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The Outcasts

Adryss Ru’unya

By Caleb GeigerPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Outcasts
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Ama’dar strode along the halls of her fortress, knowing that it would never hold up in an attack by Prism’s Stygian elves if they ever did. She was worried that she might lose her weapon and her army, so she wrapped her most prized possession in a long, small box. Ama’dar called for her child to come to her. Adryss appeared, bowing slightly to their mother in respect. She gave the box to them and commanded that they take it and win her a castle that could withstand any attack.

“Mother, a castle that could survive any assault would be able to survive my siege. Why would the strongest castle in the realm fall to me?”

“Because you will have my most powerful weapon at your disposal.”

“I don’t want to use that.”

“Go, my child, and if you need it you’ll have it.”

With that, Adryss gathered their troops and marched away.

Soran Morinos woke suddenly and brought together his brothers. He told them that the Lumin elves would attack in a week and that they would need to create a monster capable of taking on the elves. Lorcan insisted that the best option was to notify Prism and that only the Stygian elves could take on the Lumin elves. Kane had an interest in the monster but agreed with Lorcan that the only real course of action was to get Prism involved. Damien went along with the others, and they notified the Lord of the castle to send word to Kingstor.

Adryss marched ahead with their fourteen hundred strong elven army behind them. As they crested the mountain they could see the castle in the valley. It was well built and fortified all around, but they weren't expecting the attack. The castle gate was wide open and there were soldiers and citizens outside the walls. Adryss ordered her Lumin elves into formation, and they advanced on the soldiers.

Kane Morinos saw the Lumin elves coming and proceeded closer to them, with his brother Damian behind him. He saw the commander of the elves and confronted them.

Adryss saw the centaur approaching and ordered their troops to halt. They met face to face and talked like old enemies.

"Adryss, child of Ama'dar, why have you come to my land? To ravage my people and destroy my home? For surely thou art Adryss Ru'unya, the destroyer."

"I have come to take your castle for my mother, goddess of light and dark, also life and death. Your stronghold is required for our enhanced safety and defense against the coming war."

"The coming war? What about the war you've brought to us today? Curse you, Adryss Ru'unya, and may your army be reduced to the ground from where they came."

With that Kane attacked Adryss, and the battle began. The soldiers did their best to protect the civilians as they were rushed into the castle, but many died at the hands of Lumin elves. Kane's family were all soldiers in this army defending the stronghold, and two of his sons were killed protecting the others. Most of the people got into the castle, and a few Lumin elves got in as well, but they closed the castle gate, leaving them no choice but to lay siege to it the old-fashioned way. Adryss figured it would take the better part of a year, but it would give their mother the stronghold that she desired. They made a note of the package wrapped in brown paper that their mother had given them, but they ignored it.

By Dustin Humes on Unsplash

Adryss ordered their troops to form ranks and advance on the castle, with their siege weapons ready to go. But as Adryss approached the castle, they could see Stygian elves on the walls. Prism had gotten wind of Ama’dar’s plan and reinforced the troops at the castle with his elves. As the battle raged, the Lumin elves battered the enemy with trebuchets and did their best to knock down the gate of the castle with their battle ram. Weeks passed with major losses on both sides, but Adryss refused to even look at the little brown paper package. They knew what was inside, and they had no interest in it. When it became clear that they had little chance of getting through the gate, Adryss commanded their troops to retreat to the higher ground outside of the reach of the castle’s best weapons. There, they would wait for the mortals to die, which would leave the Stygian elves without their support.

Ama’dar’s spies had gotten word of the retreat to her, and she was displeased with her child’s tactics, so she came to the battlefield. She ordered the Lumin elves to continue their attack on the castle, but Adryss insisted on holding back.

“The troops need to rest, or the battle will be over without a chance of winning.”

“I created these elves, I know their limits,” Ama’dar said.

“You created them, but they’re my soul. I know what’s good for them.” Adryss insisted.

“I will not have you jeopardize our safety because you are too weak to do what is required of you. Where is my wand?”

“It’s right here.” Adryss handed over the small, long box, still wrapped in brown paper, to their mother.

Ama’dar rallied the Lumin elves and descended onto the battlefield. With her second heart in hand, nothing could stop her.

Kane and his family, along with his brother Damian, fought valiantly. Ama’dar’s army scaled the walls and continued to batter the gate, but with the help of the Stygian elves, they were able to keep them at bay.

Ama’dar was going to transfigure into her true form. That’s how she was going to take the castle. So she took out the long box, unwrapped it, and found a simple stick. She was furious, but she understood her child’s deception.

Suddenly the ground opened up, swallowing Ama’dar and her elves. The Stygian elves were also swallowed up, and the ground closed. The mortal survivors of the battle were stunned, though Adryss knew what had happened. The god of balance had decided that the world needed peace, so Prism had trapped himself beneath the earth, thereby bringing balance when he trapped Ama’dar in the core of the world. Adryss wondered why they had been left standing when all the other elves had been taken. They left the area undercover with the others fleeing the castle, and never looked back.

Those that remained of the Morinos’ left, but Kane was going on about how the elves would be back, and that they needed to be prepared for them to return. He started rambling on about how he could make Damien into more than a mortal, into something capable of killing the elves, into a beast that could kill all the elves.

To Be Continued…


About the Creator

Caleb Geiger

If you can support me as I make my graphic novel

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