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Addicted To Words

Or Addicted To Reading And Writing On Vocal and Elsewhere

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
We Will All Paint Our Masterpiece

I often share memes , stories and pictures with friends and get responses, and zones I want to reshare but find I have lost the original piece which disappoints me as I feel I should be able to remember what was said or where that picture was

This was what I lost and it was important to me for obvious reasons

Words So True of Me

Then I got to thinking, are we all , especially on Vocal and other writing platforms, actually addicted to words? This is a pertinent question for me but probably not everyone.

I have grown up knowing people who have negotiated their lives being unable to read , write or even do basic maths , trusting others to give them the right change when shopping and help them if they have to sign for anything.

But think where we would be without words. I couldn’t even say this , and then keep it in a permanent , in this case digital form.

Recently I had to copy some lines and actually write them in a book. Now free form writing is not a problem , words flow from my pen fairly easily , but having to copy typed text , you are then faced with having to make sure your line fits on the width of the page and your page is big enough to hold all the lines that you want to write on that page.

Also you can’t make mistakes , otherwise that takes up more space. If you are doing it digitally , like I am now, I can correct mistakes easily without worrying about what the final document will look like , because I can correct any errors.

I feel that I should be writing at least one story / article / piece a day and this year between my blog and Vocal I have posted 430 stories this year, and that is more than one a day. I only started on Vocal mid April so you may take from that situation that I am actually addicted to writing, and given that the main building bricks of these stories are words then they must be a way of feeding my addiction.

I also love reading although I am quite slow in reading , having just finished “The House On The Borderland” by William Hope Hodgson (see here) and picked up “Switch Bitch” by Roald Dahl , while I have a continual rolling read of “Imajica” by Clive Barker (see here) on my Kindle Fire. All books are made up of words and it is amazing that words are all composed in the English Language of 26 letters. Other European languages have accented letters which expands the possibility for words , and then we have Greek , Russian and a lot of other languages that use even more characters.

So I have to conclude that because we read so much and we write so much that we are actually addicted to words, although if you expanded that argument you could say we are addicted to food , air and water all of which are necessary for our continued existence.

Probably my addictions are not so much words as reading and writing. Some reading and writing we just have to do , but blogging and Vocal and reading books well that, in theory , is not necessary , but I do all these things every day and will do them tomorrow and did them yesterday.

I suppose also another addiction of min is music as I always include a hopefully relevant piece of music with my posts , so I could say I am addicted to creativity and so are all my Vocal friends like the amazing Casey Promise Thompson who is also a wonderful artist , so the music I will choose is “When I Paint My Masterpiece” written by Bob Dylan and performed by the Band so to add another Canadian connection.

how to

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs


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