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Deposits on Pre-Booked Appointments

By EivieSpeaks

By CassiePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

As an escort, I spend a lot of my time waiting; whether I am waiting for a response from a potential client, or guessing if the client will show up to their appointment at all. It is hard to feel safe when you give your address to someone and they don't show up. It is also hard not to be enraged because more of my time was wasted. So, I am starting to take deposits, but before I did I wanted to write about what deposit it, why I collect them, and more.

A deposit is an amount of money given to someone in advance of an event or service to ensure its availability on a specific date. Deposit amounts are deducted from the total price. For example, when someone places a deposit on getting a tattoo, you send them the money before they start designing your tattoo. They will then deduct that amount from the price of the tattoo.

I have a few different things people can place deposits on. I have a "Deposit List", which is the list of people who have e-transferred a certain amount of their appointment fee to reserve their spot OR be placed on a "high priority list". It is non refundable but redeemable at any point in time. "High Priority" is how quickly I would respond, hours I work that week, and more. Not only do I base the system on how much of a deposit you place, I also base it on the amount of respect and kindness I receive. If someone is Level One and they start being rude to me then they'll be moved to a lower priority spot. Everyone gets three chances before I block them completely. I spend a lot of time being hassled or bullied into meeting up with people. I don't feel I deserve that. I treat people how they treat me, and I hope that it is with respect.

Level One: Means you have paid over $30 to be on this list. You would revive responses even if I am busy, I would work more hours or different hours to suit your schedule. You could also receive a $10 discount on appointments. It also means I expect respect and kindness, especially since I will be going out of my way to ensure the best service possible. When you want to stop being on this list you can schedule an appointment and the full amount you deposited will be taken off the price of your appointment

Level Two: Means you have paid between $15 and $30 to be on this list. You get the same perks as a regular does. It means I expect you to respect my time and living space. When you want to stop being on this list you can schedule an appointment and the full amount you deposited will be taken off the price of your appointment.

Level Three: Means you are a regular who is super awesome. You would get high priority responses after four appointments together without needing to place a deposit on this list. You would automatically get appointments when booked without extra cost.

Low Priority: Means you are a new client who hasn't been disrespectful or made me feel unsafe.

Non Priority: Means you have been rude/disrespectful. This could also mean you are always asking for discounts consistently if I say no or have no respect for my time. You may have also scheduled appointments in the past and not shown up.

I have been doing escorting for about eight months. One thing that people always do, is get your address and then not show up. Not only is it scary that a stranger now has my address, but its infuriating. Those people have no respect for my time and it causes damage to my relationships with potential regulars and clients. It also means I'm not able to save up for college as quickly due to having less income.

I spent this past weekend booking appointments with people, then waiting. I scheduled eleven appointments for Friday, but only two of them showed up. It has been the same thing for the past few weeks. It isn't that I have a problem with someone needing to re schedule or cancel, but I have a problem when I find out too late to be able to re schedule with someone else or have time to make something to eat.

Service could be greatly improved if I start the deposit system for a few reasons. First, I will have more time to meet new clients. Second, I would feel safer as I will be able to more closely control who knows where I live vs who doesn't. Third, when I receive respect I feel more inclined to give you the same. It is quite simple.

I always hoped that it would never come down to having to take deposits and doing a priority list, however my time has gotten wasted on people who don't actually care to meet with me. To anyone who has been kind and respectful, or shown up to their appointments on time, or have supported me in some kind of way, thank you! You are why I do this job, and I hope that my new system will help ensure everyone is getting the respect they deserve. Love always, XOX Eivie

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About the Creator


20y/o from Cambridge, ON

Educating on controversial topics and living on adrenalin to get there

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