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The Hunted

The story that'll bring them together

By Marcus CheePublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Supernaturals are being hunted down by hunters that can temporarily take the powers of those they hunt, allowing them to further hunt down more. Making them the ultimate killing machines. As the killings continue they gain more knowledge on attracting and killing supernaturals. 25 years have past since they've started and the supernaturals have started to fight back trying to regain their freedom and to preserve their kind.

25 years have past, the hunters are still in control of most of the world, there are some areas that the supers still have control over, but defenses are waking more and more every month that passes.

Getting his next assignment from the group, it's nothing more than a common werewolf. Grabbing his belt that was full of silver-made daggers and poison he heads out and starts his search.

Stepping outside, he takes a deep breath of the cool crisp night air. Pulling his hood up, he makes his way towards town to begin his search. Meanwhile, another super is making her way through town getting her supplies for the week, but is having trouble controlling her hunger. She makes her way towards a tavern and takes a seat at one of the tables.

A barmaid makes her way over and starts wiping the table, "Is there anything I can get for you miss?"

She asks politely, "Just bring me an ale, and keep them coming," the super says, trying not to sound annoyed.

After hours of searching, he has no luck and decides to go to the local tavern. Walking in, he heads for one of the back tables, sitting he pulls out his paper and starts to examine everyone, the super on the other hand is six ales in and has her head resting on the table.

After a while he orders an ale as he continues to watch everyone in the tavern, suddenly a commotion starts when two other customers start arguing. He smirks and walks over as the owner tries breaking them up, "why don't you listen mutt..." he says with a smile

The bigger guy turns around, "what did you just call me..." growling a bit, he shakes his head, "it's hard for a wolf to keep from shifting out of anger....especially when it's drunk..." he says pointing at the guy's arm, that was covered in fur.

"Who cares nobody here can do anything about it!" He growls squaring up ready to fight.

"Well as a matter of fact I can..." he says as he unites his cloak and it drops to the floor revealing the daggers and hunter's emblem on his dagger belt.

"Well, well, well seems like they finally see me as a threat to send a hunter after me," the guys says as he starts to shift into his lycan form. Once people see him shifting they start freaking out and start running out of the tavern or try hiding, the woman was used to seeing all sorts of shifters but she had to play along with the humans or she'd be found out.

After he's fully shifted he towers over the hunter standing at almost 9' tall. The hunter smirks and looks at him, "just because you're bigger, doesn't mean you're going to win..." he says reaching for two of his daggers as he gets into his stance. They look each other in the eyes just before the lycan's claw shoots out to slash at the hunter, barely missing him as he jumps and rolls to the lycans left side and drawing the daggers as the table that was behind him was now nothing but mere kindling.

The hunter rolls to his feet and plunges the two daggers into the lycan's leg, the lycan roars out in pain as the silver blades enter his body. Turning he tries swiping at the hunter with his other claws. Barely managing to avoid it, the hunter feels stinging in his side. The lycan had managed to draw blood as he looks down and sees four rips in his vest, two of which have exposed and torn flesh.

The lycan grins exposing his fangs, "I'm a lot faster than I look..." he swipes again the hunter dives forward and under the lycan's attack, drawing two more daggers and plunging them deep into the lycan's gut as he rolls to his feet standing. The lycan roars out again and manages to kick the hunter, then goes through the air and crashes into some chairs. The hunter staggers to his feet smiling and wiping the blood from his mouth. "I haven't had this much in a long time..." he says drawing his last two daggers, "this is where it ends..." he says as he prepares to charge the lycan.

"I too little human..." he growls getting on all fours "for you...yes this is the end..." they squared off at each other before rushing towards one another, the lycan grabs the hunter by the throat as the hunter plunges one dagger into the lycan's arm. As the hunter struggles to get out of the lycan's grip, he gets pinned to the ground along with his other arm. "This was fun..." the lycan snarls, "but now it's time to end this..." he opens his jaws wide going to take a bite from the hunter's throat. The hunter kicks at the daggers still left in its gut and the lycan's grip loosens as it cries out in pain. The hunter pulls his arm free and plunges the daggers in the throat of the beast, blood trickles down the blade and handle onto the floor as the life in the lycan's eyes begins to fade.

The hunter manages to roll the lycan onto it's back once it's dead, an eerie howl echos through the tavern as the spirit of the lycan comes out and enters into the hunter, granting him healing abilities and senses. The hunter's eyes flash a deep red as his takes the daggers from the body.


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