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Hidden money

Income concealers

By Barnabas PayamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Pisinari Buddhi is hated by many people. This pessimism reveals greed in man. Greedy people hoard what they have instead of spending it. The hidden money will be seen again and again. If they want to spend the hidden money, they will lose their lives.

Even my friend John belongs to this breed. John's parents raised him very lovingly from an early age. They spent a lot of money and worked very hard to become a beneficiary. But in the end John became the beneficiary and made a lot of money. But it must be said that to spend that money, he lost his life. When his mother was ill and needed money for her treatment, John found it difficult to give the money he had hidden away for her treatment.

I saw John in that state. I didn't believe that he was so pissed off as many did. After seeing the situation with your eyes, you understood. I wonder if there are people who are angry, but he convinces his mind to do something according to the need of his anger and get his mother treated. When I saw it, I also understood it in another way. John's piousness was for a good cause, even though he collected money with him, but it was useful to the needy.

But I've heard that real pissers don't even do what John did, they don't take out their hidden money even if their lives are in danger and they don't even know where they are.

If there are hidden treasures in the excavations, this must be believed to be true. It can be said that those who hide the loot from the thieves are also the ones who are pissed off. It is understood that the idea of taking care of the earned money instead of looking at it like those who can't if someone else is taking it, has become enlightened by them.

Ants hide their food and consume it at the right time. It is known that Pisinarolls read more than two pieces from ants hiding money. Due to these taxes the countries get income in the form of hidden funds at appropriate times. It should be said that wealth will be left for the country.

Being pissed off is good. There is evil. It should be said that anger may cause pain in present circumstances but may bring good in the future.

Saving money in banks is what we learned from these PCs. But a hungry person hides money without eating. He who hides the remainder after spending it on the necessary needs is not a madman. Can be careless. It can be said that he knows the value of life.

I heard a story when I was a child. The Story of Ant and Grasshopper Ants eat and hide during harvest time, while grasshoppers eat and sing songs when they find food. It rebuked the ant and the grasshopper one day. If you are not eating and singing, if you hide the rest of the food, it is said to hide it to eat in the time of difficulty when food is not available, but the same thing was done without paying attention to the words of the grasshopper ant. When there were times when there was no food, the grasshopper came to the ant and asked me for some food, but the ant did not give it, and the grasshopper died of hunger. According to this story, there is nothing wrong in hiding what is left after everyone eats and is satisfied with their earnings.

But not eating greedily and hiding money shows greed. No matter how much he hides, when he cannot spend it, the one who hides is useless and has no choice but to harm his own life. The money he has hidden will not belong to someone else. That is, if the anthills are built as their homes by hard work, it is like snakes trespassing. I have heard that wealth acquired by corruption is hidden from the desire of the righteous.

It must be said that boredom has taught man many things. It can be said that this PC is the one who taught him how to hide money. It is this boredom that has changed the existence of man.


About the Creator

Barnabas Payam

I write my writings humorously, poetically and artistically about the changes in the spiritual condition of human beings to live peacefully and cheerfully.

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