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10 ways to get a man to like you in and out of the bedroom!

These are some of the ways that will help somebody fall in love with you.

By Crazy story writer ✍️ Published 4 years ago 5 min read
10 ways to get a man to like you in and out of the bedroom!
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

We all have a man that we fancy. Sometimes it can be difficult for us to get there attention. It can be hard if your nervous and it would be a shame to miss out on having the great oppunitities of having a great man by your side. We all deserve to be happy. Here are some of my tips and tricks for you to try and grab your perfect mans attention. My list is listed below:

1) Try and be yourself around him.

I think this is very important when your trying to grab a mans attention. He doesn't want to be seeing a fake person. He wants to see the real you as that is the only way he will be attracted to you. He wants to see you flourish. He wants to see you being happy. I think you just need to Be able to trust people as no body what's to see or be around a fake person.

2) Don't keep worrying about your body.

No body wants to see you being self conscious about who you are and your body. I think you should be in love with your body. You should cherish everything about yourself and enjoy all your features. I think more people will be interested in you for who you really are as a person. You should be proud of how you were brought in to this world and don't let anybody judge you In any way.

3) Be open around him.

If you are totally closed off, respond to every innocent offer to buy you a drink or to dance with attitude and eye rolls, no one is going to want to be with you because you are your own cock block. Just because you hit the dance floor for one dance doesn't mean you have to marry the guy. Just have fun and if it works it works, and if it doesn't, it doesn't, but you'll never know if your first response is to just ignore any and all guys who are trying to get to know you.

4) Have Thoughts in your head.

Try and have some thoughts on your mind before you meet the person. It can be rather awkward if you go and start chatting then there's an awkward moment of silence between you both. It is good to think of some ideas and questions to ask him so that you can keep the conversation flowing so this doesn't happen between you both. I think this way it keeps the good vibes going between you both.

5) Be a women that is living life at this point in time.

I think it is good to not ask to much from your partner in the early stages of a relationship. It can be very off putting and the commitment can get to much for people. I think you both need to have your own money and life your own lives. I think it is good to look after your self as well as being in a relationship with your perfect man.

6) Relax and be happy.

Having a sense of humour about things can go along way with somebody. Bursting into tears at dinner because your drink got spilled on your dress or he's five minutes late and you have a full on melt down about time management is a bit much. What can I say. Just take the cool and chilled out fibe. You don't really what to give your lover the wrong impression.

7) Know what you want from somebody.

Tell people what you what and what you enjoy in life. Be open. Tell people your goals and ambitions in your life. It is nice for you to share and fulfil them. Making goals with somebody can be very exciting. Seeing you being passionate about something in your life makes them want to come along and enjoy it too.

8) Care about yourself

take care of yourself. Make sure that you look after yourself. Exercise, eat right, don't smoke, avoid drugs and heavy drinking, ditch the horrible behaviours that no body really enjoys, and put some kind of effort into your grooming and beauty routine. Make sure you look after yourself and stay happy.

9) Don't be narrow minded around your favourite lover.

you've got those good thoughts in your head...fantastic, but so do other people. If you start a conversation and refuse to let any thoughts but your own be heard or be right, it's super unattractive. Even if you seriously disagree with a guy about something that is not rooted in actual fact, but opinion based, then disagree, but don't then turn it into World War III at every turn. That's not fun for anybody, including you. Be open to discuss and allow other thoughts into your world.

10) Be confident around him

This list isn't some magic recipe that will guarantee you sheer happiness, but it certainly helps to be the person you, yourself, would like to attract. Numbers 1 through 9 lead you to number ten. When you're taking care of yourself, and being open to the world, and having thoughts in your head, and know what you want, and being relaxed, not being closed off, and not obsessing, and being yourself, it should help you to become that confident woman who is attractive to the men you want to attract. We like to claim that we are so different from men when it comes to dating, but at the heart of it, we want mostly the same things from men, that are on this list.

I hope you enjoyed my list of how to impress your partner. I'm happy to be able to help you. I hope my tips have worked for you and I look forward to making more content in the future.

Look for more great content in the future from me.


About the Creator

Crazy story writer ✍️

"Captivating minds, one word at a time. 🖋️✨📚 Wordsmith | 🖋️ Writer | 🌟 Storyteller 🌍 Exploring the depths of imagination, I am a passionate writer dedicated to crafting compelling stories that transport readers to new worlds.

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