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What your Skyrim Character says about You

Skyrim is my all-time favourite game. I have found that every time I restart the game and choose a different race, my personality changes. I have created a list of what your Skyrim race says about you as a person!

By People! Just say Something!Published 3 years ago Updated 7 months ago 4 min read

This post was created with the support of OpenAI.

As a gamer who adores delving into realms of fantasy and adventure, I have often found myself entranced by the intricate worlds that video games unfold before me. One such masterpiece that has held a special place in my heart since its release on the remarkable date of 11.11.11 is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This game, with its rich narrative and immersive gameplay, offers a roleplaying experience that stands unparalleled, even today. Each time I venture into this world, I find myself drawn to explore different facets of my character's personality, sometimes grappling with moral dilemmas like Skooma addiction or navigating the complexities of inter-race relations.

At the onset of this roleplaying adventure, a crucial decision beckons every player: the selection of your character's race. Skyrim offers a diverse palette of ten races, each with its unique heritage, strengths, and susceptibilities. This choice, while seemingly rooted in strategy, often transcends the confines of the game, echoing our personal preferences and unconscious inclinations. Whether it's an aversion to the brutish appearance of the orcs or a fascination with the exotic features of the Khajiit, the race you choose unveils a fragment of your personality, painting a vivid picture of who you are in the real world.

Discovering Yourself Through Skyrim's Diverse Races

Altmer (High Elf): In the bustling streets of a nation's capital, you walk with an air of sophistication, embracing a life of luxury and fashion. Your choices reflect a penchant for intellectual pursuits and a distaste for manual labor, a testament to a life steeped in elegance and abundance.

Argonian: As someone who finds joy in the simple pleasures of life, your connection with the Argonian race hints at an adventurous spirit. Your love for the outdoors and affinity for the sea mirrors the primal instincts of this race, reflecting a personality that thrives in the heart of nature.

Bosmer (Wood Elf): Your choice of the Bosmer echoes a deep reverence for nature and a passion for conservation. The rustic allure of the wilderness calls to you, inspiring creative endeavors and a commitment to safeguard the environment for future generations.

Breton: With a keen eye for opportunities and a zest for life, you embody the craftiness of the Breton race. Your adventurous spirit finds joy in the thrill of gambling, a reflection of a personality that seeks excitement and prosperity in every corner of life.

Dunmer (Dark Elves): Choosing the Dunmer race hints at a personality that harbors a fascination for the mystical and the enigmatic. Your secretive nature and affinity for fiery elements mirror the traits of this race, unveiling a person who thrives in the realm of mysteries and dark arts.

Imperial: Your allegiance to the Imperial race echoes a deep-rooted love for your country and a sense of duty that guides your actions. This choice reflects a disciplined personality, committed to serving and protecting the values that bind a community together.

Khajiit: As a person who embraces the Khajiit race, your life mirrors the solitary and observant nature of this feline race. Your penchant for blending into crowds and finding solace in the sun's warm embrace speaks of a personality that values tranquility and simplicity.

Nord: A stalwart defender of kin and kind, your choice of the Nord race unveils a personality that takes pride in its roots. Your resilience and zest for life resonate with the fiery spirit of this race, reflecting a person who embraces life with open arms, ready to face any challenge that comes their way.

Orsimer (Orc): In the powerful and rugged Orsimer, you find a reflection of your robust personality. Your affinity for physical strength and a hands-on approach to life mirrors the attributes of this race, unveiling a personality that values hard work and determination.

Redguard: Choosing the Redguard race hints at a personality that thrives in the face of challenges. Your adventurous spirit and unwavering sense of justice resonate with the traits of this race, reflecting a personality that seeks harmony and justice in the world.

As we venture deeper into the realms of Skyrim, each choice we make unveils a facet of our personality, offering a mirror into our souls. In this intricate dance between the virtual and real, we find a space to explore and understand ourselves better, one quest at a time.


About the Creator

People! Just say Something!

Quirky Writing created by Artistic Creativity and the power of AI with the goal of learning something new every day!



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