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Time Immemorable

A Short Story

By TestPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Time Immemorable
Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

Eyes meet across the crowded bar littered with beer bottles and glasses containing half drank booze. Worlds collide with the lingering gaze that causes my heart to skip a beat before tuning in to your heart's rhythm. An exquisite woman appears by your side and brushes a kiss, before pulling you toward the dance floor, where the sensual music is amplified. I want to look away but can't because business is my mission tonight. To take a life that breached peace between the worlds of the living, and those that walk eternally in the night.

The temperature had dropped since I entered the bar on this long winter night. My breath expels into rising plumes that celebrate silence's allay from the music that fed mortal flesh, which made my thirst for its blood intensify. I slip into the alley beside the bar and wait like a panther hiding among jungle flora, waiting for the chance to satisfy its hunger.

As fate would have it, he stepped out from the bar's entrance, alone. There would be no trouble from bystanders' witness to the elusive power of an assassin's precision and calculated kill. Not that there was anything to worry over. The vampire would continue to remain a legend. To be fascinated about through fiction books and the hallowed big screen. With no care for whether they were life vessels to be consumed by the vampire that distracted and entertained their amazing minds away from the defeat that they clung to like barnacles on an anchor sinking into the depths of an endless sea.

When the time arrives to shoot, our eyes meet again, and a vision of his innocence flashes across the void separating my kind from his. Rushing the distance, I grasp his mortal hand. There is no resistance as I pull him into, a shadow-filled alleyway where no words pass between hungry lips. He leans in for a kiss, but my fangs pierce to the warm pulse in a vein, instead, draining to death's door. I slice a blade across my wrist knowing the risk for grave punishment from my kind is worth redemption's reward. Pressing spilled blood to his lips, I close my eyes in anticipation for the searing heat to flood through my existence, once eternal life is accepted. Instead, my arm is pushed away, allowing precious blood to be wasted. He utters some unintelligible words before closing his eyes. I stop the impact from occurring and lower him to the ground, where I tilt his head back and wring my wounded wrist over his opened mouth. Cursing over the fact that if he died, I could miss the chance to be saved from being pulled into the rift by evil's hand. All because I'd been turned during a blood moon when soul turning was forbidden, since time immemorable. My soul created a seal over the rift formed and was stuck within both the mortal and vampiric worlds.

It took longer than I had expected for the sliver of energy remaining in his soul to mingle with mine. I knew he'd be in a state of dazed denial when I needed him to follow me to my car. His soul was the only one I'd ever turned. Realizing the dawn's break would occur within a few short hours, I gave him a shake.

"Are you alright?" I asked helping him up into a sitting position when he stirred into consciousness.

"Yeah... Yeah. What happened?"

"You must have passed out. I found you here unresponsive." I said knowing his lust would motivate him to follow me.

"Hey, wait." He said, using the bar's stone wall to struggle to his feet.

"It's Carly." I said, sending him a salacious glance over my shoulder.

"Jason. My name is Jason."

I waved for him to follow, and we walked with quickened steps to my black Mercades coupe parked around the end of the alley with little talk other than the weather.

Short Story

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