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Can we not compete?

The world takes a shocking turn to end interpersonal competition

By Chris PagianPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Can we not compete?
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

For thousands of years we have been avoiding the problems caused by competition with each other, we have tried to ameliorate the bad situation caused by competition with the desire for peace, peace, equality, harmony, rapprochement ...... and so on, but to no avail, and we still have to use force to stop the force, violence to stop violence, and war to stop the war. The problem we are trying to solve is the consequences of competition, and no one wants to suffer such consequences, so we have the will to abolish the form of competition, but we have no way to replace the role of competition. For example, in the distribution of resources for survival, i.e., material wealth, the use of all scarce resources in the world, we have been using the law of possession and use, i.e., whoever possesses and whoever uses. The question is, what do we use these scarce wealth resources for? This is where the answer to why humans compete for survival may be found.

Competition is a form and method that aims to solve the distribution of the right to survive, and scarce wealth resources imply the right to survive, so the core of the problem is not competition, but survival. What is survival? It is the independent existence of individual life. To achieve the independent existence of individual life, it is necessary to divide the wealth resources that support this independent existence, and how we achieve this division is through competition. Therefore, as long as there is the existence of individual life, this division is essential, and as long as there is the process of division, no matter what methods are used, it is a competition, and as long there is this competition, the ultimate end of Thucydides' trap is the destruction of this species. Does this chain of logic not give people the creeps? Who set up this logic to bring about the destruction of the species? The question to be asked here is, do all creatures in the world follow this logical pattern to the destruction of their species? There is no need to answer, only we humans execute this only logic of competition for survival, and only we humans will soon be destroyed in this unbelievably competitive way. No matter which planet we move to in the future, no matter what form we will take to survive, as long as this logic of competition for life is still in place, humans will not escape rapid extinction, because the logic is waiting for us to give in.

Faced with this irrevocable end, are we not in a hurry? We have been in a hurry for thousands of years, but we are still at our wits' end. We are watching the fierce competition between human beings both internally and externally, watching human beings bleed and suffer in the competition, watching human beings destroy their lives because of the competition, watching the competition wreak havoc on the world's incomparable resources, watching the competition drive human beings to the brink of extinction, watching World War III happen unstoppably, watching Humanity inevitably falls into the Thucydides trap ...... Why are we helpless? We cannot do away with the competition; our order of life cannot function without it.

The anxiety is, can the vicious circle of competition be broken? Can we cross the Thucydides Trap? Can we not go to ruin in competition? Most urgently, can we not live in the ethical logic of competition, and can human beings end the competitive relationship forever? Imagine that if we still exist independently for the sake of life, all visions and all our aspirations will be scrapped, and any solution will only change the way of competition, will continue to compete, and even intensify the intensity of competition. Nothing will help until the ethical logic of competition is changed. Can the ethical logic of competition be changed if the concept of life is not changed? We have finally found the cause of competition, and it turns out that everything is the fault of the concept of life.

Anyone would ask: Can the philosophy of life be changed? If we change the concept of life, do we still exist? Change the name of the living and the conflict will be eliminated. There will be no competition? The most current question is: Will the scarce wealth resources not be scarce? The problem of distribution will not bother us? There will be no more strife among people? This series of questions is like a fish asking what to do if it meets a shark while walking on land. What if we can't hide? How do we answer the questions that the fish ask? Does the conflict caused by life still exist without being in the ethics of life? Can we not exist without being in the ethics of life? Do all other creatures compete with each other in bioethics? Do they all face eventual destruction due to competition of their kind?

The problem is very clear: the only way to eliminate competition is to change the concept of life, just as we did when we came ashore from the ocean, abandoning the concept of life and living in a different set of ethical logic. Therefore, it is foolish to seek a way to end competition in the ethics of life, and it is useless to exert all the effort in the search for fish. Don't try to take a dead end, the logic of life will only make you die faster. The only option is to turn around and seek a way out in the opposite direction. The day a person's perception is transformed is the beginning of a great turnaround.


About the Creator

Chris Pagian

Spontaneity is the character, things are not more than three is the principle.

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