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Sailor Moon

Inspirational women...

By Cassandra BuittnerPublished 4 years ago 13 min read
My personal DVDs

I could think of many. Real life people who have made history or fought for certain rights, organizations and beliefs. People who have been in my life, and been there to wipe away a tear from my face or taught me a valuable lesson useful in life. Musicians, actors, models, teachers, service folk, so many begin to flow through my head. Let’s not forget about books. Many women have been written about from others eyes and thoughts of who they feel is the best woman. At the same time, many books inspire someone to create those people in real life as movies, shows, plays, toys, games, etcetera. I even think of women who created those characters based on themselves personality wise, but with different looks. How they believe the real-world thinks they should be by appearance. They are truly great just as themselves and people should always value the personalities over the image. I choose Sailor Moon! Also known as Usagi Tsukino, or Serena in some American variations, Princess Serenity, Neo Queen Serenity, Super Sailor Moon, and Eternal Sailor Moon.

“Fighting for evil by moonlight and winning love by daylight!” A popular phrase and opening line for the English 90s Sailor Moon anime. The series has been remade under the title Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal and was originally a Manga comic first. Just a young girl, at the age of 14, who dreams of being a super hero, like her favourite video game, comic character, and action movie star, Sailor V. Be careful what you wish for…because one day she encounters a cat, who ends up granting her wish. The cat talks, Luna, and gives her a magical broach to help her transform with magic make up! I talk to my cat often and still hope she will give me this gift too in real life. Or any cat I see on the street! After becoming a superhero, Sailor Moon, champion of the moon, she soon realizes how tough it is and quickly wants to be a normal teen again. Throughout the series she has to battle and gain confidence, courage, and strength to overcome her fears, foes, and laziness. Along the way, other Sailors are discovered, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. Each having their own skills and abilities. They all become great friends! This is what powers Sailor Moon. This is what she fights for. Not only friendship, but love too. The love of her friends and the love of a mysterious masked man who has aided her from the start, known as Tuxedo Mask! They fall in love! To top it all off, they are all in search of the Moon Princess! Guess what? They end up saved by Sailor V herself! Also known as Sailor Venus, with her cat Artemis. This really pumps up Sailor Moon to meet her hero. Together they defeat the Negaverse/Dark Kingdom and the evil Queen Bery!

Okay, now that I have summarized the first season, I want to explain more in detail about why Sailor Moon inspires me. To start off, I am currently the age of 26½, but I still feel like a 14 year old girl, and Sailor Moon was introduced to me on TV in the late 90s. I must have been about 5 years old. As a kid, a female superhero was cool! Not only were all the Sailors pretty with powers, but they were all unique in their own special ways. Easy to relate to just about everyone. Of course, there are 10 total specifically for Sailor Moon's court, but throughout the whole series and movies many characters are relatable to just about anyone, whether a hero or a villain. As you read on, I will describe about her abilities being powered by love and friendship. I will talk about how real life effects her and how she deals with it. Plus, she never gives up! I will to talk about how cool being a superhero is! Not only will I talk about her, but I will briefly relate my life growing up with her, still to this day, and enjoying everything about her, the series, and other real life experiences thanks to Sailor Moon. Topping it all off, I will make an attempt to pursued her to be in your life too!

Sailor Moon fights for love! She fights for justice! In the name of the moon! She will punish you! Her abilities are powered by love and friendship. This is sort of what makes her unstoppable! Not only does she always have friends and love, no matter what happens she believes in them and they believe in her. Her scepters are powered by these beliefs. They also tend to change against the foes they encounter for each series. This symbolizes that in life you have to change and adapt to scenarios. You can’t always use the same approach. She does throw her tiara, like a Frisbee or discus, and vanquishes or harms foes or sometimes just saves people, but it always boomerangs back to her and she replaces it upon her forehead. To me, this shows that even if you can make something end or go away, it can come back to you. I adore her abilities! Cause, it makes me believe that if you have love and friendship, that’s all you need to get by. It makes life so much better. I understand in the world today, to actually live in life, other things are required such as, money, residences, food, technology, communication, and skills. Both love and friendship can dilute worries and negatives about life. At the same time, the feeling of both is superb and I don’t know of anyone who declines or hates either. At times, yes, love can be painful! But, it’s experience, and brings out new things about ourselves and others. Sure, in life having both is not fluent for everyone, but even one friend or the love of a pet has a tremendous impact on a life! Love and friendship is amazing, and something I would never give up and surely promote strongly any time the moment presents itself to me.

Just a teenager who wants to sleep all day, Sailor Moon may be a superhero, but she is still human. When I was her age, I definitely would sleep all day too! As an adult, I envy her! I have insomnia, and being able to sleep all day sounds pleasant. Having to fight evil, she often doesn’t get sleep and falls asleep in class or when studying. While they are both important, having good rest is important for the brain and body; she often defends herself with those facts. English is her worst subject, but she does live in Japan and that would be a second language for her. I have been playing video games just as long as she has been my role model and Sailor Moon often heads straight to the arcade after school to play her favourite games. Especially after bad grades or life situations. The arcade helps her feel better about the icky feelings it gives her. Being with her friends, sometimes they do nag her about studying, but afterwards they all end up having fun, like grabbing a bite to eat it and or drinks at a local dinner. She adores a burger and milkshake! I always wish to have a boyfriend like her’s one day! Someone who will treat me to just that if I had a glum look on my face, as he does for her. No matter what, she continues to be herself and make time for everyone, along with going to school, while also fighting enemies to protect humanity! Even being pestered by her younger brother and nagged by her parents, what she never does is exclude anything out of her life. Sure, she may only study for 5 minutes, but she will combine studying with being around her friends and they will all help one another out when something is difficult or they get stuck on, like math!

Time to talk about how she never gives up. No matter what, she continues forth. Even after a 30% on a test, she still goes to class. Being mocked, she becomes more certain of her real friends and wants in life. There are times when she quotes American phrases and totally botches them. But, she speaks them with confidence and they usually do apply to the situation; someone will usually correct her wording. When loosing her love, she continues to fight and search for him, even at the cost of depleting herself. In the end, everyone is taken away from her. Instead of giving up, she becomes more powerful then ever. Thinking about all her friends and loved ones, this just fuels her abilities to the highest points! Even if the nasty evil queen takes everything away from her, she remembers and thinks of everyone. The feelings they all share! Good times, bad times, all of it she cherishes. This…is something she will never give up or let go! It is also what makes her unstoppable! Because of her belief and never letting go of her love and friendship, knowing they are always with her, even if not physically present, this keeps her going to never give up! In the end she always triumphs over evil, even if that means you! Something I implement in my life for so much. I have faced moments of being forced to give up and where I did truly give up. Looking back, I don’t regret it, but have took those failures to learn from and find other ways to bring them about my life again or not to happen in the future. Determining what makes you flow, you may know or you may not know. It doesn’t mean you still can’t find it or add to it!

Having magical powers and super abilities is cool! I'm sure while you read this a few or many other heroes pop into your head. Having the super powers and abilities or just with various skills and or talents who have made differences to people or yourself. I look up to Sailor Moon a lot. Even being an adult! I still want to have super abilities and powers with heighten skills and talents. Not only does that sound awesome, but being able to help others is something that can not be artificial. In life, we often wish for a hero to just show up and change or fix things. Instead, we need to be more like Sailor Moon, or myself and numerous historical figures or characters from TV/Film, who wish to be those heroes and help others. She became a hero and found out she wasn’t her hero at all. But, instead she became the hero she wanted to be! It is up to us to become who we want to be and how others perceive us. Yes, there will always be those who see the world differently. At the same time, many people live on this planet. Many have the same beliefs. Sometimes all it takes is one person to change the outlook of others or give them the confidence to project themselves. Magic may be mythical, but it does exist. Within ourselves to connect with others. Whomever it may be!

How does she relate to my life? Well, as an adult I am just barely coming into fruition of my life. I will soon have doors opened to me that many others will not or ever have. I have been deciding how to use it for the good of others. By starting off, this essay, I expect, not hope because that’s what you believe in when you have nothing left to believe in, I expect to inspire at least one person. I am holding onto my words spoken here and will spread them as often as possible. I will not give up! There was a time when I was nearly given up on my dreams, beliefs, and myself as myself. It was up to me to not rely on others and to not believe what others have told me or even forced me to believe in. Anything life has thrown at me and will continue to throw at me, I will face and find ways to deal with it, regardless if good or bad. Making something bad good or even if it’s too good to be true, I will make it so it doesn’t seem bad. Example of that, my first book will be published soon. Many hate me cause they don’t like the idea of me possibly becoming a millionaire and or famous. Then, I say stuff like, I will use it towards others, and they just mock me more. Well, I see that bad as good and in my heart know I am good. I do have friends, sure we may not see each other that often, as some think who they see most is a friend. This is a quote, not certain whom by, I live by, Friendship isn’t about who you've known the longest, it’s about who came around and never left! I know who my friends are, we support one another, accept all as they are, and never ask anyone to be anyone but themselves; minus cosplay, acting, etcetera, lol. Just like Sailor Moon and her friends. I have not found my love. It awaits for me in the future to find myself, or maybe he will find me. For now, the love of my friends, pets, family, and things like Sailor Moon get me through great!

As you already know, Sailor Moon is my role model, my hero, the woman I look up to, the person I admire most, the person I want to be like, and more importantly a muse to inspire me at times when I need it, or even don’t need it and am looking for an idea or thought. Because of her, I have adapted the skill of sewing and crafting along with acting. I have used these skills in my life many times. Many see acting as wrong, but if you’re nervous at a job, putting on a smile and pretending you are not nervous, acting like someone who has confidence, helps you build it for yourself. If you can act it, you can have it, excluding superpowers, lol. At the same time, making cosplay outfits to wear at conventions, expos, parties, competitions, or anything with gatherings of many people, it helps me express who…I…am! At the same time, going to something like Anime Expo LA as Sailor Moon or Denver Comic Con as Lara Croft, I find others who share those same interests. The same feelings. Bringing a smile to someone else’s face who shares the same likeness for them as I do, is one of the best feelings in the world! You should try it or experience it.

Maybe, Sailor Moon may not be your choice, but finding someone or having someone like that in your life is great! It could even be many! I have similar beliefs and feelings toward NCT 127, who inspired me to write again last year, May 3rd, 2019, whom without I would not of wrote this. This is specifically about women. Even a mother, sister, aunt, grandma, boss, co worker, coach, teacher, service worker, nanny, any female! Don’t take them for granite. They will always take the time to hear you out. Even if it’s silly. If you don’t like their answer or reaction, move on until you find that person who does meet your needs or helps motivate you! Don’t ever give up! Keep your eyes open and always know there is someone out their who feels or thinks as you do and there are people to look up to.

I choose Sailor Moon! I am more like her than I already know.


Cassandra Buittner

22nd of March, 2020


About the Creator

Cassandra Buittner

Hey there!!!!!!

My name is Cassandra Buittner. I enjoy writing so much, especially stories, but enjoy anything else that flexes my brain. I do security for the Colorado Eagles and really enjoy K-Pop, mostly the SM Entertainment groups.

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