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A Passion for Fiction Writing

Blogging a Book with Membership Business Software

By TestPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
A Passion for Fiction Writing
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Out of all of my interests, I'm the most passionate about writing fictional stories. It took a blessing in disguise for me to discover this passion. First, people follow me and want to read my stories because they contain well-rounded characters, truth-ringing themes, believable conflict, and an inspiring story that motivates people to accomplish goals and achieve dreams. Next, people should support my passion because I am more than fiction stories. I am a survivor of both workplace and psychiatric ward drama. Finally, I can monetize from my passion for writing by blogging a book with the help of membership business software.

During high school, I gravitated towards drafting and numbers. When I failed to thrive in a college engineering program, I reluctantly switched to a liberal arts path. Becoming more appreciative of grammar and words, helped me realize that it was language and literature that truly interested me. Still, my most vivid memories from high school weren't from the math classroom, but from the art and language ones. The best choice I ever made regarding my education was to enroll in a psychology degree program, despite, the admissions counselor's suggestion that I study management.

People follow me and want to read my stories because they are inspirational. Although my stories will contain the less desirable aspects of life, for example, rejection, loss, and blame, they will revolve around the ability of the characters to overcome them, find belonging, and gain more than was lost. Still, both regular writing practice and knowledge of my creative process and inspirations allow me to focus on not only the development of characters with backstories, habits, emotions, and personalities but also the theme and conflict. Well thought out story elements will give the reader the satisfaction that reading the story was worth their time.

People should support my passion because I've overcome the emotional pain of harassment and stigmatization. These undesirable experiences have shown me how resilient, adaptable, and persevering humans are. It has also shown me how easily transgressors can get away with their crimes. At least from civil liability or criminal viewpoint. I deserve followers because I wish to give back by inspiring others through both my fictional stories and autobiography. Still, I desire to motivate others to reach their goals and dreams because humans are meant to thrive and attain excellence, despite, setbacks and calamities.

I can monetize from my writing by blogging a book with the help of membership business software. I could write a chapter a week for my members and consistently post the chapters at the same time and on the same day. Being consistent will allow members to easily fit reading my stories into their schedules. Another option that could be chosen would be an email reminding the member when a new chapter has been posted. A perk of following me will be the option to purchase the completed book in ebook format at a discount.

All in all, writing fiction is an interest and activity that I am most passionate about because it allows me to not only express myself but also create and use my grammar skills. People follow and support me because my stories are inspirational. Unfortunate circumstances forced me to experience and overcome distress relating to the loss of time and money, rejection, hate, revenge, and blame. Overcoming these infringements has shown me the potential and capability humans have to surmount adversities and continue to make goals and attain dreams. With the help of membership business software, blogging a book will provide me with income that will let me concentrate on writing fiction for my followers.


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