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Being a Dreamer Focused on Light Is Fabulous, yet Needs To Be Backed by Education and Critical Thinking

Are all humans capable of change and coming back to their essence?

By Myriam Ben SalemPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

I am truly convinced in essence human being is good. And that is, in my opinion where the life purpose of humanity starts. To (re) discover humans' truth and come to its essence. Dis-covering the vail, the ‘Maya’ of the perception of the illusion. Being aware of what we truly are, consciousness only. There where we all are… the absolute reality, the one source of energy, universal intelligence. There where only love, joy, and compassion ‘exist. — Patrick Van Olphen

I wholeheartedly understand this optimistic and bright vision of life. Still, I need to respectfully disagree with my dear friend.

I agree with the statement above applies to all the original beings. We are all part of the oneness, meant to be a creator in this magical Universe, and leave our principled legacy in this interdependent reality — our spiritual dimension manifestation.

No surprise so many people spend a lifetime with the sensation of a void, no matter what they ‘accomplish’.

I wish I could say re-discovering our truth and coming back to one’s essence was accessible to all humans; a possibility that would be directly correlated to our free will in childhood, I suppose.

Sadly enough, when we are being raised in a dysfunctional family system and subjected to inconsistent and/or conditional love — sometimes being treated as belonging or trophy, should we happen to be raised by a narcissistic parent, we need coping mechanisms to survive and we choose a path.

Some of us go for the most difficult and virtuous one: the unaware empath. Picture the sweetest and kindest people in the room. They have in common a few traits:

  • Low self-esteem,
  • Non-existing to very fragile emotional boundaries because of a blurred sense of self. Building healthy boundaries removes the ‘unaware’ attribute,
  • An innocence that may reach the naivety level,
  • An endless people-pleasing pattern.

Those folks form a Fearful-avoidant insecure attachment style, in general. The rescuer pattern may accompany the package but not always.

An achiever component might be added to the equation completing all the ingredients for an Imposter Syndrome!

For those of you, dear readers, who are stopping by for the first time, it might be interesting to know that I used to be a combination of all the above and that I frequently wonder how I could survive 30+ years with all this mess.

The good news is that it means that our inner power and mental strength are higher than we may have ever imagined them to be. All that is needed is to be pushed by life to discover it!

Another group would go for the complete opposite path. The easiest and vicious one. That’s where we find all the antagonists/manipulators:

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder with the different levels of the continuum,
  • Psychopaths whether displaying antisocial traits — the cruelest and dangerous criminals of history — or not. Those in the second sub-group are as dangerous as their cousins. They only commit psychological crimes and, thus, are never caught or held accountable. Malignant narcissists (at the end of the continuum) are very close to this category.
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder: are uncomfortable unless they are the center of attention. They tend to dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior, act very dramatically — as though performing before an audience — with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appear to lack sincerity. They are self-centered and rarely show concern for others and would not hesitate to manipulate you, to mention a few traits.
  • And the list goes on.

A third group would be something in between: imbalanced good people diving into life with their heavy psychological baggage and with no to very little self-awareness, and jerks without endangering people’s sanity, on the other side.

Why is that relevant at all, one may ask?

Because there is a component that still nurtures my belief about the Universe fairness! In all those scenarios, free will is the keyword, I think.

Interestingly, it seems to me that some mind games and chosen survival mechanisms are too harsh for the soul not to be lost and, with it, the original humankind's goodness!

An individual who:

  • Intentionally abuses and manipulates,
  • Lacks empathy if they do have at all,
  • Secures their ends at all costs without feeling any guilt or remorse (or too little for the only bad group, without motivating them to stop their toxic behavior), Etc…

Would have an almost null capability of self-introspection, I believe, no matter how heartbreaking this truth could be!

Last thoughts

I am positive and have solid trust in the future. As the frequency on earth is rising and one way or another we are going to vibrate and resonate with it. It is in progress... It’s going to take some decades more but it is going to happen. This time where we are now is a harbinger. Let us focus on love and light! Despite all the bad news being shown in the media, there are a lot of lightworkers. We see them. — Patrick Van Olphen

There is a good reason why I love to use the ‘soul-friendship’ or ‘home’ label to call those folks who are an emotionally safe space, can actively listen, understand, validate, empathize, challenge, and celebrate!

That is to say that:

  • No matter how much love I unleashed following my re-birth that could feed the whole Universe,
  • No matter how much I get thrilled by my magical connections either with light-hearted genuine people who shine brightly or with other pure living organisms,
  • No matter how much I love implicitly modeling servant leadership and inspiring those who kept their heart open,
  • No matter how dreamer I am — and I am a big one,

I also deeply care about breaking innocence's vicious circle and explicitly educating about the danger of abusers and manipulators who have been making our world that imbalanced for thousands of years.

How? Through vehiculating their subtle venom to the subconscious program of folks who fought for their intrinsic goodness despite the conditioning and emotionally troubled environment!

I am a firm believer those inherently good folks are the secret weapon who may reverse the system and get us closer to the World of Pandora.

Two factors would be required:

  • Their awakening and rewiring their distortion to permanently connect with the higher self instead of being merely a visitor when practicing mindfulness,
  • Being educated about the variety of abuse and manipulation strategies to disable the bad to evil people.

Appealingly, some kids were raised by the same parents; yet chose completely different paths, some of which are virtuous and others bad and vicious.

In other words, being abused and hurt during childhood does not excuse abusing and hurting others. Again, it is a choice and the outcome of free will, I believe!

And I know many cruelty levels given that I’ve been around many narcissistic people my whole life while being naive and oblivious to the disorder like so many good people because the system controlled by many disturbed individuals wants it to be this way.

This education mission means the world to me, given that people don’t deserve to commit suicide because some lost souls would kill their spirit and make them feel worthless.


About the Creator

Myriam Ben Salem

I'm a passionate grown kid, a writer, a storyteller, an edutainer (education & entertainment), a lifelong learner, a speaker, an unapologetic truth-teller, and a stoic life philosophy lover!

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