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What stage has Google's intelligent dialogue robot developed?

We know that Google has launched a conversational robot. With the advancement of technology in modern life, the efficiency of our communication is also getting higher and higher. The major Internet giants can be said to be painstakingly for the user experience. Let's take a look at the main functions of this chat dialogue robot launched by Google.

By Y.W. FungPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Application Scenarios of Chatbots

We know that online platforms have spent a lot of thought on the actual experience process of users, and Google's recently launched chat and conversation bot was developed to improve user experience. First of all, as an intelligent chatbot, it needs to recognize our human emotions, which sounds incredible.

In fact, it achieves effective communication with us by analyzing some emotional features in our language and words. All in all, in the process of human communication, there are certain rules that can be analyzed, so what the intelligent dialogue robot does is to analyze these data. Analyse processing and then give accurate and instant feedback.

We know that the innovation of all tools is to improve the convenience of human beings, so as a chatbot, it has one of the biggest roles is to become our little housekeeper on this online platform, which can help us solve some daily life problems. The problems encountered will greatly improve our work efficiency and save some unnecessary wasted time.

So far it appears that Google's chatbot can perform simple tasks, such as scheduling a given itinerary and performing simple actions, making some special forms. Of course, its functions are still being further upgraded. I believe that with its continuous innovation and upgrading, it will bring huge changes to our daily work and life.

The future of intelligent chatbots

At present, intelligent chatbots are the most important branch of AR, and in the next few years, they will accompany our human daily life, get specific application scenarios and gain greater popularity. That is to say, after a period of development in the future, intelligent robots will appear in our lives, greatly improving the efficiency of our life and work, and even becoming our assistants.

By reviewing how robots have developed and improved in the past few decades, the core of which is the upgrade and change of the core algorithms of robots. With the increasingly popular and in-depth connection in life and work, we will no longer think of it as just a robot as we do now.

So what will it look like in the end? It should become like an APP that we can open on our mobile phones at any time. It is convenient and can help us achieve the purpose of use, and the function is very powerful, even as we expected. Likewise, being our 3rd hand plays an irreplaceable role in our lives.

Concerns about smart chatbots

But a problem that we cannot ignore is about intelligent dialogue robots. From the beginning of its development to the present, humans have a certain negative attitude towards it. It comes from certain science fiction and literary works about the development prospects of intelligent robots. worry. One of the core and most important points is the ethical issue of intelligent robots, because we know that when the robot develops to a certain stage, it will involve conscious personality and so on.

At present, it seems that psychologists and related scientists in our society have been arguing about the ethics of intelligent robots for many years, but so far there is no clear conclusion. At present, there is a common doubt in the industry that it is an intelligent robot. Does it have its own consciousness? If it has its own consciousness, is this consciousness given to the robot by the scientist, or is it generated by himself?

What we know is that any tool is a double-edged sword. The more powerful it is, there must be another drawback, which is for the development of intelligent robots. Human-related scholars have never stopped arguing about his ethics. In the future, with the further upgrading of intelligent robots, it will become more powerful, and there must be relevant laws and regulations to restrain it.

The latest news about Google Chatbots

At present, it seems that Google's intelligent chatbot has a very stable and satisfactory experience in the adaptation and dialogue we encounter in our daily life, so the next step for the breakthrough and development of the robot is mainly focused on making the robot more Intelligent.

At present, judging from the chat records collected by Google, in the process of communicating with humans, intelligent robots often collide with some interesting messages that can make people think deeply. This new experience brings a completely different perception to the relevant designers, from the early days of robot development, to improve human efficiency and help us accomplish some small things at our fingertips.

In the process of his seeming to communicate with human beings, he has brought us some unprecedented inspiration, which is something we could not have expected before. In the early stage of the development of intelligent robots, its main development model is to collect a large number of languages ​​that adapt to the scene from Google's Internet platform, and then analyze these massive data to achieve effective communication. In this process, Inevitably there will be some inappropriate words.

The main problem we have to solve recently is to deal with these accidents that will occur, to make chatbots more intelligent, and to reduce uncomfortable content and uncomfortable content in conversations. That is, from the time when the user had a conversation with a robot before, to when we used it, we felt like we were communicating with a natural human being. So how to go from a robot to a living human being with emotions is the main problem to be solved at present.

What are the main issues that need to be clearly addressed?

At present, it seems that because Google's chatbot uses massive data on the Internet, in the process of calculation analysis and final output, some unexpected accidents will inevitably occur continuously. The current technical personnel are mainly By repairing the occurrence of these problems, the robot is kept in a normal and stable working state, but it seems that the trend of these problems has not decreased, that is to say, the problems are still occurring.

So how to deal with these massive amounts of information and let them output the most correct and appropriate results is the main problem that needs to be solved at present. Even feel horrified by the results and content. And just relying on repairing, which is similar to making up for a dead sheep, seems to be very inefficient.

Basically, in the future, Google's chatbot will transform from a rigid robot to a living person. Of course, this transformation is in terms of user experience, although the current social circles have continued to develop intelligent robots. debate, but as we've seen, the trend toward smart robots doesn't stop there.

It is undeniable that intelligent robots will bring great help in our life, so the question is how to use them reasonably without losing control. The means of restraint should also be promoted jointly. Ensure that the robot is always under the control of our humans. After all, the purpose of his appearance is to serve humans, not to cause trouble for humans.


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