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Running Round Red Mountain

Chapter 5

By Carlos GuerraPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

A convoy of three SUV's flew down a quiet road at full speed. Jack, riding shotgun in the second vehicle, was having some trouble trying to resist the urge to check his watch.

"You really need to put the breaks on all the stress kid, you're to young to be losing your hairline." The man driving the vehicle, Sal Ricci, spoke up; purposely breaking the silence.

"Only time I see him concentrating that much is when he's thinking about that foxy little blonde of his." Sam chimed in from the back seat smiling.

"Is that it Jack? You reminiscing over a girl or did this sick fuck leave that much of an impression?" Sal asked, he always found a way to make light of things.

"Something is off with this guy... he knew Riley's name," Jack answered, scratching the back of his head. "I can't shake the feeling that he wants to be here."

The vehicle became quiet again and all the passengers could sense the eerie feeling in the air. "Shit... I guess that makes him the only one." Sam said back.

Suddenly a transmission comes in, "Ember 2, come in, this is Ember 1, you guys better not be stealing down time." First squads team leader, Vince Bell, called in from the leading vehicle. "Anyone know how far out we're supposed to take this decoy?"

"Squad 2 is all eyes & ears Bell, make sure squad 1 stays on the same page, the line has been cast but there's no way of knowing how far out the targets people will wait to take a bite."

"Rodger that squad 2, our guys will keep a close eye on our six, make sure nothing catches us with our dicks in our hands."

Jack recognized the voice, Squad 3's team leader Ace Cooper. The two of them had been recruited together and have been friends for some time.

"I second that Ember 3, keep a sharp eye on your own backs as much as you do ours. We don't know how many wack jobs this guy has behind him, so we have to be on high alert the whole way." Jack trusted the guys he worked with; years on missions together had solidified their bonds. "Ember 1, Ember 3.., let's stay frosty out there. Ember 2 out." Jack closed his eyes as he put the radio mic back on its holster. Something about all of this doesn't add up, he thought to himself.

Back on the plane, Carson shot up in his seat, not realizing that he had fallen asleep. The flight attendant, Sydney, had her hand on his shoulder, probably trying to wake him up.

"I'm sorry Detective, I didn't want to wake you but I wasn't willing to be responsible for you falling asleep on the job either. Ya know, having pressured you into having that drink and all." She seemed to be teasing him, staring at him with a flirtatious grin.

"Although I am a bit of a light weight, it's just been a long day. I must have nodded off. Don't worry though, I'm up now, wouldn't want you feeling guilty for trying to get me drunk." Carson knew he shouldn't have said that but for some reason he couldn't control himself.

"I don't mind feeling a little gui-," before she could finish what she was saying, a voice came out on the loud speaker.

"Detective Rose, this is Captain Smith, can you please see me in the cockpit. You might want to hurry sir, it looks like we have a serious situation on our hands.

"I'll be there right now," Carson yelled out. "I really need to go," he said half to Sydney and half to himself. Nearly taking off in an all out sprint, Carson reached the door to the cockpit in seconds. He pounded on it with his entire fist. "Open up, It's Detective Rose." He could hear latches turning, someone was opening the door for him. As the entrance swung open, Carson could see three pilots sitting at their stations. A few dim blue lights illuminated his skin as he made his way inside. "what seems to be the problem?"

"Why don't you take a look for yourself," one of the pilots replied pointy a finger out in front of him.

Carson leaned in between two of them to get a good look out the wind shield. Squinting for a few seconds, his eyes shot wide open when he realized what it was they were all staring at. "What the fuck!"


About the Creator

Carlos Guerra

Born on 09-07-95 in Miami, Florida.

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