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What is Stoicism?

Stoicism has fascinated me for some time now, and my life has improved drastically since following its teachings and practices. Many don't know what Stoicism is - I am here to change that.

By People! Just say Something!Published 2 years ago 4 min read

What is Stoicism, and what do its adherents believe in?

Stoicism is a school of thought that emphasizes the control of one's emotions and the ability to maintain a sense of detachment from the events of the world. This detachment, or apathy, is seen as a way to remain rational and clear-headed in the face of adversity. The Stoics believed that by keeping their emotions in check, they could better focus on their actions and make decisions based on reason rather than passion. This philosophy was developed by the Greek philosopher Zeno of Citium in the 4th century BCE, and it quickly gained popularity among those who sought to live a life free from the turmoil of emotion. The Stoics believed that emotions like fear, anger, and grief were harmful to one's mental state and could lead to rash decisions. They instead advocated for a life of rationality and contemplation, in which one could find tranquillity and peace. While Stoicism fell out of favour in the following centuries, it has recently experienced a revival as people have sought ways to deal with the stress and chaos of modern life. The Stoic philosophy can provide a helpful perspective for those who wish to navigate the world with calmness and clarity.

Famous people who were or are Stoics

Famous people who were or are Stoics include the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the writer and philosopher Seneca, and the Stoic school founder Zeno of Citium. The Stoic philosophy originated in Greece and teaches that the best way to live is by employing reason and self-control to maintain a virtuous character. This approach was very influential in shaping the thought of the ancient world, and its influence can still be seen in modern times. For example, many people who have faced difficult challenges have been inspired by Stoic principles to maintain their composure and focus on what is within their control. The stoic way of life continues to resonate with people today because it offers a practical and realistic approach to dealing with the ups and downs of life.

Some of the most successful people in the world are stoics. They keep their emotions in check, focus on what's within their control, and persevere through difficult challenges. Among them are billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, President Barack Obama, and basketball legend Michael Jordan. Each of these individuals has overcome adversity to achieve greatness, and they credit their stoic philosophy for helping them to stay focused and motivated. While it's impossible to know exactly what goes on inside the mind of a stoic, it's clear that their discipline and resolve have served them well in both their personal and professional lives. As the world becomes increasingly chaotic, adopting a stoic outlook may be more valuable than ever.

How to live a Stoic life

The Stoics were a school of ancient Greek philosophers who emphasized the importance of self-control, reason, and fortitude. The Stoics believed mastering these virtues could attain inner tranquillity and live a life of harmony and contentment. While the Stoics were undoubtedly wise, their philosophy can also be applied to modern life. Here are four ways to live a stoic life:

First, practice self-control. This means learning to control your emotions and reactions to the events of daily life. When something negative happens, don't get angry or upset. Try to remain calm and rational to see the situation clearly and make the best decision.

Second, use reason. This means making decisions based on logic and facts instead of emotions. When faced with a difficult decision, take some time to think it through calmly before deciding what to do.

Third, cultivate fortitude. This virtue helps us to endure hardships and overcome adversity. Don't give up or give in to despair when things go wrong. Instead, summon your strength and meet the challenge head-on.

Fourth, seek inner tranquillity. This is the goal of Stoic philosophy: to find peace of mind amidst the chaos of daily life. To achieve this, practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment. Don't dwell on past failures or worry about future problems. Instead, live in the here and now and make the most of every moment.

Following these four principles can start living a stoic life today. Implement them into your everyday routine and see how they help you to achieve inner peace and contentment.

To conclude...

The Stoic philosophy is a practical and realistic approach to living that can be applied in today's world. It teaches us how to control our emotions, use reason, and endure hardships. Additionally, the Stoics believe that by seeking inner tranquillity, we can find peace of mind amidst the chaos of daily life. If you are looking for a way to deal with the stress and challenges of modern life, then the Stoic philosophy may be right for you.

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People! Just say Something!

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