and doing procedures along the 40 years I've lived use tools. I'm grateful for the tools, the skill, the knowledge, the minds through which they serve the world.

Gardening, cooking, learning at school, cleaning a residence, making a gift, writing a term paper, or sending off a heartfelt greeting card. Creativity lives where tools allow. Our minds, our hands, pencils, paper, soil, seeds, trowel, spoon, knives, dishes, broom and dustpan, artists' paints, and writer's keyboard.... "tools of the trade" surround humans of all generations, of all ethnicities because; we are creators. We take what is around us and manipulate, and transform the existing for whatever it's intended use; a meal, an expression, to pass a class or win a contest. We create. Stringing letters into words, or notes into a melody. Weather beads on a string, or line on a fishing rod, there is a tool that is most common, that we don't get far without.

The common scissors. How many pair are in your home? My husband and I own several. Each to their own task(s). If we consider scissors, and how they permit our self expression, it's pretty inspiring.

Cutting herbs from the garden, or twine to stake a new shoot of growth popping out of the earth in Spring. Hacking recklessly that long pandemic "mane" of hair with abandon because it's a DIY kinda thing to do when you just choose not to wait it out anymore. Trimming with precision the thread to sew a garment you repaired again, or the canvas patch your adhering on your dwelling to keep the water out. Clipping an article to keep posted on the fridge to remind you, or your list in half so you can throw out what you can't do and focus on what you can. Those scissors; I'd deem essential to keep us rolling on.... How many days could you go without using a pair of scissors?

I make homemade greeting cards in the current limitations in our retail world, I'm grateful I have the tools to make and create a paper gift to send in the mail, leave on hubby's steering wheel, drop in a local friends' mailbox, or on the desk of a co-worker, or send via postal mail anywhere in our great big world..... because scissors helped me put together a little expression to communicate to someone else.

Scissors in our kitchen, scissors in our workplaces, scissors in our classrooms, scissors in the hands of preschooler, and others in the hands of professionals.... The mechanism of two blades with handles hinged were a clever invention by Leonardo da Vinci so many of us have benefitted from over the years. A creative mind created a wonderful tool for our expression and use.

Wherever you are, whatever you do.... I hope these minutes of reading have had value to you. Continue on, let your expressions free. I've chosen joy over the darkness of some pretty hard and deep circumstances, and so can you! Pick up your scissors, and say, I will. I will use this tool with gratitude, I will express my skill, and learn, and serve, and create. With these hands, and with my mind, I will.

I will choose joy over the darkness. I will create. Will you?


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