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Twin Flame

Be careful what you ask for

By Ashley La'DonnPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Twin Flame
Photo by Nico Marks on Unsplash

Twin flames are said to be two souls that mirror one another. Two divine souls that when they come together, magic happens beyond the soul’s belief. Twin flames have known each other for lifetimes and some can be stuck in repeat lifecycles that could be dangerous for the two and others around them if they were to join. I had no idea how dangerous this union could be when I set the intention to find my twin flame. I had been single for about a year after a rough break up with my son’s father. I had been doing research on this twin flame energy and was intrigued by the fact that someone was out there, just for me… so I thought.

After several tireless dates with awkward silences and not so funny jokes, I grew tired. I became bored with mediocracy and wanted more from my pursuers. I wanted a man that intrigued me, satisfied my mind and body, made me feel safe in my femininity, and held space for me when I wasn’t my best. They say the devil sends a decoy before the real thing comes and we want something bad enough, we will know it when we see it and be grateful for it, right? I thought that was the case when I met Renz. Renz was in the military police, ex-street cop. He was a little arrogant but there was something that intrigued me about him. He was dark, not only in his deep chocolate smooth skin but also in his demeanor. He was one with the darkness and I was light and we were intrigued by one another, to say the least. The sex was amazing. I left my body the first time this man touched me. I knew I still had a lot to learn about his man but already felt like I knew so much.

One day I was at work, sitting at my desk and while working, I stopped because I could smell his cologne. Renz wore Cool Water cologne and I thought my mind was messing with me when I could smell it in my office. I walked out of my office and walked outside. I could still smell the faint aroma of Renz. I quietly walked back to my office and sat down at my desk. I looked down at my phone and it was a missed call from Renz and a text that said “ Hey Babe, I’m on lunch and I was just calling to let you know I was thinking of you. It felt good to get a text like that after being single for a while. I responded and let him know I would see him that evening. And I did. And the evening after that. And the evening after that. We grew closer. Until I realized he was may have had secrets.

Renz and I had a passionate encounter one Saturday evening after a long afternoon of drinking wine and binge-watching Game of Thrones. Before I went home the next morning, I kissed Renz goodbye and stopped and grabbed a coffee from McDonald’s. I went to my apartment, took a shower, and laid down in the bed on my stomach. I started to fall asleep when I heard a deep, demonic voice call out to me, Amara! I was frozen to my core and stayed laying on my stomach so I couldn’t see who was behind me. I felt my mother who had passed away a while ago, rub my back softly like you would soothe a baby. I instantly fell asleep. While starting to nod off, I could hear shuffling. I felt the warm embrace of a female energy rub my back until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I jumped out of the bed and looked around, trying to gather myself, I looked around the room and seen where I dropped my keys on the floor in the bathroom when I came in and took a shower. I lit my sage bundle and prayed for all evil forces to leave my home. But at that point, the ancestors had already taken care of it. I also noticed that my mother’s picture on my dresser had been moved to the end of my bed. At that point, I knew something had happened.

That next day, I sat at my desk at work and I started to reflect on what took place the previous morning. I began to shake and as my mind went back to the moment I heard my name called out to me. What was that? I asked myself. That was no dream. I heard it. I felt it. That shit was as real as anything else. I went to my computer and Googled the term “Soul ties”. I remember hearing this lady on YouTube talking about soul ties and when you have sex with certain people, you could be binding yourself to bad entities. I heard that video months ago and had no idea why it came to my mind but I went with it. I pulled it up on Youtube and listened to it as I became to read what Google pulled up when searched the term “soul ties”.

As I kept reading, something told me to stop and google Renz. I know. Something my ass should have been done but I digress. When his name was googled, a Facebook page that I had never seen popped up. I clicked on it and scrolled through the posts. Nothing too crazy yet. I went to the About me section and scrawled down and noticed he was in an LGBTQIA community group on FB. He had never shared that side of himself with me. Before I just to conclusions, let me double-check these photos. His profile photo had a picture of his dog so I (just moving too fast, assuming it was him) jumped right into his posts so I felt it was necessary to go back and look at more of his pictures. I’m looking at the pictures and he has his pictures in his military gear from when he was overseas. Okay, nothing weird yet. Keep scrolling. Now he is posing in full-blown masonry attire, wearing memorabilia indicating he was top tier, 33rd-degree mason.

While still sitting at my desk scrolling through his profile, I saw someone walk past me in the corner of my eye. My heart started racing as I tried to take a breath. My hands were sweating and my mind was racing. I knew something was wrong. I was being followed. What the hell is this? What the fuck did I just bind myself to?

Stay tuned for part 2


About the Creator

Ashley La'Donn

Freelance writer, aspiring author, Social Worker, Non Profit Consulant, Future Executive Director, Herbal Hippie, and Mommy.

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