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Tiger love triangle

In September 1950, Bernard, a 20-year-old tiger tamer from a large Austrian circus, led the tiger team to Stockholm for a special performance. The audience was full, and the local TV station also made a live broadcast.

By FlenderPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In September 1950, Bernard, a 20-year-old tiger tamer from a large Austrian circus, led the tiger team to Stockholm for a special performance. The audience was full, and the local TV station also made a live broadcast.

The trump card of this circus is that 8 tigers perform at the same time. It's a miracle that no one tiger tamer has ever been able to tame so many tigers. Rex, the male tiger of the 8 tigers, weighs 320kg and has a ferocious temperament. She has killed a trainer. The female tiger Surtana is shorter and thinner, and the trainers take special care of her. In the usual relationship between people and tigers, Surtana developed a deep affection for Bernard.

On this day, when Bernard greeted the audience, he turned around and suddenly found Rex the tiger curled up behind him, his eyes blurred, as if he was about to jump. Bernard threw a whip hard at it. It shook its head, stretched out its claws, growled, and sat down again. Bernard saw that it was in a bad mood, but he didn't care about it, because it was Sultana who performed first.

He forgot about Rex for a moment and focused on Sultana. As soon as he motioned, Sultana left her seat and sat down next to him obediently. The show began. Sultana jumped, jumped again, and jumped higher and farther, each time, as if flying in the air. Next, they performed "Tiger and Tiger Tamer in Love" together. At Bernard's suggestion, Sultana lay down in a ball like a cat and wiped Bernard's body with her body. The camera was pointed at them, and a close-up shot was released on the TV screen, and the audience was fascinated. What the audience couldn't believe was that Sultana stood up, stood opposite Bernard, slowly put one front paw on his shoulder, then put the other front paw on it, and then licked his face with its big, thick tongue...

The show went on. Bernard told Rex to jump the ring of fire. He stood motionless in front of Rex, shaking the whip in his hand. The tiger roared impatiently and stretched its claws forward. The atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense. Although Rex's performance was a little different from usual, Bernard knew that in the face of the Tigers, he could only keep his composure with all his might. He and Rex were usually a battle of strength and strength, and he was the toughest, and the Tigers knew it well. He picked up the ring of fire again, held it high above his head, and shook the whip in his hand, but Rex didn't jump, it was supposed to jump...

Why is that? Bernard approached it cautiously and found that its eyes had become hazy, its muscles had tightened, and its breath was rapid, as if it was about to pounce on him. Bernard immediately gave it a whip. Rex calmed down, but let out a series of growls. As he flicked the whip, Bernard thought: What's the matter with it today? Suddenly, Rex's hair curled up again, and his eyes were fixed on Bernard. He raised the whip and drew again, but the tiger just shuddered, still maintaining an offensive stance! Bernard knew that the tiger was about to pounce on him, and he couldn't control it anymore. The only way was to always stand face to face with him. Bernard thought quickly about why. He suddenly understood that the performance with Sultana just now was an unforgivable mistake - Rex "fell in love" with Sultana, and he was jealous of him! It's not its trainer that it wants to kill, but its rival in love!

Something terrible happened in an instant. Suddenly, there was a terrible roar on the circus stage, and Rex pounced on its trainer from the front! Bernard was knocked to the ground by a 320kg tiger, its big mouth looking for his throat. At this critical moment, a tigress was seen pouncing towards Rex, biting its neck. Rex was startled and let go of Bernard. Taking advantage of this gap, the circus people immediately pulled Bernard off the stage. Bernard lay on the track, covered in blood, helplessly watching an ongoing tiger fight. Rex roared wildly and fought back at Sultana. Sultana tried her best to resist, but there was a clear disparity in power, and the circus tried to open them with sticks, but to no avail.

After an unknown amount of time, after Rex calmed down, he was driven aside. At this time, Sultana was lying on the ground, blood gurgling from her throat. Bernard approached it, and it gave him a deep look. This look was so quiet, like a tame cat, it shed its last drop of blood for its "love" for Bernard.

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