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Magic Kind

A.K. Myers

By A.K. MyersPublished 4 years ago 21 min read
Part One

Nightfall Valley was my safe haven. The dark, dusty ash that coated the ground was soft between my bare toes, and the blood-red moon in the night sky reflected its shadow across the barren terrain. As I walked along the intimately familiar path, I considered my life as it was in the moment. I lived in a state of constant upset and never had any peace, not even for a moment. My parents made sure of that, doing their very best to make sure I was unhappy. They believed that I wasn’t what they deserved in a child, but if that was true I think it was only because I reflected who they truly were. My parents were powerful, but that was all. They weren’t true people. Caring for nobody but themselves was a sure way to lose all humanity, or what little humanity they had to begin with when they weren’t even human.

Even so, they felt they’d been cheated by getting stuck with me. My mother was a Goddess of Night, and my father was a God of the Skies; they were two primordial beings who birthed a daughter wrought with madness. My title was the Goddess of Madness, Rage, and Dragons, yet my only aligned talent was my ability to shift into a dragon of pure black. When two powerful beings had children, it was assumed what they would be based on the powers of the parents. In my case, the prediction appeared to have been wrong. Because of this, I was looked down on by not only my family but by the rest of my society as well. It was terribly lonely, and at times it seemed almost impossible to push away the growing madness that plagued my mind. Maybe if I’d let it take over, I would have been what my parents wanted, but I couldn’t allow that to happen.

As I pondered, I sat on the ground, looking up at the sky. I’m not sure how long I stayed like that, but I snapped out of my haze when I heard the sound of approaching paws. My wolf companion, Liulfr, bounded over to me with a note tied tightly around his neck. Confused, I retrieved and carefully unwrapped it. It contained a summons from my mother, demanding I return home. She and my father had something important to announce. Whatever it was couldn’t be good. Unless they had a compelling reason to endure my presence, my parents usually avoided me. Sighing, I stood and stretched my stiff muscles. Liulfr barked at me, impatient.

“I know. I’m hurrying,” I said. If Liulfr was worried then I should have definitely been concerned. My wolf never feared anything. Quickly as possible, I undressed so that my clothes didn’t get destroyed during my transformation. It took mere seconds before a huge obsidian dragon stood in my place. I took a moment to get used to my new form because it had been a few days since my last shift. After I’d adjusted, I signaled to Liulfr to begin heading back. My powerful wings propelled me straight up and through the air. I glided across the sky above the desolate land, and everything disappeared. My fears and worries didn’t matter to my dragon, because all she cared about was the freedom of flight.

I made it back to the castle only a few seconds before Liulfr did. He was quick on his feet when needed. I landed on the stone balcony outside my room and shifted back to my human form. Deciding that I didn’t have time to waste, I simply threw on a black silk robe that was hanging on my four-poster bed. I found my parents waiting for me in the Great Room, sitting side by side on a massive loveseat. They narrowed their eyes in my direction to show their displeasure at my delayed arrival. I said nothing and instead raised my eyebrows.

“Where were you?” my mother, Nexas, asked.

“Walking,” I responded, not willing to volunteer more. My mother clearly disliked my lack of clarification because her eyes slowly began to shift to solid silver, a sure sign that she was about to lose it. Whatever they had to say was huge if she was at the edge of her control. She was usually the picture of perfect discipline. My father, Alon, put his hand over hers to calm her.

“What your mother wants to know is why you weren’t back sooner. We made it clear in the summons how paramount our news is. I’m going to assume that you were farther away than we thought and you rushed back as soon as you were called.” His tone of voice made it clear I didn’t want him to assume otherwise. On the outside, my father appeared calmer than my mother, but in all honesty, it was much worse for me if he was upset. He didn’t accept disobedience for any reason, which was why I was mostly a dutiful daughter.

“Of course, Father. I was in the Valley and flew back as quickly as I could. I apologize for making you wait.” The words tasted like acid on my tongue. I hated having to appease him as if he deserved it when he made my life a living hell. It was as if he could hear my thoughts because a smug smirk appeared on his face.

“Good,” he said. “Sit down. Your mother and I have something to tell you.”

I made my way over to a chair as far away from them as possible and sat down. A sense of dread was working its way up my throat as I observed the ecstatic expressions they both wore. Good news for them was usually bad news for me. My mother was the first to speak.

“Ever since your birth, we have been disappointed in the lack of power you hold. We assumed you would always be useless, but our luck has turned and we have found a use for you after all.” I was simultaneously insulted, terrified, and amused. I mean, after nineteen years they still couldn’t find anything better to call me than useless. What could make them see me differently, though?

“Your father has been approached by Icar. He wishes to wed you.”

“He asked my permission for your hand and I have given it. You are going to marry him, and your union will make our family capable of unimaginable things.”

“But why me?” I couldn’t comprehend why Icar, the God of Demons and Vampires, would want me as weak as I was.

“He believes that any child the two of you create will have enhanced skills in the black arts because of your madness magic, though you have yet to access it,” said my mother. “He wants his heirs to be fearsome, and he believes you can give that to him.”

Father interjected. “Your magic has always been a stain on our family and now you have the chance to change that. This will happen whether you like it or not.” He kept speaking, explaining why I had no choice, but I couldn’t hear a word he was saying. My mind was going dark, insanity pushing at the edges, trying to escape. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the tapestries on the wall catch fire and I could feel my hands shifting into claws as they dug into the seat beneath me. I didn’t want this, and there was no way I would allow them to force me.

I was halfway between sanity and madness. They’d nearly pushed me over the edge. I refused to be some sociopath’s breeder. I wanted love, and I wanted children born from that love. Not a life of rape, misery, and forced submission. The stronger my anger became the higher the flames on the wall climbed. “No,” I said, interrupting my father. “I won’t do it. You can try and force it but I’ll fight and I’ll win. I won’t willingly subject myself to that hell.”

“Yes, you will. Because if you don’t we’ll kill you. You have never been what your mother and I wanted and we are at the end of our tolerance. You’ll do this, or you’ll die. Either way, we will get what we want.” The expression on his face remained blank as he said this, but I could see the truth and resolution in his eyes. He was serious. Refusing that path would mean my death. I trembled as a feeling of suffocation enveloped me. I was well and truly trapped. We lived on an island off the coast of a country called Damarya. The island, Eriargon, was completely isolated. My family and a few hundred others lived there, but only my parents and I had divine powers. The rest of the population was mostly human. They couldn’t help me, and even if they had been able to they wouldn’t have. They were weak and my parents had turned them against me with fear and brainwashing. I didn’t know what to do.

“Don’t make me do this.” My words came out in a strangled whisper and desperate tears fell down my cheeks. I wasn’t sure I could fight it, but I wasn’t sure how I’d live with myself if I didn’t. My parents ignored my plea and sat there waiting for me to meekly accept my fate.

How dare they, I thought. How dare they sit there with their smug attitudes and self-assured smirks. I was their daughter and they were ready to sell me off to the most powerful bidder for the sake of their reputations. It was despicable. They were despicable. My anger rose, overwhelming the despair. I took control of it and used it to direct the flames still on the walls. They shot towards my parents, enveloping my mother. I watched happily as she burned alive. Maybe that made me evil, but evil had never felt that good before. My father began losing his emotionless façade only to replace it with a look of pure rage.

I could see that he wanted nothing more than to strike me, but he focused on helping my mother first. He tried desperately to put out the flames but the anger fueling my magic kept them going. I began to laugh, but whether it was out of hysteria or joy I wasn’t exactly sure. I didn’t feel happy that I was killing my mother, but I didn’t feel guilty either. It took mere minutes for her to die. I watched as my father crumpled to the floor in anguish that was quickly replaced with homicidal anger as he faced me.

It was at that point my anger faded as fear took its place. I had easily overcome my mother, but my father was a different matter. He was ten times stronger and possessed much more control over his gifts. I was well and truly screwed. He didn’t immediately move against me as I assumed he would. Instead, he spoke.

“You have no idea what you’ve just done, little girl. I was going to protect you from Icar as much as I could. Despite disliking you, you are still family, but you’ve just lost that advantage.” Before I could respond his hand flew out as his magic crashed into me, and the world went dark.

When I awoke I was in a damp cell. I recognized it immediately as one of our own. He had locked me in the dungeons, which was concerning, to say the least. Why hadn’t he handed me over to Icar immediately? What reason could he have had to hold me there? I looked around only to realize that I was chained to the floor. There was nothing inside the cell aside from me and my chains. They clinked as I moved around, reminding me of their presence. The loud bang reverberated through the cell when I startled. Footsteps were approaching. My father stepped into view with his emotionless mask once more in place.

“You’re awake,” he said. “Lovely.”

“Lovely? What is that supposed to mean? Just give me to Icar and get it over with. I know you’re dying to get rid of me … kind of like how mother died for trying to get rid of me.” I smirked when his resolve cracked a little. It was easier than it should have been to get to him. “What? Nothing to say?”

“Oh, I have plenty to say my darling. But first, how about we go upstairs so you can meet your new husband. Did I forget to mention that we took care of the ceremony while you were indisposed?”

My mouth went dry. “He-he’s here?” I stumbled over the words as I tried to process what this meant. It meant my life was over. I was as good as dead. Father nodded at me. He unlocked the cell and entered to unchain me. Just when I thought he was about to unlock the manacle he backhanded me instead. Pain stung across my face and my lip split. I could feel the warm blood running down my chin. I guess he’d decided to get one more beating in before he couldn’t touch me anymore. After that day I’d have a new prison and a new man to worry about.

He began to beat me and I curled up on the floor to protect myself. This beating was different from usual though because I could feel something inside of myself desperately trying to break free. The combination of physical pain and fear shook lose the block on my magic and power surged out of me. My father was thrown across the tiny room, and the manacle around my ankle shattered. I lay still for a moment, astonished. What had just happened? Standing was a struggle but I pushed through it. Once on my feet, I was immediately knocked down again by a blow to the back of my head. Father stood over me with blood dripping from a wound to his temple. He must have gotten up without me noticing.

The power that exploded from within me only continued to grow, and simultaneously my awareness began to fade. My vision dimmed until all I saw was red. It was as if I was watching everything play out from a place outside myself. I saw myself slowly stand. My eyes had turned solid black and my wounds were healing. Father backed up slowly as fear consumed him. He was just as confused by the turn of events as I was. I watched as I advanced on him, stalking him as if he was my prey and wasn’t just the one in control moments before.

“You think you’re so much better than me, don’t you?” Even my voice was different, deeper and smoother. “All my life you’ve treated me horribly simply because I’m not what you envisioned. Well, I’m done. No more. I won’t let Icar use me, and I most definitely won’t let you.” With that, my arms shot out in front of me and a black mist emerged. The mist took shape and it took every ounce of self-control I had not to scream. It was a demon. I’d never seen one but I instinctively knew what it was because my magic, magic I hadn’t even known I possessed, manifested it. My father had never once admitted to fearing anything, but mentioning demons was the only thing that could make him flinch.

Father backed away and desperately tried to escape but the demon was too fast. It grabbed hold of his throat and lifted him into the air. In under three seconds, my father’s head was no longer attached to his body and was consumed by the grotesque creature. I’m not sure how long I was stuck as a spectator of myself, but when I entered my body again I could barely hold myself up. The demon didn’t last, either. It dissipated in a cloud of ash as if it had never been there. As soon as it was gone, I passed out on the cold cell floor, falling in a puddle of my father's blood.

When I woke, I was no longer in a cell, but an unfamiliar room. A quick check revealed that I was clean and wearing clothes I’d never seen before in my life. I had just killed my parents, gotten forcefully married to a maniac, and I was somewhere I’d never been before where apparently I was undressed by a stranger? Yeah… that day sucked. I got off the bed and moved to the open doorway. Peering down the ivory-colored hallway, I heard movement in the distance. I took slow steps towards the sound, being cautious since I didn’t know what to expect. When I got to the room at the end of the hallway, I froze. I saw Liulf first. How had he ended up here? Icar was sitting there, holding a glass full of blood and staring at me with his solid white eyes. Had I forgotten to mention that he was blind? Technically speaking anyway. He had this strange power that allowed him to see with his mind, making his eyes unnecessary. He was also freakishly tall. He had to have been at least 6’4’’. Compared to me he was a giant.

His silver hair was short and spiky, and his pale skin stood out in the dark room. “Nice to see you awake.” His voice was like a purr as it slid across my skin. I was terrified, but a part of me was drawn to him. I just wasn’t sure which part. His accent was a cross between Damaryan and something else and it was the most amazing sound I’d ever heard. What was wrong with me?

“You feel it too, huh? At first, I thought I was just going crazy, that maybe your newly emerged powers were affecting me, but no. It’s true, what you’re feeling.”

“What I’m feeling?” I could barely speak, let alone think. What was he talking about?

“The mate bond, little dragon. That pull you’re feeling towards me despite the contempt that you’re trying so hard to conceal.”

“No. No. You can’t be right. My mate can’t be someone as cruel as you. He’s supposed to fix me, to stop the madness. Not use it for his own selfish needs.”

“Sorry, love. I’m afraid I’m all you’ve got.”

“What happens if I refuse? You know people will be searching for me now that my parents are dead. I could turn myself in and get away from you.”

“You could.” He smirked. “But I would just get you back.”

Frustrated because I knew he was right, I turned and stomped back to what I’d deemed as my room. When I got back I took the time to finally study my surroundings and noticed a window to my left. Looking out, it was evident we weren’t on my island anymore, but we were close enough that I could make it out in the distance. That meant we must have been close to Damarya as well. An idea formed in my mind. If I could get out of here and make it to the mainland I could hide. No self-respecting Goddess would fraternize with the general population so it was the last place Icar would expect me to run.

I just had to find the right time. A soft yip behind me drew my attention and I saw Liulfr lounging on the bed. “Well, I’m glad you’re comfortable.”

He huffed, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. “I’m going to have to leave you here, buddy.” My words reached his ears and he straightened, glaring at me as only a wolf could glare. “Sorry, but you seem to like it here, and I can’t easily hide with a huge wolf constantly at my heels. You know I love you, but I gotta leave you.” He whined but I wasn’t going to change my mind. I decided that I’d leave during the day, because like his vampire followers, Icar slept then.

Waiting for daylight was torture because all I wanted to do was escape and get away from my psychotic so-called mate. When day finally broke I silently opened my window. Climbing down was a little more challenging than I had first thought because I was on the second floor of Icar’s huge mansion, but I managed. I made my way to the edge of his home island and found that there were no boats. I had hoped to be discreet in my escape but it appeared that I would have to shift.

The change was quick and the flight over the roaring sea was even quicker due to the power of my massive wings. I found a deserted place to land and quickly shifted back, wrapping a cloak around myself when I was done. I knew I should feel frightened, not only by my unfamiliar surroundings but by the threat of my mate hanging over my head, yet I felt nothing but relief at being free, even if only for a moment. A smile broke out over my face and I breathed a breath of air for my new life.

It was a short walk to the nearest town, only about an hour. I stopped the first person I encountered.

“Excuse me, sir. Can you please tell me where I am?” The man stared at me. I assumed he was taking in my strange appearance. I knew how I looked with my red and black hair, one blue eye, one green, and tattoos all over, but I liked my appearance. He finally answered.

“StormSpires, miss. A town located on the Southern Crescent of Damarya.”

“Is this a town welcoming to a weary traveler, one who needs to remain hidden?”

“I’d say so, miss. No one ever comes ‘round these parts and people keep mostly to themselves. I can point you in the direction of the Inn if you’d like.”

“That would be wonderful. You’re beyond kind.”

The man gave me directions and I walked to the Inn. On the outside hung a sign that read The Windy Willow. Upon entering I was barraged with delicious smells and warmth. I immediately felt safe. The housekeeper barked at me.

“Oy, lady. Quit standing in the door. You’re blocking people’s way.”

“I apologize. It’s just been so long since I’ve been somewhere I haven’t been in danger, and I was taking a moment to appreciate it.”

Her gaze softened. ”Well, dear, sorry for being so abrasive to ‘ya then.” Her accent was odd but comforting. “It’s a weird day for StormSpires, I tell you that. Lovely young Iris’s father died and she’s nowhere to be found, and now we have a newcomer? You’ll be the talk of the town.”

“Iris? And no, please. I need to not be noticed. I’m hiding from someone very dangerous and he mustn't find me.”

She looked shocked but nodded. “Okay dear. And Iris was just the sweetest young girl you’d ever meet. ‘Bit odd, that one, but in an endearing way. Thought she could talk to animals.” She released a chuckle, then went quiet as sadness crossed her gaze. “It’s terrible what happened to her father. And she up and left. Poor girl. I just hope she’s okay.”

“Well, if I see her on my travels I’ll be sure to strike up a conversation, especially if she’s as lovely as you say. Would you like to give me your name so I can give her your regards?”

She looked thrilled and as if she wanted to hug me. “Absolutely. I’m Penyra.”

“It’s lovely to meet you Penyra. I’m Val.” I reached out to shake her hand. She grabbed mine in a firm grip and smiled. “Lovely to meet you too, Val. I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

Over the next few weeks, I settled into a new routine. I took up permanent residence in the Inn alongside Penyra, as an extra hand. I knew I couldn’t stay forever but it was nice to have a sort of family while I was here, and Penyra offered just that. Daily life was peaceful, but I knew that it wouldn’t be long before Icar traced my steps. When that happened I would have to move on again. I thought of the girl, Iris, whom Penyra had told me about. Perhaps I’d find her and ask her how she had come to disappear. I needed to get answers as well. There was no way I defeated both of my parents, two extremely powerful deities, on my own. I had a feeling that someone intervened. The power didn’t feel completely… mine.

I looked out over the horizon, towards Icar’s mansion. An ominous feeling inched its way down my spine and pain clouded my heart. I knew I couldn’t let him find me, no matter how much my heart was screaming for its mate. I’d find a way to battle the madness on my own, without him. And I still had to figure out what new powers I’d gained and how to control them. I turned back to my task, brushing away all thoughts of my husband and my magic, and tried to move on. For now, anyway.


About the Creator

A.K. Myers

HI! My name is Anya. I'm 20 years old and currently a sophomore at University. I'm studying to become an Art Therapist, but writing is kind of a passion of mine, so.... I hope you enjoy my stories!!

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