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9 Expectations You Shouldn't Have Before Marrying

If you want your relationship to last, you can't have completely ridiculous expectations.

By The Lost GirlPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It's natural to have some expectations of your husband when you get into a marriage. Indeed, expectations are healthy. They can aid in the development of a sense of accountability in the relationship. You simply need to ensure that your expectations are clear, honest, and reasonable. And this post will specifically address the concept of having REASONABLE expectations in a marriage. If you want your relationship to last, you can't have completely ridiculous expectations.

Keep in mind that your companion is simply human. There is just so much he can do to please you. He will not be flawless. But if he's doing his best, that should be enough if your love for one other is genuine.

If you want to know what kinds of expectations you can have in your relationship, this article might be of great assistance to you. Even if you only want to get a better idea of what roles you and your husband should be playing in your marriage, keep reading until the end.

1. You anticipate him choosing you over his mother.

His mother bore him and brought him into the world. His mother raised him to become the guy he is today. You don't have the authority to urge him to abandon his mother in order to have you. You should never put your man in such situation.

2. You anticipate him acting like a girlfriend.

You have your girlfriends, and they are always available for gossip and girl talk. You should also seek advice from your husband on these matters.

Here are a few things you should not expect from a marriage.

3. You foresee that he will never find other women intriguing.

He's a man with eyes and a self-contained mind. He will find other ladies appealing. You can't be so naive as to believe you're the only attractive lady in the planet. It should be fine for him to find other girls attractive. But it's a completely other story when he starts acting on his love for these women.

4. You anticipate that he will be willing to give up his interests.

You should never be so willing to let your man give up on the things in life that he is passionate about. Remember that his interests add to who he is. Keep in mind that it's all part of his personality. You do not have the authority to advise him to give up his passions simply because you are not interested in them.

5. You want him to be someone other than himself.

You can never compel a man to be someone he is not. You married this specific person. You made a commitment to him. And it's absurd to expect him to be anything other than who he is. You shouldn't expect him to transform into someone else who is more convenient for you.

6. You anticipate his ditching his pals for you.

You should still be able to maintain your own independent social networks. It's fine if you don't like some of his pals. You don't have to like them all. But that doesn't give you the authority to tell him who he can be friends with and who he should avoid in his life.

7. You demand him to be aware of every element of your relationship.

He's only human, after all. He will make mistakes. Some things would slip his mind from time to time. Don't be too hard on him if this happens.

8. You anticipate that he will share all of your interests.

Remember that even if you are in a relationship, you are still distinct people. Just because you've married doesn't imply you'll instantly see the world in the same manner. You are both still entitled to your own distinct and distinctive interests.

9. You want him to always make the necessary changes for you.

This is not going to be how a marriage is intended to appear. You can't expect him to always adjust to you. You must also be willing to go the extra mile for him. You must demonstrate to him that you are adaptable enough to incorporate him into your life.

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About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

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