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Fear the Mind

By Suzy BohiPublished 4 years ago 30 min read
Terrified of what invasive torment, her assailant, might inflict on her next, she spirals through a world of pain, revulsion and seething psychosis


I woke up and walked around the house looking for our company. No one was in his or her rooms. I checked the kitchen, the upper rooms, the outside, but I couldn’t find anyone. I called to them, but no one answered.

While walking on the 3rd floor, I heard a soft, far away voice. I tiptoed quietly, to try and ascertain where the voice was coming from.

“Mommy,” called Lindsey. “Over here,” she said. I turned around and saw Lindsey standing on the railing, outside on the balcony.

“Sweetheart, get down from there, you’ll hurt yourself,” I screamed.

I opened the door and rushed outside. I climbed up onto the ledge and moved toward her. “Mommy’s coming, darling. Don’t move.”

“Susan,” yelled Paul. “Susan, what the hell are you doing, on the ledge?”

I heard Paul yell from a distance. I turned around too see where he was, and I slipped and fell off the ledge. I reached out and grabbed at the ledge, but my fingers weren’t long enough to wrap around the ledge, and they slowly slipped off the edge of the ledge. While sliding downward, I grabbed hold of the lattice and clung for my life. I looked up and saw Paul reaching for me.

“I can’t reach you, honey,” I said.

“You’re going to have to climb up a bit,” said Paul.

“I’ll try,” I said.

I lifted my foot up and lodged it between the lattice. Then I brought up my other foot and pulled up with my arms. As I put pressure on the lattice, my weight was too much and my feet, cracked the lathes. I slipped and screamed.

“Try again, sweetheart, forget your feet, use your arms to lift you,” said Paul

“I’m going to fall, Paul, I screamed. By this time, everyone was awake and watching me make a complete fool of myself. I tried to pull up but every time I put pressure on the lattice, it would crack and then crumble.

“It’s no use, Paul. I can’t move.”

Just then, the lattice broke, and I fell from one lathe to another, slipping farther and farther down, until the lattice was all used up, and I was falling in midair. I started to scream and suddenly, something grabbed hold of my body and lifted me up and over the balcony, and I landed, with a thud!

“Did you see that?” asked Sharon, astonished.

“Damn it, Susan! Are you all right?” asked Paul. “You’re shaking, baby.”

“Can you stand up, Dr. Skyler?” asked George. “I think we need to get her inside where she can warm up.”

George and Greg helped me into the house, while Paul ran to get me a blanket.

“It’s eight o’clock; I guess we should all be up anyway,” said Larry.

“Are you warming up, sweetheart?” asked Paul.

“I was trying to save, Lindsey. She was calling me, and I found her standing on the ledge outside.”

Sharon brewed a pot of coffee. Paul brought me hot chocolate, Alex made eggs, while George made toast. We ate hearty, and then it was time to start our day.

“I’m going to drop Sharon off at her mother’s, and then I’ll head straight to the station. When you guys are ready to visit Dr. Crane, stop off and I will go with you,” said Greg.

“Okay then, we’ll see you at the station,” said Paul.

“Are you ready to go, Sky?” asked Paul, after I’d showered and dressed.

“I’m ready,” I answered.

“We’d better get going then, the days wasting away.”

We arrived at the station at around eleven thirty. We walked in and found George and Alex, waiting by Greg’s desk.

“Where’s Larry?” I asked.

“He called and said, he couldn’t make it,” said Greg, walking up to his desk. “He said his answering machine had an emergency message on it, so he decided he’d better check it out.”

We drove about forty-five minutes and finally reached Dr. Crane’s place. He was hiding out, in a condo, with two women.

We knocked on the door and Lucinda, let us in. She introduced us to Betty, and they said that Stephen, hadn’t been up yet.

“Does he always sleep this late?” I asked.

“No, but he gets angry when we wake him,” said Betty.

“Could you just quietly open the door and peek in? We really need to talk to him,” said Greg.

“Okay, Officer Beck; just give me a second,” said Betty.

She was gone for about three minutes, when we heard the most awful screech and then another. We ran in the direction of the nose and when we got to the bedroom, Dr. Stephen Crane, was swinging from his tie, that was attached to his ceiling fan. There was an enormous amount of blood on the floor, underneath him, which appeared to be dripping from his stomach.

“Betty, call, 911,” said Greg.

Greg shook his head, and said, “This was no suicide. Whoever did this was sending us a warning!”

“Betty, said Greg, did Dr. Crane have any documents hidden anywhere in this place?”

“Not, that I know of. He usually kept to himself. He was so paranoid. He was even afraid to leave the Condo, to go outside, but, he helped pay the rent and he didn’t get in our way, so we didn’t say anything to him,” she said, while crying.

“Please, don’t go near the crime scene,” stated, Greg, looking at Betty and Lucinda. “I want you to close this door and leave it closed. We need to get a forensics team out before the crime scene it tampered with.”

“Officer Beck, asked Alex, do you mind if I touch the body?”

“That’s a very peculiar, request, but under the circumstances, maybe you could help. Sure, go ahead,” said Greg.

Alex hesitantly, walked over to Dr. Crane’s blood-covered body and reluctantly held out his hand, and then grabbing Dr. Crane’s foot.

“Aah,” screamed, Alex. He kept screaming and jerking, and his face started to contort. George, quickly reached out and pulled Alex away from the body.

Alex was pale and weak, so George held him up. “Are you okay brother?” asked George.

“I felt his pain, when his stomach was slashed open. I felt his terror, when they hung him from the fan; and I felt him slowly suffocate, grow deathly cold, and then just before he died, I heard him chant, forgive me,” said Alex.

“Well, I guess, you won’t be doing that again,” said George.

“I have to get back to town, Greg,” I said. “I’ve got patients coming in, and there is no one to greet them!”

“Dr. Skyler, said Greg, you do remember that your office is trashed and the glass on your doors are shattered?”

“I still have patients that I need to see. I can’t just leave them in the lurch,” I said.

“It’s okay, Officer, Alex and I will be with her. If there are any problems, we’ll try to help,” said George.

“Yes, go ahead, then. I’ll check on you in about two hours,” said Greg.

Upon arrival at my broken-down palace, as it were, we entered the office and looked around. It was, in fact, a sickening disaster. I checked the roster and realized I only had two patients, Alex and Greg, who were there a little late, but had reasonable excuses!

George and Alex headed for my office as I followed. When I shut the door, someone jumped me, and shoved a gun in my back.

“Don’t move a muscle, you two, or I’ll shoot the Doctor full of holes,” threatened the stranger. Now all of you turn around slowly and don’t try any funny business!”

“Oh my god,” I screamed. “What do you want from us? Why have you been hurting us? Where is my daughter?”

“Calm down, Doc,” said Alex. “You’re scaring him. He looks confused enough. You don’t want that gun to go off, do you?”

“Right,” I said. “What is your name?"

“I’m Jeffrey Connors, and I was right, I do have brothers,” he said as he touched George on the shoulder and then Alex.

Alex grabbed Jeffrey’s hand and held on tight. Alex jerked and Jeffrey pulled away!

“What do you think you’re doing? I told you no funny business, didn’t I,” he asked, waving his gun in Alex’s face. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he murmured. “You boys have been causing horror and dismay, everywhere you go. Well, I am here to put an end to it,” he said, shaking his head. “You aren’t going to make me do anything else I don’t want to do, against my will, do you hear what I’m saying?” exclaimed Jeffrey.

Alex started to laugh…

“You’re just a crazy bum. What do you know about it? I read you. You don’t even have a job. In fact, you don’t even know what day it is! Why have you come here?” asked Alex.

“Alex, what are you doing? Stop it before someone gets hurt,” I pleaded.

“He’s just like us Doc., only instead of trying to live life the best way we can, he’s cracked,” exclaimed Alex.

Jeffrey pushed the gun onto Alex’s forehead and pressed hard. While shaking, he said, “I don’t like you very much; you’ll die first!”

“No,” I screamed. Then, just that fast, I calmed myself.

“Jeffrey,” I said, soothingly, “If you would just let us explain what has been happening to you, you’d see that dying is not the answer. George and Alex came to me for help, and they have learned a lot about their lives. George tried to kill himself too, when I first met him, but look at him now,” I said, as I pointed to George, hoping he’d jump in, and join the conversation.

“She’s right, Jeffrey, I was so tired, I couldn’t function, anymore. I thought I was evil, but when Dr. Skyler became my doctor, she discovered the truth. Now I know, someone else did the bad. I just see it in my dreams.”

Jeffrey slowly started to lower his weapon. “Give me the gun, Jeffrey,” I said. I cautiously, reached for the weapon, and then Jeffrey fell to the floor, holding his head and weeping.

I handed the gun to George and then I embraced Jeffrey.

“Everything is going to be all right, now, you’ll see. Just give me a chance to fill you in on the horrifying things they did to you, when you were in your mother’s womb. Shh,” I said, you are going to be okay.”

“He gets inside my head doctor. He toys with me and then he hurts people, and makes me watch,” said Jeffrey.

“I know,” I said. “He’s still doing it to me. He makes me see things, I don’t want to see, and he uses my daughter to get what he wants. I’m not safe either. But he’s not going to get away with it, because I won’t let him.”

Suddenly, I screamed in agony…

“Get out,” I screamed. “Get out of my head!”

George and Alex held hands and closed their eyes. They tried to ward off the stranger inside my head, from taking over. They each grabbed my hand as I fell the floor in anguish. They couldn’t stop it. They saw me wretch up and the more I fought back the sicker I felt, until I was heaving my guts out.

Alex reached out to Jeffrey and grabbed onto his hand. Jeffrey took my hand, and he closed his eyes. Then the most amazing thing happened! I started to float on my back in midair! I couldn’t believe what was happening. There I was floating without any pain. I opened my eyes and felt the three brothers speaking to each other through telepathy. I know that had to be what it was, because I could hear the whispering in my head, and their mouths weren’t moving!

“Guys I said, you can put me down now. I’m all right.

“Jeffrey, I said when my feet hit the floor, you came to my rescue. If you hadn’t helped Alex and George, who knows where I’d be right now! Thank you, guys.” I hugged them one by one.

“Guys, I thought I heard you speaking to each other, but your lips weren’t moving. You were communicating through telepathy, weren’t you? I witnessed it with my own eyes, and you, Jeffrey; you know telekinesis! You lifted me off the floor! Then was it you who saved my life this morning when I fell off the balcony?”

“Doctor, I saw that happen, but I don’t think it was me!”

“Why don’t you think it was you? Did you know you were telekinetic?”

He hung his head, as if ashamed, “Yes, okay, are you satisfied now? Yes, I hurt people when I get angry. But I’ve never deliberately killed anyone That’s one of them, he said, pointing to Alex and George. That’s what they do,” he sobbed.

“Damn, I said, aloud, how many of you are there? Guys, can you just sit here for a second? I need to call Larry. Maybe he found out where Dr. Baxter is hiding.”

“Dr. Terrence Baxter?” asked Jeffrey.

I hung up the phone. “Jeffrey, what do you know about Dr. Baxter?”

“He said, he was my father. He said, we moved around a lot because bad men were chasing after him, but that he wouldn’t let them do harm to me. I ran away.

“Why?” I asked.

“When I was sixteen, I was dating this beautiful blond, bombshell. I thought I was in love with her. We did everything together. I hadn’t had an episode the whole time, I’d been seeing her. Then, I came home one night and father was furious with me. He screamed at me and said, she wasn’t who she appeared to be. He forbade me from seeing her. Then he said we needed to move away again. I couldn’t do it! She said she’d die if I left. So, I fought with my father, but he wouldn’t listen. I got angry and lost my temper. I don’t even know how it happened, but I held him up in the air and flung him against the wall, hard. I heard his breath leave his body. I thought I’d killed him. I’ve been running ever since. I thought my father was dead!”

“What happened to the woman,” I asked.

“It turned out, all she wanted to do, was find my father. I didn’t understand any of it! I got depressed, and I guess I never came out of it. Ever since then, I’ve been hounded by the feeling that God’s given up on me and the devil has taken my soul! I lost my ambition to finish college and have been living day to day.”

I wiped the tears from my eyes, and tried to pull myself together.

“Jeffrey, listen, as far as I’m concerned, there is no such thing as the devil, just misguided people. There hasn’t been one, that I haven’t been able to save. Don’t you worry, with the help of Alex and George, and a small amount of love, we’ll change your outlook on life, I promise,” I said.

“I don’t know why, Dr. Skyler, but I can’t help but trust you. I almost feel like I’ve known you all my life, and I can’t say no to you!” said Jeffrey.

I laughed at that and said, “Maybe you just need someone to trust for a change.”

“Thank you, Dr. Skyler. I am so glad to have you on my side. I feel better already, and I haven’t even hired you yet,” said Jeffrey.

“So, what are you waiting for?” I asked.

“Would you be my doctor,” asked Jeffrey.

“Sure, hop on board, the more the merrier,” I said.

“Thanks Dr. Skyler,” said Jeffrey.

“Jeffrey, you know you have to go turn yourself in to the police,” I said.

“No,” doctor, I can’t do that. I’ve only seen things happen, because something gets inside my head, and I can’t stop it. I’m innocent. I won’t sit in jail. I can’t!”

“Don’t be scared, Jeffrey. All they have to do is check your fingerprints, and with an attorney, you will be out in no time,” I said.

As Jeffrey spoke, he kept inching closer to the door. “No, I’ve been in jail before, for being homeless. I know how they are. You don’t have to be guilty of anything, and they can keep you in there as long as they deem necessary!”

Jeffrey, ran out the door, and as he ran, he shouted, “don’t try to find me, I am an expert at hiding. My father taught me.”

“Good Lord, I muttered, If the cops find him, they’ll take him in for murder, kidnapping, and who knows what all! He doesn’t know how much danger he just put himself in. What are we going to do?”

Alex and George, just looked at each other.

“Great,” I said. “You pick now to clam up. You guys have had an idea at the right moment, ever since I met you, and you pick now to go blank!”

“He’s scared Doc, said Alex. He’s been on the run since he was fifteen. He doesn’t have a home, and like he said, camouflage is his specialty. He probably won’t be found until he’s ready,”

“Or, I said, what if he’s not innocent? What if he was lying to us? Hell, for all I know, you guys are lying to me! I just keep getting deeper and deeper into this. Pretty soon I may not be able to dig myself out.”

“Calm down, Doc,” said George. “You need to be strong, or we’ll all crack!”

“I’m sorry, I said, my one o’clock will be here in thirty minutes. You guys want to order a pizza? I’ll buy.”

“What do you like on it, Doc?” asked Alex, touching my arm. Oh, extra cheese, mushrooms, bacon and black olive.”

“I wish you wouldn’t do that without permission. What if I was thinking about something private?” I asked.

“Sorry, Doc, I’m a creature of habit. I’ll try to curb my natural instincts so as not to freak you out!” stated Alex.

“Thank you, Alex.

“George wants tomatoes, green peppers, and pepperoni,” I said.

George and Alex turned around and stared at me…

“What’s up, guys? Stop looking at me like that. You’re giving me the heebie-jeebies.”

“Do you have your tape recorder on, Doc?” asked George.

“Yes, I turned it on when Jeffrey was talking to us. Why?” I asked.

“Could you play back the last few minutes of our conversation?” asked Alex.

“Sure,” I said. “Did I miss something about Jeffrey?” I asked.

The boys didn’t answer, they just waited for me to play the tape…

As we listened to the tape, I couldn’t believe my ears. “Well, you must have told me what you wanted earlier, George!” I said, uneasily.

“Did I Alex?” asked George.

“No, you didn’t, George. But who’s mind was she reading? We both like the same thing on our pizza! I’m sure she didn’t know that until today. Unless she asked us while we were being hypnotized,” said Alex, questioningly.

Doc, I’m going to think of something, and you tell me what I’m thinking,” said George, snickering.

I uncomfortably, giggled and said, “George, don’t be silly. This is ridiculous. I can’t read minds; are you out of your head?”

“From my last evaluation, Doc., the answer is absolutely!” said George.

Still laughing, George remarks, “Don’t change the subject, Doc, concentrate. What am I thinking?”

“You’re thinking, if we don’t order the pizza soon, we won’t be able to eat it before my next client arrives,” I said, as Alex picked up the phone and dialed information, for Pizza Hut.

“Concentrate harder,” said George.

“This is crazy,” I insisted.

“It sure is, said Alex.

“See, George; now stop this nonsense,” I insisted.

“No, Doc,” said Alex. “You read my mind. I was thinking the very same thing you murmured, while I was dialing information.”

“Guy’s, this is creeping me out. Stop it,” I said, desperately.

“Lie on the couch and tell us about your childhood, Dr. Skyler,” said George.

“Yes, Dr. Skyler,” said Alex, rubbing his chin and pacing back and forth. “Did you hate your Mother? Did your father beat you? Were you a middle child?”

“Okay, you guys, I see what your doing. You think this is really funny. Just because I happened to think the same thing, you were thinking, once doesn’t mean I have extra sensory perception. All it means, is that I got lucky once! Now stop this, persecution instantly,” I said, sternly.

“Okay, Doc., it’s hard to take, when you realized you’ve got a gift. I apologize,” said George.

“Yeah, me to,” said Alex.

I just looked at them bothered, by the thought…

“I’m going to go out in the hall and wait for the pizza,” volunteered, George.

When the pizza arrived, George brought it in and said, “Gee, it doesn’t look like your one o’clock, is going to show.”

While we munched on Pizza, I called Larry. Of course, I got his answering machine. “Larry, it’s me, Dr. Skyler. I wanted to touch base with you. I was wondering what, if anything, you’d found out today. Please give me a ring, either at the office or at home, ASAP. Bye.”

I picked up the phone and dialed the Police station.

“Okeechobee Police department, Ginger speaking. How may we help you?”

“I need to speak with Officer Beck, please,” I answered.

“Could I tell him who’s calling, asked Ginger.

“This is, Dr. Skyler.”

“Hold, please,” said Ginger.

“Beck here, what’s up Doc?” he asked, giggling. ‘as if I hadn’t heard that, way to many times.’

“Greg, we’ve met brother number 3. He came here of his own volition. He got nervous when we said, he had to turn himself in, and he fled. I don’t know if he is innocent or not, but he seemed to be telling the truth, when he said he had nothing to do with any of this. I still think he needs to be picked up, even if he’s not dangerous. He could be in danger, himself. His name is Jeffrey Connors, and, Greg, I think there are more than three brothers. I honestly don’t know how many there are, anymore!”

“I’ll put an all points out on Connors, but you better keep an eye on George and Alex, so they don’t get taken by accident!” said, Greg.

“Thanks, Greg. I have been trying to reach Larry for most of the day. Have your heard from him?”

“Not since this morning. Do you think something is wrong?” asked Greg.

“I don’t know. I just feel like I should have heard from him by now. He knows I am anxious to hear his findings.”

“I’ll keep an ear out. You take care, Doctor, I’ll call you when I can. Bye now,” said Greg.

As George and Alex and I chit chatted, time flew…

“Yes, Lindsey, I hear you,” I said. “Where are you, honey? Please, sweetheart, it’s been so long. I miss you so much. Please tell me where you are.

Alex and George, took hold of my hands and tried to read what was going on.

I was talking with Lindsey, and I felt someone pulling on my arm. Then I heard Alex far away yelling something, “Doc., Dr. Skyler,” shouted Alex and George, “Look at us,”…they pleaded.

“Snap out of it,” yelled George, still shaking my arm.

“What’s the matter with you two!” I asked, exasperated. “I’m trying to find my daughter, and you rudely, interrupted me. I might have found out where she is!”

“Dr. Skyler,” screamed, Alex. “Calm down and listen. You aren’t speaking with Lindsey; it’s our brother. He entered your head and put Lindsey’s thoughts into your head. You need to distinguish between your daughter and our brother. Otherwise, you’re putting yourself and everyone around you in terrible jeopardy.”

“You mean,” I said, letting, what Alex just told me, sink in, “You mean, he’s putting thoughts into my mind, that aren’t real? How could anyone do that? That’s like, as I thought, psycho-suggestion! It’s not possible, is it, Alex?”

Alex put his arm around me and walked me to the sofa.

“I don’t know, said Alex, but I think he’s been entering all of our brains. For some reason, you are more susceptible than George or I. If we figure out how he does it, then maybe, we can stop him and find your daughter.”

I broke down and started weeping, furiously. I felt defeated. I was so tired of trying to be strong. I just wanted my baby girl, back, and I could do nothing to help her. “Maybe I haven’t been speaking to Lindsey all along. Maybe all of it was your brother. Help me,” I begged, pouring my heart out to George and Alex.

“Why don’t we try contacting our brother?” George, suggested.

“Yeah,” said Alex. “That’s a great idea. Instead of him finding us, maybe we can locate and terrorize him!”

I wiped my tears, and asked, “How do we do that?”

“Let’s try contacting him through a séance, like we did the night of your party. Only this time, we three will put our minds together,” said Alex.

“What happens, if it doesn’t work?” asked George. “What if he’s too strong?”

“What have we got to lose? He’s already taken over each one of our subconscious and made us do and see things, we wouldn’t otherwise dare, dream of,” I said.

“I for one, am in,” said George.

“Count me in too,” volunteered Alex.

“I’ll go check Kerry’s desk, for candles,” said George.

“I’ll shut the blinds,” said Alex.

“Let’s form a circle on the floor,” I said.

We grabbed each other’s hands and closed our eyes. We sat on the floor for only a few minutes, when all of a sudden, we could read each other’s minds. We were actually talking to each other through thought. It was truly, amazing! As we read each other’s minds, we started to chant.

“We know who you are. Come out, and show yourself. You can’t hide from us anymore, you coward. Come to us now,” we all chanted.

Alex started to jerk, then George and then I.

“Do you see him, guys?” I asked.

“Yes,” they both answered.

“Can you tell where we are?” I asked.

“Where are we brother?” asked Alex.

Their brother, was the spitting image of Alex and George. The surroundings felt like some sort of cave. It was very dark.

“Where’s my daughter?” I screamed.

“Get out of my head, you amateurs,” screamed the unknown brother.

“We aren’t going anywhere, until you tell us where Lindsey is,” I yelled.

He started to laugh, his evil laugh. “I don’t have to tell you squat,” he roared.

“We can see you. We know where you are. We won’t get out of your head, until you tell us where, Dr. Skyler’s daughter is,” screamed, Alex.

“Go to hell, you self-righteous fools,” yelled the strange brother.

“No, you bastard! You go to hell. Where is my daughter?” I yelled.

“What are you doing,” asked George.

“No, put the knife down! You don’t have to do that! Please, just tell me where Lindsey is,” I said, pleading.

“He hesitated, and then stabbed himself in the arm. We all felt his pain. It was excruciating.

“Stop, you’ll kill all us all,” yelled George.

Then again, he stabbed himself, in the arm. “Where’s my daughter,” I screamed, in pain and feeling exhausted.

He lowered his knife and thrust it into his leg. We all shrieked with pain and I could feel that we were starting to lose the connection; and then all was silent.

“What happened?” I asked, opening my eyes.

“We weren’t strong enough. He knows how to keep us out now,” said George.

“What do we do now?” I asked.

“We need to find Jeffrey. Maybe if we find him, he’ll be just enough help to stop our brother from blocking us out,” said George.

“Did either one of you see where he was, I mean, I know it was dark, but did you see anything? Or did he have any tattoos or any distinguishing marks?”

“I don’t think it was a cave,” said Alex.

“Yeah,” said George. “It was some kind of dungeon! Are there any old motels or resorts or eerie castles around here that you know of?”

“We better call it a day, guys. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for all your help. I don’t know what I’d do without you two,” I said.

“Nice try, Doc,” said Alex. “We aren’t going anywhere, until Paul shows up.”

The Phone Rings…

“Hello,” I said.

“Susan, It’s Greg. I tried to hunt down Larry, but I’ve had no luck. I went to his place. It looked like there’d been a struggle. If you hear from him, please let me know.”

“Did you find anything unusual at his place? I mean, you know, other than ransacking, maybe, paperwork or anything involving the look-alikes? Just to be clear, on the fact that, I don’t know how many there are any more!”

“No, everything was in disarray! Why don’t you meet me over there, and we can go through the mess with a fine-tooth comb,” suggested, Greg.

“Okay, I need to talk with you anyway. Do you mind if I bring back-up?” I asked.

“That is an excellent idea, Susan,” said Greg.

Our arrival at Larry’s, was quick and uncomplicated.

“That was quick,” said Greg. I just arrived myself, a few minutes ago.

We told Greg about the séance and what exactly happened. He told us we were out of our minds, for even attempting, anything like that. Then we began to tell him what Larry had found out before he disappeared, about the laboratory and also what we’d learned from Jeffrey, brother number 3. He was amazed, at what we’d told him and he tried to take it calmly. He’d seen too many weird goings-on around the three of us to just call us crazy. We sifted through Larry’s mess for several hours, coming up empty-handed.

“Larry said, he kept a file on everything so, if it’s not here, then he has it with him, or it’s been removed,” I said.

“It appears, whomever was after him wanted to get rid of any evidence,” said Greg.

Alex picked up Larry’s brush and began jerking furiously.

“Alex, what’s wrong, “I asked.

George tried to keep him from falling to the floor. I grabbed the brush out of Alex’s hand, and he went limp.

“Larry is going to be pushed, off the Sunshine Skyway bridge, in Tampa, Florida at 7:00 p.m. tonight,” said Alex in his weak state.

Greg picked up the phone and dialed the Tampa Police Department.

“Dade County Police, Kim speaking. How may we help you?”

“This is Officer Greg Beck, of the Okeechobee Police Department. We have a grave emergency, please connect me with your captain.”

“Captain Schroeder, here.”

“Captain Schroeder, this is Officer Greg Beck, from the Okeechobee Police Department. I’m calling to ask a big favor. My brother is being held hostage in Miami, and the perpetrator is going to push him off the Sunshine Skyway Bridge at 7:00 p.m. tonight. I am calling to ask if you could position some of your men on the bridge, undercover, so that we can capture the criminal and save my brother’s life?”

“Where did you get this information? Why would your perp even divulge that information, to you?” asked Captain Schroeder.

“It’s a long story, Captain. Maybe, I’ll have time to enlighten you when we catch the bad guy! As it is, I’m not sure how long it will take me, to arrive, but I will be there,” said Greg.

“It’ll take you about an hour and a half. We’ll see ya, when we see ya,” said the Captain.

Greg hung up the phone.

“Who’s riding with me?” he asked.

“Why don’t you take Alex and George, and I’ll ride with Paul?” I said.

“That’s fine by me,” said Greg. “Let me drop you off at your office, and we’ll be on our way.”

Greg sat in his car, while I got out of the vehicle.

“What are you waiting for Greg; you’d better get going. You don’t know how long it will take,” I said.

“I think I should wait for Paul to show up,” said Greg.

“He will be here in a jiffy. You need to go. I will be just fine, Greg,” I said.

“You sure?” asked Greg.

“Get out of here, Captain!” I spouted.

“We’ll see you in Miami, Susan,” said Greg.

Paul picked me up about fifteen minutes after Greg and the guy’s left.

“What the hell,” yelled Paul. “Doesn’t anyone listen to me? I told those guys not to leave you alone!” said Paul.

“Sweetheart,” I said, kissing him on the lips. “I told them to go. We need to leave, right away. I’ll explain in the car.”

“What’s the rush?” asked Paul.

“Just get in the car,” I said.

While Paul drove, I filled him in.

“You do realize, Miami is an hour and a half away?” asked Paul.

“What’s your point?” I asked.

“I had reservations for dinner and a comedy show. The were only a hundred-and-fifty-dollar tickets,” said Paul.

“I’m sorry, darling, but I just thought we might be able to help save Larry,” I said.

It was a long quiet drive, while heading toward Miami.

“Paul, darling, what comedy show?” I asked.

“Only your favorite stand-up comedians to date. But you’ll never know now,” Paul said, smugly.

“Tell me who it was baby? You know I’m dying to know. Stop teasing!”

Suddenly, a station wagon, pulled out in front of us. Paul slammed on the brake and the car screeched its tires and went into a horrible spin. The tires, caught the side of the road, and when the tires hit the gravel, it flipped over, off the road, into the ditch.

When I woke up, I was blindfolded, with my hands tied behind my back. I was in a moving vehicle, but had no idea where I was going.

“Where am I,” I asked.

“Just, shut up and sit still,” said the stranger.

“What do you want from me?” I asked.

“I said, shut up, or I’ll have to keep you quiet the hard way!”

“Who are you?” I asked.

Whoever it was, stepped on the brakes and came to a screeching halt. He was pissed. He yanked me up off the seat, shoved something into my mouth and taped it over with duct tape. I tried to speak, again, but it was useless.

He started the engine, and off we went. “I’m going to ask you some questions, and I want you to shake your head yes or no. Do you understand?” asked the stranger.

I nodded, yes.

Perfect,” he said. “Do you know who I am?”

I shook my head, no.

“Didn’t you recognize my car?” he asked.

I nodded, yes.

He ripped the tape from my mouth and pulled out the cloth.

“Now, I ask you again, he said, who am I?”

“You’re Alex and Georges brother?” I questioned.

“That’s very good doctor. My name is Aaron Marx. I’m the spitting image of Alex and George. It’s nice to have brothers that look like me. That way, I get away with anything I want. Too bad our sister doesn’t look like us,” he said sniggering.

George and Alex, have a sister,” I said, shocked.

He reached over and bluntly, slapped me in the face.

“I do all the talking, remember,” he said. “You’re just like your daughter. You always think you know everything. You think you have to be in charge!”

“I’m sorry,” I said, trying to calm down. “What do you know about my daughter?”

He slapped me in the face, again. “Shut the fuck up!” he yelled. “You will learn to obey me, doctor!”

I nodded, yes, as tears came to my eyes.

“You are more beautiful in person, than in my dreams,” he said.

“I’m going to be late for my appointment, if I don’t step on it,” he said.

He turned on the radio, switching from station to station, until he found static. He left the static on, as if he enjoyed it.


About the Creator

Suzy Bohi

Suzy Bohi, has two published books. 'Hush Little Babies' and 'The Terror Zone' Watch for her 2nd installment to 'The Terror Zone', titled 'Don't Say a Word'.

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