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Germaine Street - Chapter Two

A Sequential Novel

By Nick RowleyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The four mask form Itsuki took when they hung around the house always weirded Darius out. It wasn’t that the Yōsei was incapable of taking more anthropomorphic shape but they were very disinclined to. Darius suspected it was because Itsuki knew how weird most other beings found it.

“Itsuki, if you could, I dunno, look vaguely human when you open the door, that would be cool” Darius smiled so that the reddish light in the foyer glinted off of his prominent dental features.

His summation about Itsuki’s motivations were confirmed once the request had been honored. “You are no fun at all Darius McInerney”

“The hell I’m not. I’m nothing but fun, plus, I class any place up simply by being there”

Itsuki giggled into their sleeve “yeah, ‘course you do. I assume you want to speak to PhinFlam?”

“I wanted to speak to all of you as it happened” the vampire replied while smiling ingratiatingly “plus, L’leth is still sleeping and I’m bored”

“Himself and Gudrun are in the tea parlor, you’ll be removing your shoes now I expect”

“Oh, oh yes, of course” Darius located a chair, one of Gudrun’s contributions to the decor he suspected, and began to unlace his shoes.


The arrangement that three fae come to to share a domestic and amorous space causes complexity in of itself when said fae have uniformity of geographic origin. This was not the case with the inhabitants 343 Germaine. Still it made for some of the most charmingly eclectic interior design and adventerous fusion cooking in the neighbourhood.

So it was that Guðrún Hafnarfjarðar could be found whisking matcha powder in a spode teapot before filling three yunomi designed to reflect the colours of an early December evening sky above Grunnavík and handing one to Phinnelomy “PhinFlam” Flamell who was arranging Garibaldis and Custard Creams on a wedgewood plate.

The pooka had just finished dunking the little vanilla sandwich cookie in the green liquid when Itsuki slid the screen aside and ushered Darius into the room.

“Darius, yer old bloodsucking bastard, how are you diddling?” PhinFlam cheerfully inquired without turning “I’d offer you tea but, you know…”

“I do!” Darius replied and settled on a tatami opposite PhinFlam while Itsuki completed the square circle by primly arranging themself across from Gudrun, “it’s fine, I already ate anyway”

“Did you now? Well condolences to that poor soul’s loved ones”

Darius rolled his eyes. “You know L’leth and I are all about consent. But enough of the dietary considerations, did you notice we have some neighbours?”

“We’ve always had neighbours” Gudrun interjected and all three fae chuckled.

“Clearly” Darius replied, “I mean we have new ones”

“Right you are, saw them earlier” PhinnFlam drained his cup “two packs in the same street, Kitty is going to be pisssed!”

“I know right?” Darius almost bounced gleefully on the mat “it’s delicious!”

“Aye, it is, could have been a bloodbath back in the day though”

“Well yeah, back in the day, so could a lot of things”

“Fair point” Itsuki acknowledged before popping half of a Garibaldi in their mouth, their next words were filtered through morsels of pastry and raisins, “I suspect you have something related to this situation you wished to discuss”

“Yes,” Gudrun picked up the baton from her fluidic paramor “something fun?”

“Nothing concrete yet, but we should definitely welcome to the street, find out if the den mother is every bit as disinclined to play well with others as Kitty”

“Now, now” PhinFlam had produced a pipe and was carefully packing it as he spoke “don’t be so harsh on Kitty, she’s a wee bit intense but she’s not intentionally malicious”

Darius smirked “it’s the unintentional bits that make her fun!”

The other three considered this before conceding the point.

The pooka lit the pipe and took a few drags before offering it to Darius. Now, that, contrary to food, Darius could do.


Chapter One can be found in my stories.

Chapter Three coming soon


About the Creator

Nick Rowley

Nick is the Co-Founder and Creative Director of The Ibis Theatre Company (shadowoftheibis.com) as well as a general Theatre Artist, Graphic Designer and Sculptor.

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