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"A View from the Back Seat"

Simple, Right?

By Pamela Walsh-HoltePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

As a child she spent many hours viewing the world thru the backseat window of her parents car. In her 6-year old's mind she processes the conversations of adults and all the worlds problems she hears on nightly news casts. She cuts through any red tape, with her child like resilience, non judge-mental, un-inhibited thoughts formed from the most pure and honest viewpoint in our existence she contemplates the objectives of each of her concerns and she finds simple solutions formed within her child-logic perimeters.

If I were President I would get all the leaders of countries together and agree that for the next 100 years all humans will limit the size of their families to one child, two at the most! After all this would be for the benefit of the Earth and all who reside on it! It's Simple right?

If I were President I would create the first peace bomb, I would use the same elements that are used to knock people out when they are in surgery. Only it would be much much much bigger and it would put everyone asleep while peaceful tactics are taken to remove evil dictators and arrest people who enforce harm upon others! So Simple, right?

And I would make bullets that knock people out like animals when they are tranquilized instead of bullets that kill! Simple, right? As she tells herself I would have never invented nuclear bombs or used them in any form and she asks herself why all the Presidents didn't get together and agree to be ambassadors of the earth in the first place! Simple, right?

She wonders why so many are homeless as she views the many empty buildings and houses from her back seat window. She thinks about how she loves her friends that are different than her and for the life of her she can not understand how anyone would want to hurt them because they are different. Oh how boring the world would be if we all were the same. Right?

She looks at the waste of food and other resources and wonders why it is not given to anyone who needs it rather than thrown away! She is horrified by how many animals are killed for sport and trophy and wonders why there are so many killed for food that is not even eaten? She finds none of this to be simple, right?

As an adult she views the world from an adult standpoint. However, the child that is very much alive in her still cries out, why? Why is our world so over populated? Why does it matter the color of our skin? Why is there war? Why are people homeless? Why are we destroying our natural resources and allowing our animals to become extinct? Why do so many fear our own government? Why has there been no solutions? Why am I not safe?

She goes home every night, takes off her mandated mask and she turns on her TV. Shows about multiple births and numerous kids and counting are in the nighttime line-up and she wonders why? Why are these type of shows being promoted and applauded when she lives in fear of what the governments will do to alleviate the worlds overpopulation problems. With so many conspiracy theories she wonders if some are not true? After all, how can the world go on the way it is?

She no longer watches the nightly news as she believes that much of it is down right false and fabricated to meet an agenda of the rich and powerful. She steers away from social media as she fears a lack of privacy, and even though she enjoys technology and recognizes it's advancements and contributions she fears were it has gone and the affect it will have on the human race if used in the wrong context. She is appalled at the corruption within the government and the cover-up of crimes against humanity that are committed by those in power! She wonders why the earth is being depleted to provide energy and other resources needed for all, when there are viable green solutions available and she can only conclude the answer to be, to fill the pockets of the rich! Right?

She is insulted that world leaders and her own government lie to the people, as if they do not know what they are looking at, and that they can be lead to believe anything! She fears even a vaccination or visiting her doctor due to the many conspiracy theories she is exposed to every day. She begs her children to not bring any more babies into this surreal and fake world and she wonders about the future and what will become of the younger ones that she loves so much? She fears her own age because she will not be able to help them in any way! Right?

She shuts off the TV and closes her lap top and reaches for her literature on spiritual awareness and awakening as her vibration level increasing melody plays in the back ground, she meditates and prays for the Earth and all her loved ones. As she falls asleep she thinks about tomorrow and wonders if she has a mask to match her outfit? Simple, right?

She drifts off to sleep and finds her self a 6-year old in the back seat of her parents car, when everything was simple, right?

Pamela Walsh-Holte



About the Creator

Pamela Walsh-Holte

Retired social worker seaking to find my name among the "Chreators we are Loving", but alas it has not been so. Be still my heart, do not despair, your day may come...Until then I wait, anticipating some, be it ever so slight, recognition.

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