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The Gravel!

Are you a gravel?

By Vasrav blogsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Gravel!
Photo by Jordy Muñoz on Unsplash

Emptiness and loneliness are not chosen by anyone despite their situation. In a parallel world, neither living nor non-living prefers to be alone. The situation of uncertainty leads one to the trap of solitude.

Hereby I am narrating the story of the Deccan plateau region. Loose sand with travels, slopes of stones, irregular pathways makes this region produce soils and also promote maximum soil erosion. There occurs a gravel belt of soil in that area where travels of medium sizes are present. As science declares that the weathering of rocks and travels leads to the formation of soil. So the prime dream of the travels of that area was to transform into the soil of great use. The gravel community of that area were descent but of great competition and selfishness. They were said to be competitors of their members of the community but they were together powerful for any foreign invaders to their area.

Out of the community members, there was a little one named Jonathan. He was very sweet towards the others but no one likes him because of his unsymmetric body. They always use to pass taunts that you will never transform into the soil or if you get then you will be of no use. You will be of waste and all. These taunts were overloaded to him. He always thinks that I am very descent o them but they always disagree with me and makes me feel bad and at the same time he also generate faith in him that one day shut their mouth close and will transform into the soil of the greatest use.

It was the bright sun of summer in the Deccan region all the members of the gravel community were soaking heat to the maximum to weather after soaking cold. So they were all having a conversation together that about what use will they go in their future if they break it to weather into the soil. Some told me I will be used y the porter to make vessels, some told me I will be used for the farming crops. Some for construction material. They were full of good expectations which were good but they on the other side talking bad for the Jonathan gravel. They told that gravel! That gravel will not weather. That gravel! Is a black existence for us. That gravel! It will be nothing more than a waste. But no one knew that what God has planned for “that gravel”.

After their all conversation, they started to soak the heat of the sun, after two to four days of continuous heating the weather changed to rainfall, they didn’t get enough heat to weather or break. Their all expectation was ruined for this year. On another side, Jonathan was eroded by the powerful winds to the northern dry region where he got the maximum heat and was fully ready for the winter season. Now it was a bad view for the Jonathan gravel because the monsoon winds were approaching o that place here Jonathan we soaking heat but it is greatly said that God has always been the great plan for the truth seeker and golden hearts. So, Jonathan was picked up in the beak of the migratory bird and once again he was restored to the Deccan region which was his home. It was winter in the Deccan region not a single member of the gravel community was happy because this year they didn’t get enough heat to weather. After watching Jonathan body which was stretched and cracked marks. They jerked off the full jealousy and started praying to God not to weather Jonathan’s body. But my friend God has already had a great plan for that Gravel and after the winter Jonathan weather into the fine soil which was further used for making idols of the God.

I witnessed a great positive aura when I was writing this fiction. So friends who have great faith in God will always achieve great and despite all negativity, he will surely succeed in his life.

A positive attitude is everything that we need in our life.


About the Creator

Vasrav blogs


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