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Dream State Part 5

This is the final part of my short story Dream State, if you haven't read my previous chapters they can be found on my profile. This story is written point of view of the reader.

By Alixzandra WisemanPublished 4 years ago 8 min read
Dream State Part 5
Photo by Jacob Rank on Unsplash

Chapter 5:Hello My Love.

The nurse did not seem very interested in care for the patients within the walls of this grey stone building of insanity, she instructed almost as if she was a barking rabid dog for me to follow her as she led me from my padded cell to a room down the far end of the corridor. The door was closed to the room with bold black letters reading 'Dr. J. Richmond.' The nurse opened the door wide leading me to a chair in front of the desk, were a balding skinny man who seemed to be in his mid sixties sat writing notes. His white shirt seems crumpled like he had been wearing it for days, his eyes looked swollen and sore as though he had worked longer than an 18 hour shift, with no sleep between shifts and this was the doctor I had agreed to help me recover from what seemed to be my ever slipping sanity.

It seemed to be hours of watching this dishevelled Doctor pacing back and forth in his office as he tried to explain to me that my insanity was self induced and that it was due to work stress. After what seemed like the whole day of him trying to convince me that I was the cause of my own insanity, he put me on a three week course of rest and medication with supervised care, meaning that I was to stay in the confines of the hospital for two weeks with the last week on rest bite at home with professional help. To my surprise it was only early afternoon when I was finally allowed to leave his office as the nurse escorted me to the ever crowded common room of the third floor. I was allowed to sit by the window and watch the trees in the hospital court yard blow gently in the breeze, it almost felt like I was waiting for something or rather someone. There was no mistaking that although the Doctor had me registered for a three week rest bite care system I could not be here that long, I know things are changing its clear things are not quite normal and not from this insanity of my dreams being so vivid and odd.

The ruby ring that was on my finger seemed to glitter and shine in the light as I carefully turned it, using the sunlight streaming in from the window to fully see the rings beauty. But my mind couldn't help thinking that maybe the doctor was right, but then why would I have this ring that I had never seen before and yet now its upon my hand gifted to me through a dream. I hadn't noticed that the time was now passing by more quickly than before and night was drawing in, by the time I looked up the three nurses who had been huddled in the nurses station were now leading the other patients to their rooms. I too was lead to my own room, the padded cell were now I was in no doubt that I would surely lose all sense of true sanity.

There upon my bed was a small tray of food, it looked as though it was some vegetarian dish which had been pureed in to looking no more than baby food. I slowly tried to eat the foul smelling slop that was clearly what the hospital kitchen considered food, but the only thing I could manage was the hard stale bread roll that was tasteless and bland. When the nurse finally arrived to take the tray of foul slop away, she once again handed me a paper cup with another pain killer along with what seemed like a sleeping pill. I did not wish to cause a fuse having seen earlier how some of the nurses treated their patients, so I quickly swallowed the pills without question not wanting to be hurt or get in to a cross fire fist fight with the nurses. I really didn't want to face that situation of crazed nurses with their bulling doctors and risk having the doctor extend my stay within the confines of this insane ward, I'm slowly wondering who is more insane those living in the wards or those who are in the medical profession. After swallowing the pills I sat on the bed watching the nurse leave my room, the steel door clanging shut behind her with an unmistakeable clunk of the lock as it slide into place.

I once again lay on the bed looking at the ceiling of my cell knowing that it was going to be a long two weeks within the confines of this hospital but there was a strange feeling that I could not shift, a feeling that I would not be here long and with that odd feeling I slowly drifted to sleep. But I wasn't asleep for long not even long enough to slip into the dream realm, my eyes shoot open once again to hear loud raised voices outside in the corridor, yet there was no screams of panic it was oddly calm, just raised voices. I rushed to my little cell door hoping the little window was open so I could see into the corridor, but alas it was still shut tight. Yet I could hear everything clearly and it sounded like doors further down the corridor were being opened and patients were being moved, yet my door had yet to be opened but it didn't sound like the nurses were tending to the patience. It sounded more like a raspy rushed men nothing like the nurses or the doctors I had heard in the past 24 hours.

When the door to my cell opened there was a male nurse stood with a very pale faced and looking rather panic-stricken, he looked down at the flip chart in his hands before looking back up at me. “There is a gentlemen here to see you, the ward has been cleared for his safety.” Said the nurse before walking away from the door leaving it fully open. This nurse clearly expecting me to follow him but I was drowsy from the sleeping pill as it was still taking effect making it hard to really walk. Carefully I stumbled my way down the corridor back to the common room to find my doctor was sat along with another man, a man I know only from one past event, let alone the haunting dreams that have lead me to the institution for my own sanity.

Doctor Richmond seemed very uneasy more so than he had done earlier, he smiled weakly as the man beside him that I had been dreaming about stood up, stepping in front of me and taking my hand in his own kissing it lightly. “Your safe, thank heavens you have not harmed, I told you I would find you and that I would come for you, its time to go home honestly your safe now.” Said the man as he looped his arm round me, my eyes gazing at him confused by this whole affair as he began to lead me out the room followed by two body guards, as he lead me to the car waiting outside. I did not argue with him I had no energy to protest. I merely clambered inside the back of the car but my mind was still working fast, was I about to truly lose all my sanity? Was this a dream or was it real?

I could not truly be sure what was real any more and what was illusion of the dream state as I felt the car began to drive from the hospital and I noticed a small poem poking out from the pocket behind the chair in front of me. The poem which was clearly the vows of the blood binding and hand-feasting from years ago. It most be real no one had this poem other than he that I was secretly bound with, yet here he is beside me in the back of his car, he seems to have aged more than I remember him ever being as I once again look at him confused but he gently rests my head against his shoulder stroking my head in an attempt to relax me, clearly in a loving manor. “Sleep now sweetheart, its going to be fine your safe now. You no longer need to question your sanity, your more sane than most. You just lost control of your magical abilities and that will come back with time, I promise you I will protect you, I'm not leaving again.” He said softly as my eyes slowly began to close, drifting quickly in to sleep.

For the first time in days I did not dream of him, I merely slept soundly without waking to fear or confusion, for he has arrived my lover of the dream realm for he is of flesh and blood but not of a mortal state.

The End.


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