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Change, change and some more change to change it up

This pandemic has changed many lives and we had to adjust to a new normal, but did this change us at all?!

By DoryPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Change, change and some more change to change it up
Photo by tam wai on Unsplash

When this entire pandemic started around March, we didn`t exactly expected that we are still going to struggle with it in October, did we?! I definitely thought that by now we will be able to get back to normal and I was only joking about, what if this would stay until Christmas. Well… I guess, now it`s a really big possibility that Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas,… will be influenced by this global pandemic.

In the same time we see the world burn around us, literally. Our life had to adjust which is going better or worse for some or other, we had to make changes or changes hit us like a train. At least it did it to me. In my case, I made some short term adjustments, me being my most optimistic self at that time, believing that we would get through this together in a matter of months. Oh boy, wasn`t I wrong. Oh, yes I was so wrong about it. We are still in it and it only got worse… We all wishing for 2021, but to be honest, I don`t think that the pandemic has a timer. I don`t think that on New Year`s Eve we will count down and as soon it hits midnight and we turn to 2021, all of out problems will magically go away. I wish it was like that, but in reality, it doesn`t seem like it.

But the thing is, I have a feeling that all that hope about “we are going to figure it out together” and the” we are in this together” left me because I saw that we are only partially in it together. After 8 months, I still see people who refuse to wear a mask and talk with people who doesn`t believe in the existence of the virus. I mean, I understand that we have questions and concerns about it and by now everything is fishy, but that doesn`t mean that we should ignore all the signs and get others in danger. Because whatever is going on, it took way to many lives already, it can`t go on like this. I don`t want to worry about my nurse friends that they would die just because they wanted to help. I don`t want to be afraid to love someone and showing it to them by giving them a tight hug. I know they might not the biggest issues right now, but seeing all this pain and suffering and pain around makes me wish the good old days. Not because things went better, life was full of ups and downs then and now as well, but then life was simpler. What do we have now?! Question marks everywhere. We have people struggling because they lost their jobs or their financial stability, some grieving their lost ones, there are lonely people out there, who lost relationships and friendships that made them happy in the past. We all had changes to handle with; many got hit by catastrophes and natural disasters other than Covid, losing their homes and everything they owned.

In the beginning, we kept on telling ourselves that we will get through this all together, but the world became more divided than ever. We became selfish and blind to see all the suffering and the ways how we could change it. We learned how to fight against each other. We were supposed to get together and support, but we went against everything good we knew.

What will it take us to come together?! Fight for human rights didn`t do it, world being in flames didn`t do it, pandemic didn`t do it.

I really fair the future, what changes would it bring and how would we react. I already know that 2020 was a year of loss, but it`s important to think about what do we take out of it. Did we improve at all in any way?! Did we become better human beings?


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