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8 Pieces of Crucial Relationship Advice for New Couples

Relationship advice that will help your partnership

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Relationships, in general, can be complicated, but one of the most challenging times of the relationship comes during the early stages.

It's normal to feel butterflies in your stomach when you first start dating someone new, but you should also be prepared to put in some work if you want the relationship to last beyond its honeymoon period.

If you're looking for crucial relationship advice that will help your partnership last over time, check out these eight tips.

1) Have Unpredictable Dates

Planning specific dates can be counterproductive, as we tend to be most at ease on familiar ground.

Change it up: Try taking your partner somewhere they have never been before and do something different than you usually would.

You might discover something new about your partner, or you may even learn something new about yourself—and that can only strengthen your bond with your partner.

The unexpected isn't always bad; sometimes, it's just what a relationship needs.

And don't forget to get creative! This doesn't have to mean splurging on fancy restaurants every time you go out; it could also mean doing things like hiking in a forest or walking through an art gallery together. Have fun!

2) Don't Judge Each Other

It can be not easy to see past any red flags when you're in love with someone.

You tend to minimize negative qualities and gloss over faults until they become painfully obvious.

However, the longer you're together, the easier it is to start seeing who your partner is—good or bad.

If you genuinely care about your partner and want things to work out long-term, try not to judge them too harshly on their flaws.

Try viewing them through a softer lens and approaching conflicts with more compassion than criticism.

And if your partner judges you, don't return judgment with anger—it won't solve anything and will drive both of you further apart emotionally.

Instead, use it as an opportunity to open up and talk about how each of you feels.

This is an essential part of building trust in a relationship.

3) Communicate with Respect

Communication is key to any successful relationship, but many couples have trouble setting aside time to talk with each other.

Set aside dedicated time once a week to sit down and talk about how things are going and what could be better.

If you're not talking with your partner, there's no way for you two to grow closer or solve problems.

Respect your significant other by making sure that you take steps towards working together instead of against one another.

By focusing on both of your needs, you can begin to meet them instead of being in constant conflict.

Remember: if you want something done right, do it yourself! Communicate with respect!

Asking questions doesn't make people feel stupid—it shows that they're important enough for us to learn more about them.

This makes them feel valued, which helps strengthen relationships.

4) Give Back Rubs

It can be tempting to fall into old habits when you enter a new relationship and start doing things your way.

There's certainly nothing wrong with that, but it can be helpful to come up with a few ground rules right away.

You and your partner should decide how important your individuality is within the relationship and what points you're willing to compromise.

There are some things—like where you choose to live—that don't need to be agreed upon (yet), but there are others—like who is in charge of making decisions about finances or whether or not either person wants children—that should come first.

Defining boundaries now will help ensure that everyone is happy in their relationship down the road; after all, they say respect goes both ways.

5) Set Boundaries Together

Many things may throw you off your game when you're in a new relationship.

Being in love can make people say and do things they normally wouldn't, so setting boundaries is vital to keeping each other happy.

Agree on what's OK and what isn't when flirting with others, how much time to spend together, who takes out which trash—whatever feels necessary.

By sharing rules and regulations before they become an issue, you can avoid unnecessary conflict down the road. After all, as far as first-world problems go, being annoyed at not having your way is pretty low on any list.

And if nothing else... happy couples don't fight over trash cans. (And honestly, we shouldn't be fighting about anything.)

If you want to get even more specific, look into using a tool like SmartSound.

It's like setting up boundaries with an electronic padlock: You both have access to them, but only one person can edit or add to them without permission from their partner. Pretty smart!

6) Build Trust Early On

When you first start dating someone, you need to remember that things might not always go smoothly.

You're going to have conflicts and arguments.

It's important to know that it's OK and normal to have these issues arise as early as a few weeks or months into a relationship.

Just remember: if it feels like trust is deteriorating too quickly and your romance is suffering because of it, talk about what's going on and try to address those concerns.

Hopefully, by laying everything out on the table right away, you can eliminate future problems caused by a lack of trust later on.

Remember, building trust takes time.

Don't rush things! If you feel like trust is falling apart quickly (or even after just a few dates), check out our advice on how to handle infidelity before it happens.

7) Attend Meetups Together

Meetups are a fantastic way to meet like-minded couples who have similar interests.

And, as long as you're having fun, chances are you'll spend more time together than you otherwise would (good news: increased quality time = higher chance of relationship success).

The social aspect of meetups can help prevent that sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize how much time has gone by since last seeing your significant other by attending meetups together and talking with others who've been where you are.

8) Ask About Each Other's Interests Regularly

You've met someone new and want to get to know them better.

It's only natural to quickly pick up on certain aspects of their personality, but don't forget to be curious about every facet of their being.

This means asking questions regularly about each other's interests and passions and keeping up with what they have going on in their lives outside your relationship.

Even if you're interested in a more casual relationship at first, remember those good relationships start with wanting to learn everything you can about another person—don't miss out on those opportunities!


About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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