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Blood of The Wolf Vol 4

A Hero Emerges

By Jeremy HansonPublished 4 years ago 31 min read

Michael’s eyes fluttered open, feeling like he had just awoken from a long dream. He would have thought it was a dream if it were not for all the memories of everything he had learned, that, and the fact that when he ran his tongue across his teeth he felt fangs where his canines used to be. He was lying in a hospital bed and he had straps holding down his arms and legs. When he looked around the room to see if there was anyone else with him he saw his mother asleep in the recliner next to his bed.

Mom, you awake?

Angela opened her eyes and jumped up looking over in Michael’s direction. Michael quickly closed his eyes before she saw him so she wouldn’t know he was awake. Angela began crying a bit as she held Michael’s hand and kissed his forehead.

Michael honey if you can hear me, please wake up. I know you can pull through this. I will be here as long as it takes. I’ll never leave your side. Lisa is out in the waiting room and we’re both praying you’ll come back to us soon.

He couldn’t take listening to his Mom cry so he knew the joke was over.

I love you too Mom but can you take the straps off they really itch.

Angela momentarily looked at Michael in complete shock that he responded back to her, as he opened his eyes and looked at her smiling. Angela threw her arms around him almost choking him, as she held on to him for dear life, afraid that if she let him go he might slip back into a coma.

Mom, you’re choking me, I can’t breathe.

Angela was so excited she didn’t realize how hard she was hugging him.

Oh my god honey, I’m sorry. I have to run and get the nurse; I’ll be right back.

She ran out of the room leaving Michael strapped to the bed.

Mom, the straps!

While Angela ran down the hall frantically looking for a nurse Michael just laid there in the bed and sighed. He knew he could probably tear through the straps like paper but that would raise too much suspicion with the doctors and then they might never leave him alone. Angela returned a few minutes later with the nurse in tow. The nurse didn’t get more than five feet in the room before she stopped dead in her tracks and began staring at Michael in complete awe. Michael just sighed and shook his head, remembering that since the change he was now a supernatural being and though, on one hand, he could scare the piss out of people if he wanted, on the reverse he could awe the pants off just about anyone with a smile. This being due to the aura that now radiated off of him. Of course the chiseled form he now had helped a bit as well.

Angela just looked at the nurse dumbfounded as to why she was just standing there. To Angela, this was just her son so even if she could sense the difference in Michael she was still slightly immune to the awe the nurse was now experiencing.

Nurse, is there something wrong? Can we take the straps off my son now that he’s awake?

The nurse snapped out of it and giggled as she looked over at Angela to acknowledge her.

Oh yes, sorry.

She walked over to Michael clumsily, giggling the whole way. She undid the straps on his arms and legs barely taking her eyes off his. As she took his vitals he became increasingly aware of a very uncomfortable feeling he was getting from a little below the waist. His eyes got wide with a look of sheer horror on his face. Angela seeing his expression instantly became worried.

Michael honey, what’s wrong?

Michael looked over at the nurse with a very uncomfortable and frustrated expression.

Tell me you didn’t put a catheter in me.

The nurse calmly explained to him that they had to because it was the procedure and they didn’t know when he was going to wake up, but Michael didn’t care about why they did it.

Just get it out of me!

The nurse jumped a bit as Michael’s demeanor changed.

Yes, sir, right away.

She slowly removed the catheter from Michael, which made him grimace and growl a bit as he felt it sliding out. Once it was out the nurse looked at him with a smile.

There we go, all better now.

He gave the nurse a look of irritation for her chipper demeanor after he had to endure a pipe being pulled out of his pecker. She uneasily backed away a bit to give him some space.

Michael looked around the room trying to spot his belongings.

Where are my clothes?

Angela walked over to his bedside to let him know the bad news because she knew it was one of his favorite outfits.

They cut them off of you honey.

He looked like he was about to get angry but then he just looked at her in disbelief hoping he would not have to go home in a hospital gown. Angela had anticipated his reaction.

Alan went and got you some clothes though; they’re right over there.

He let out a sigh of relief as she pointed over to a closet across the room. Michael just wanted to get cleaned up and get out of there so he asked the nurse if it was OK for him to take a shower and get dressed.

That’s fine but you will have to remain in the hospital until the doctor returns in the morning to check you out. He’ll be here in about 3hrs.

He just shrugged his shoulders.

Whatever; as long as I can move around.

Michael took what he felt to be a long, much-needed shower. Especially after all the changes his body had gone through. With his new strengthened senses, he could smell the sweat, dirt, and melted fat cells that now caked his body. In fact, with his new sense of smell he could have sworn he smelled his own pheromones along with the endorphins and adrenaline that coursed through the nurse when she looked at him for the first time. This was all going to take some getting used to. There were so many people that he knew he could help now, but there was also much about himself he would still need to keep hidden from the world at large if he ever hoped to retain some shred of a normal life.

Michael stepped out of the shower and dried off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and flexed a little in the mirror as he admired his new physique that he was sure there was no way he could have naturally attained. When he stepped out of the bathroom, Lisa was waiting for him. He could actually hear her heart skip a beat and he could smell the chemical reactions in her body when she saw him. After staring at him, with her mouth gaped open for a long while, she ran to him and threw her arms around him.

Oh God I’m so happy you’re alive. We didn’t know what was wrong or if you were going to make it.

Michael smiled; it felt good to be loved.

I’m just glad to be back, you wouldn’t believe what I’ve gone through and the things I’ve seen.

Lisa looked up at him a little confused because as far as she knew he hadn’t gone anywhere. Michael didn’t feel like explaining everything right away though.

Never mind, it’s not important. What is important is that I am here with the ones I love and you are all safe.

Lisa laid her head against his chest with continued concern over what he meant, but she was content to let him work it out and tell her in his own time.

Angela asked if he was hungry and suggested they all take a trip down to the cafeteria. Michael had just started to notice how hungry he really was.

Now that you mention it, I’m starving!

They walked down to the nurse’s station to ask if it was OK for them to go down to the cafeteria and grab a bite to eat. The nurse said it was fine as long as they didn’t leave without checking out with the doctor first. They stopped to grab Alan from the waiting room before they went downstairs. He was passed out on one of the couches with his head kinked in an awkward position and a puddle of drool welling up below the corner of his mouth. Michael walked over to wake him up. He stood at the edge of the couch looking down at him.

So are you gonna wake your ass up and come with us or should I just teabag you now and let everyone take a picture.

As Alan woke up he began rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked up to see Michael staring down at him. He jumped up off the couch and pounced on Michael, throwing his arms around him in excitement. Michael hugged him back with a pondering look.

I wasn’t aware you found tea-bagging so exciting.

Alan jumped back pushing him away.

What! Ah no you dick, I was excited to see you were alive!

Michael just grinned ear to ear.

So you admit, you were thinking about my dick?

Alan became increasingly frustrated.

No, you are a dick! You dick!

Lisa shoved Michael with a laugh.

Well whatever happened it didn’t hurt your sense of humor any. Let’s go get something to eat.

Michael laughed and threw an arm around Alan.

I’m happy to see you too bro.

After everything he had seen and experienced, it felt good to joke around with friends again.

When they got down to the cafeteria, they ordered up their food and took it to the table. Michael was almost beginning to get comfortable and feeling human again until he reached out for his silverware. The mere thought of what he wanted caused the silverware to kinetically float into his hand. Michael grasped the silverware and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. As he did he looked into the shocked faces of Lisa, Alan, and his Mom.

Do you think anybody saw that?

They all looked around, but luckily it was still very early in the morning and there was virtually no one around. The few people that were in the cafeteria were too wrapped up in their morning coffee and their own conversations to notice. Lisa got excited and was anxious to see more.

So what else can you do?

Michael smiled at her enthusiasm.

Well from what I can remember, quite a lot. It’s just going to take some getting used to. It’s like working an atrophied muscle you haven’t used in ages; you have to work out the kinks. It should be interesting to say the least.

Michael sat and ate his meal while Angela, Alan, and Lisa watched him intently waiting for something else to happen. He was eating enough for three people, but it was merely satisfying his hunger, not stuffing him. He had quite a metabolism to contend with now. Lisa thought to herself, “I can’t wait to get him home and tear his clothes off. In fact, I’m about to jump him right here in front of everyone.” Michael looked up from his plate with a smile.

You know although that sounds thrilling and I’d be excited to see you do it, I’m not sure my mom would appreciate the show.

Alan gave him a very confused look, while a look of shock crawled across Lisa’s face.

What do you mean?

Now Michael was confused at how oblivious she was to what he was talking about.

What do you mean, what do I mean? I’m talking about you, talking about jumping across the table at me.

I didn’t say that! I was thinking it, but I didn’t say it!

Alan was smiling ear to ear wondering what all Michael heard.

You’re kidding me; you had to have said it.

Angela leaned forward.

No honey she didn’t say a word, none of us did.

Michael started smiling.

Oh this is gonna kick ass!

Alan got excited.

Dude that fucking rocks! Ooh, ooh, what am I thinking?

Michael raised an eyebrow and gave him a very annoyed look.

Dude, get my girl out of your head!

Lisa looked at Alan in shock as she backhanded him in the chest.


Alan grabbed his chest.

Ouch! It was hot though, huh!

He rubbed his chest as he smiled at Michael. Michael sucked some meat out from between two of his teeth and ran his tongue over the tip of one of his fangs, raising an eyebrow at Alan. Alan jumped back seeing that.

Whoa, down boy! When the hell did you get those?

Lisa laughed.

You mean to tell me that after everything else that’s been going on, that’s what shocks you?

Alan shrugged his shoulders and then looked back at Michael. Michael smiled at him as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Relax, I’m not hungry anymore, and besides I don’t eat jackass.

Good to know.

After they finished eating they walked back up to the room to wait for the doctor. Michael sat on the bed practicing his newfound Telekinesis while Angela, Alan, and Lisa watched intently. He focused on a cup on his tray at first moving it side to side, and then gradually moved up in weight to see how much he could do. Periodically he would itch his ear half-hoping people’s thoughts would stop popping into his head and distracting him. Luckily after a while, the chatter began to die down as he got used to the ability.

At one point he focused on Lisa which took a few minutes. Lisa looked at him with a puzzled expression wondering what he was doing. She let out a squeak and threw up her arms as she began floating up off of her chair and over to Michael until he set her down safely on his lap. She slugged him in the shoulder.

Warn me next time you’re going to do that, you scared the hell out of me!

He just smiled.

Sorry I was getting bored.

A nurse walked into the room to check on the patient behind the curtain next to Michael. He had been so busy trying to focus his abilities that he hadn’t even realized someone else was in the room, but as he listened closely he could hear a separate heartbeat behind the curtain aside from the nurses. This one was faint though. Michael could also hear the nurse sniffle a bit and he could smell the chemical change in her body that came with deep concern and fear.

The nurse reappeared shaking her head.

It’s just terrible that things like this have to happen to good people. What is this world coming to?

Michael cocked his head to the side inquisitively.

What do you mean, what’s wrong with him?

The nurse moved a little closer to them.

His family was playing at the park and got caught in a drive by shooting. Two rival gangs looking to take the other out. The outrageous part is that none of the gang members were hit, only this child along with his mother and father. His father died instantly at the scene from a shot to the back of his head as he tried to cover his wife and child. His mother is in the intensive care unit. This little guy is more stable than she is but he could slip at any time as well if any of his injuries get infected or he turns wrong and pops one of the stitches inside his body. I just pray nothing like that happens. He’s so young. He’s only eight years old. He has his entire life ahead of him still.

The nurse shook her head one last time and wiped away a tear from her eye.

Your doctor should be in to see you anytime now.

About 20 minutes later the doctor walked in.

Well they told me you were up and around. So how do you feel?

Like a million bucks.

Angela asked when they would be able to sign out and leave.

I just have a few questions for Michael and I need to do one last check of his vitals.

The doctor walked over to him and began checking his blood pressure and heart rate.

So Michael, we know that your body has undergone some type of mutation, we just can’t tell what. Can you tell me anything? Have you noticed anything different?

Michael tried to act clueless.

Well aside from the obvious change in physique, nothing really all that drastic.

The doctor pulled a tongue depressor out of his pocket.

Say Ah.

As Michael opened his mouth the doctor raised an eyebrow.

Nothing drastic huh?

Michael smiled innocently.

Well, I’m not hideous or anything, my canines just grew a bit.

The doctor shook his head and continued examining him.

Well, all your vitals seem fine. Are you sure there’s nothing else?

Michael smiled again.

No, that’s it. I’ve been cursed with looking damn good. What will I ever do?

The doctor didn’t smile though, he just continued to look at the chart and back at Michael.

Well you’re lucky; some of these mutations can be pretty outrageous at times. If anything else develops, I want you to give me a call right away. Here’s my card.

The doctor pulled a business card from his pocket and handed it to Michael.

Will do Doc, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine.

The doctor looked at Michael like he knew he was hiding something.

Hmm, well we’ll see. The nurse will be in with some papers for you to sign in a few minutes and then you’re free to leave.

A few minutes later a nurse walked in with a clipboard that she handed to Michael along with a pen. He signed the papers and handed them back to the nurse, but as he handed her the pen he noticed an indentation where his fingers had been grasping it. He thought to himself, “I’m gonna have to work on that whole grip thing.” Luckily the nurse didn’t really notice as she gave Michael his copies and told him good luck.

As they got ready to head out the door, Michael turned back towards the curtain that surrounded the little boy.

Hold on a second you guys.

Michael opened the curtain and walked up next to the little boy’s bed. He pulled back the blanket a bit to see the damage that had been done. He got a little choked up seeing the state he was in. The boy looked like he had been hit maybe 5 or 6 times, and one looked like it might have nicked the jugular. Alan walked up next to him.

What are you doing man?

Michael glanced over at him.

Thinking back to when I healed you after you got stabbed. If I did it once I can do it again. Maybe I was put in this room for a reason. I mean the least I can do is try.

Michael placed his hand over the kid’s chest and began to focus on his intended task. He must have stood there focusing for 5 or 10 minutes but it seemed like nothing was going to happen. He felt a tear start to roll down his cheek out of despair that with all this power he couldn’t even heal one small boy.

Just then he started to feel the warm sensation washing down his arm and the green glow began radiating from his hand. The wounds on the boy’s body began to heal right before his eyes, his breathing stabilized and his heart rate increased. The boy’s eyes fluttered open as he looked up at Michael, seeing a bright glowing aura all around him.

Are you an angel?

Michael just smiled, and as the glow around him began to dim he turned and walked out of the room. The little boy jumped out of bed to try and catch him.


As he ran out into the hall a nurse frantically ran up to him looking him over. She yelled for the doctor.

Oh my god doctor, come quick. Bobby is completely healed; he doesn’t have a scratch on him.

The doctor rushed over to see it with his own eyes. He looked down at the boy in astonished disbelief.

How did your wounds heal so fast?

An angel made me all better.

As the little boy said this he excitedly pointed down the hall in Michael’s direction. The doctor looked just in time to see Michael rounding the corner. He ran down the hall to try and catch up to him, but by the time he did they were already on the elevator and the doors were closing. Michael just smiled at the doctor as they closed.

Alan looked over at Michael in excitement.

You’re lucky you didn’t sleep all the way through Spring Break and the camping trip.

Angela was very concerned.

I don’t know if I’m still comfortable with you guys going on this trip after all that’s happened. Besides Michael, we don’t even know what more is going to change or happen for that matter.

Michael nodded his head but then turned to his mom and smiled.

Which is all the more reason I should go. Five days out in the wilderness, free from any onlookers, or potential property damages. I need time to practice with these new abilities and I can’t do that back home in front of the neighbors. If it would make you feel any better, why don’t you come along? You could use the time away from the office.

Alan agreed with even more excitement.

Yeah Mom, it would be a blast, the four of us out in the woods with no one around for miles. You should come!

Angela thought about it but she also didn’t want to be an inconvenience.

I don’t know, are you guys sure you want me there?

Lisa chimed in because she could see that they were beginning to convince her.

Absolutely Angela, you’ve always been a part of the group.

Well OK then, I’ll call into work and tell them I need to take some personal time off for family issues. They’ll understand.

When they got home Michael went straight to his room to start packing for the camping trip. He was so excited that he didn’t even think about his newly increased strength, and when he grabbed for the doorknob he crushed it. He almost pushed the door right off its hinges but he pulled back just in time. Lisa had been following right behind him and giggled a little when she saw what had happened.

Wow, you do need to practice big boy.

Michael laughed.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Lisa squeezed in front of him rubbing her ass against him very suggestively.

Here, let me get that for you.

Luckily he hadn’t busted the lock so she was able to open it with no problem. She walked in and sat on the bed as Michael got his duffel bag out of the closet to pack. Lisa was looking at Michael scanning him up and down like a ravenous wolf stalking a fresh kill.

Come over here for a second.

As Michael walked over to the bed Lisa was biting her bottom lip and looking at him like he was a feast set for her and only her. Michael looked down at her and smiled as she started undoing his pants. He ran his fingers through her hair and sighed with worry that he might hurt her if he wasn’t careful.

You don’t know how bad I want to do this right now, but I don’t want to hurt you. I mean look what I did to the door knob, and you’re not made of metal.

She just smiled a devilish grin.

I never said you had to do anything. I’ll do all the work; you just enjoy the ride… or I guess I should say being ridden.

Michael laid down on the bed as Lisa climbed on top. They made love for hours until she eventually fell asleep on top of him. He awoke to the feeling of his knuckles bumping against something solid although he couldn’t imagine what considering Lisa was still on top of him. She groggily began to wake up to a hard cold sensation on her backside.

Michael, what keeps bumping into my ass?

He cracked open an eye and was shocked to see the ceiling of his room less than a foot away from his face.

Umm; the ceiling.

The what!

Lisa jumped up and hit her head on the ceiling, then grabbed onto Michael for dear life. Sure it was only a 7-foot fall to the floor but she didn’t feel like taking the leap.

How in the hell did we get on the ceiling?!

I don’t know I woke up like this! I…I guess I can fly.

Lisa shook her head at the obviousness of his statement.

Duh! So how do we get down genius?

Michael just raised an eyebrow because he honestly didn’t know. Lisa took a deep breath as she tried to think of a way to help him.

Well focus, we can’t float up here all day.

Michael closed his eyes and began focusing on floating back down to the ground but just like all his other abilities, this one had kinks. They dropped like a rock and fell through his bed. They both started laughing because it was just one thing after another and they couldn’t help wondering what was next.

It was about 5 AM, they had slept most of the night. Michael gathered what he needed and packed it up for the trip, while Lisa went home to get her things. Alan and Angela didn’t wake up till about 7:30 AM. When they walked into the front room they saw Michael and Lisa sitting on the couch watching TV with everything packed up and ready to go. Michael looked over at his Mom.

Breakfast is ready and so is the coffee.

Angela looked a little shocked.

Wow! I didn’t expect you guys to be up this early, although you did hit the hay pretty early. Did you sleep well?

Lisa giggled a little.

Yeah, it felt like we were floating on air!

Michael smiled and shook his head.

Yeah, it looks like we discovered a new ability.

Alan came out of his room rubbing his eyes.

Oh yeah? What now?

Michael closed his eyes and started to focus hoping he could control his flight better this time. He only wanted to float a few feet off the couch, but just like before he flew out of control careening towards the ceiling. He stopped himself just in time before going through the roof, but he still bumped his head though. He winced from the impact as he looked down into the shocked faces of his Mom and Alan, as well as a giggling Lisa. She tried to hide it but she couldn’t keep herself from shaking as she covered her mouth.

I still need to work out the kinks.

Angela didn’t know what to say as she started walking toward the kitchen.

So you said coffee, right?

Angela tried to process what she had just seen, as Alan just rubbed his eyes and looked again in disbelief.

Pour me a cup please. I’m not awake enough for this yet.

Michael clumsily eased himself down from the ceiling and resumed his place at Lisa’s side as she regained control of her laughter. Alan stared at Michael over the top of his coffee cup as he contemplated his response to what just happened, and then his eyes got wide.

You’re a fucking super pooch!

Michael closed his eyes and let his head fall backward on the couch as Alan broke out in laughter, soon followed by Angela and Lisa. Michael looked at them both in frustration.

Oh you guys are hilarious.

They all headed out of town around 10 AM and drove to Michael and Alan’s favorite spot to camp on Promontory in Estacada, OR. Michael’s grandfather used to take him there when he was younger and it had become a tradition ever since. It was a beautiful site about 12 miles off the main road, down by Deer Creek. It was secluded by giant trees with no one around for miles. Michael loved how peaceful it was. After setting up camp, Michael and Alan decided to go look for some wood. They had been gone for about half an hour when Alan came strolling back into camp laughing as Lisa and Angela looked past him to see Michael walking into camp with a tree on one of his shoulders and a big smile on his face.

Hey mom do you think it’ll be enough!

Angela and Lisa just sat staring at him with their jaws dropped.

Alan was still laughing as he was trying to regain his composure and form a sentence.

We were curious about exactly how much he could lift, so I bet him he couldn’t pick up a tree we found beside the road. He lifted it like it was nothing; it might as well have been a twig!

The word bet concerned Lisa a bit.

So what were the terms of the bet?

Alan smiled.

If I won I got to spend the night with you, and if I lost I had to make lunch.

Lisa didn’t look pleased by their adolescent humor.

So either way, I suffer.

Lisa gave Alan a sarcastic grin and shot a glare in Michael’s direction.

You bet my ass on a tree!

Michael laughed.

It was a sucker bet!

He dropped the tree with a tremendous thud.

Get to cooking man; I got a tree to cut up. Hey babe can you hand me the chainsaw.

Michael heard the chainsaw startup behind him as he spun around to see Lisa holding it up with a crazed look in her eyes.

You actually bet my ass on a tree!

Michael sheepishly grinned.

I love you, honey.

She powered down the chainsaw and thrust it into Michael’s hands.

Yeah honey’s right, something you’ll be getting none of tonight.

Lisa turned and walked away smacking her ass as she glared back at Michael, then cocked her head to the side with a devilish grin and a look of innocence, blowing him a kiss. Michael looked over at Alan with a look of frustration on his face.

Thanks a lot, you prick!

Alan gave him a completely innocent look.

Hey, you’re the one that took the bet.

Yeah, but did you have to let her know the conditions! As if I was ever going to let you sleep with my girlfriend!

Alan puffed up his chest trying to act macho.

Hey, there wouldn’t have been much sleeping going on.

Lisa laughed.

Whatever, I would have made you blow your load before you ever got your pants off.

Unaffected by her comment he continued to confidently puff out his chest.

Yeah but at least I would have got mine.

Alan grinned as he went back to preparing lunch. Not happy with her inability to stifle Alan’s ego Lisa walked over to the tree Michael was cutting into firewood. She straddled the tree and looked over at him as he glanced in her direction. She bit her bottom lip, arching her back, placing her hands behind her as she rocked her hips back and forth.

God I love the feeling of a big piece of wood between my legs.

She started moaning as Michael began drooling. He and Alan both stared at her with their jaws dropped. Satisfied that she had gotten the desired effect she got up off the tree and smiled at Michael.

Well, I got mine.

She walked away switching her ass back and forth with each step before taking a seat next to Angela who was sitting reading a book, straining not to laugh. Angela gave Lisa a sideways high five as she continued to look down at her book.

As it started to get dark outside Michael started a fire to keep them all warm. Angela and Lisa started grilling some steaks for dinner while Alan played guitar and Michael sang. The smell of the steaks caught the attention of a bear that had come down off the mountain to get a drink of water from the creek. Angela and Lisa didn’t even notice it approaching them from behind, but Michael could smell its musk and hear its footsteps. He looked up to see it coming into the camp through the darkness.

Lisa looked up to see Michael snarling and crouched, ready to pounce as he looked off behind her. She turned to see the bear as it stood up on its hind legs growling. Lisa screamed, reeling backward in terror as did Angela when she realized what was going on. Michael was already sailing through the air as he came down and collided with the hungry bear.

They rolled down a small hill, but as they came to a stop the bear was on top of Michael. The dancing glow of the firelight made the scene twice as intense as the battle ensued. The bear began clawing Michael’s chest as blood splashed out which drove the bear all the more into a crazed frenzy. It bit down into Michael’s chest tearing out a chunk of meat which made Michael yelp in pain. Alan grabbed a branch and began running at the bear to save his friend. Angela and Lisa watched in horror not believing that Michael could be bested this easily with all his newly acquired power. The bear was nearly content that he had defeated his prey as it lunged in to take another bite.

Just then Michael’s hands thrust out and grabbed it by the fur of its neck. Alan skidded to a halt as Michael brought both of his feet up into the abdomen of the bear and launched it through the air and into a nearby tree. The bear impacted with such a force that it snapped the tree along with its back. Michael sprang to his feet, eyes glowing bright red as he lunged in to finish the bear off. The bear’s eyes lulled in its head as it looked up at him. He stared down at it fully enraged as he brought his leg up and stomped on the back of its head, crushing the skull. Alan wet himself seeing the glow radiating from Michael’s eyes as he turned back towards camp.

In the glow of the fire, Angela and Lisa could see Michael’s remaining wounds close up before their eyes. As his rage subsided Michael helped Alan to his feet. He grabbed his knife from his bag and began going to work on skinning the bear and preparing the hide. His grandfather had always taught him the Native American way of doing things. He always told him that no part of the animal was to be wasted. At one point Lisa turned away as Michael took a bite out of the heart; a ritual act that was said to endow a person with the essence of his prey.

They spent the rest of the trip dining on bear meat and watching Michael practice his abilities. By the end of the trip, Michael had gotten pretty good at it all, and could even fly now with relative ease. He even took Lisa on a ride at one point, but as they hovered above the treetops looking out over the valley Michael couldn’t help but wonder what the future would bring. He knew that with great power came even greater responsibility.


About the Creator

Jeremy Hanson

I am a single father and published author. I write to clear my head, quiet the demons, and feed the beast that screams to be heard. Writing is my passion and has been from an early age. Storytelling is in my blood, so I share it with you.

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