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The Forgotten

Unlocking the Door to Dark Magic

By LauraPublished about a year ago 6 min read
The Forgotten
Photo by Azzedine Rouichi on Unsplash

As a child, Felicity always felt like an outsider. She was quiet and kept to herself, preferring the company of books and imaginary friends to that of her peers. Her parents, well-meaning as they were, didn't quite know how to connect with their introverted daughter. They encouraged her to make friends, join clubs, and get involved in the community, but nothing seemed to stick. Felicity always felt like the forgotten one, lost in the shuffle of a busy world.

Years went by, and Felicity grew into a young woman. She found solace in her studies and excelled in her academics, earning a scholarship to a prestigious university. For the first time in her life, she felt like she had a purpose, a reason to exist. She threw herself into her studies, pouring over books and immersing herself in her research. She found a home among the scholars and intellectuals, a place where her quiet demeanor and studious nature were accepted.

One day, as she was browsing through a dusty old library, she came across a book that would change her life forever. It was an ancient tome, bound in leather and filled with strange symbols and incantations. She couldn't read the text, but something about it called to her. She checked it out and took it back to her dorm room, where she spent hours poring over its pages.

As she delved deeper into the book, she discovered that it contained secrets and knowledge that had long been forgotten. It was a book of magic, filled with spells and rituals that promised to unlock the secrets of the universe. She was fascinated by the idea of magic, of being able to bend reality to her will. She spent every waking moment studying the book, practicing the spells and incantations until she could recite them in her sleep.

But as she delved deeper into the mysteries of the book, she began to notice strange things happening around her. Objects would move on their own, doors would open and close by themselves, and she would sometimes catch glimpses of shadowy figures out of the corner of her eye. At first, she dismissed it as her imagination, but the occurrences became more frequent and more intense.

By Jr Korpa on Unsplash

One night, as she was working late in her lab, she felt a presence in the room with her. She turned around, expecting to see a colleague or a janitor, but there was no one there. She felt a chill run down her spine, and she knew that something was wrong. She packed up her things and left the lab, making her way back to her dorm room.

As she walked through the deserted halls of the university, she heard a faint whisper in her ear. It was a voice she didn't recognize, but it spoke to her as if it knew her intimately. It whispered secrets and promises, tempting her with the knowledge and power that lay within the pages of the book.

Felicity tried to ignore the voice, but it grew louder and more insistent. It whispered to her in her dreams, beckoning her to explore the depths of the book's magic. She couldn't resist its call, and she found herself drawn deeper and deeper into the book's dark and dangerous secrets.

As the days and weeks went by, Felicity became more and more isolated. She stopped attending classes and stopped talking to her friends and colleagues. She spent all of her time in her dorm room, poring over the book and practicing its spells. Her appearance became gaunt and haggard, and her eyes grew wild and feverish.

The university administration grew concerned and tried to intervene, but Felicity was beyond their reach. She had become obsessed with the book and the power it promised, and she would stop at nothing to unlock its secrets.

And then, one day, Felicity disappeared.

Her disappearance went unnoticed at first. Her colleagues assumed that she had taken a leave of absence, and her parents assumed that she was still studying at the university. But as the weeks went by, it became clear that something was wrong. Her dorm room sat empty, her classes went unattended, and her friends and colleagues began to worry.

The police were called, and they began to investigate Felicity's disappearance. They searched her dorm room and her lab, but they found no trace of her. They interviewed her friends and colleagues, but no one could shed any light on her whereabouts. It was as if she had vanished into thin air.

But as the investigation continued, a strange pattern began to emerge. Those who had been close to Felicity began to report strange occurrences, as if she was still with them in some way. They heard her voice in their dreams, and they saw glimpses of her in the shadows. Some even reported receiving strange messages from her, as if she was reaching out from beyond the grave.

By Waldemar on Unsplash

It was then that they realized the terrible truth. Felicity had become so obsessed with the book of magic that she had inadvertently opened a door to a world beyond our own. She had become trapped in a realm of dark magic, unable to return to the world of the living.

Her friends and colleagues banded together, determined to save Felicity from her fate. They gathered all of the knowledge they could, studying the book of magic and consulting with experts in the field. They even consulted with mediums and psychics, hoping to make contact with Felicity's spirit.

Finally, after months of research and experimentation, they discovered a way to bridge the gap between the worlds. They gathered together in a darkened room, candles flickering and incense burning. They recited the ancient incantations and chanted the spells, calling out to Felicity's spirit across the void.

And then, to their amazement, a figure appeared before them. It was Felicity, but she was not as they remembered her. Her eyes glowed with a strange inner fire, and her body seemed to be made of smoke and shadow. But despite her ghostly appearance, they could see that she was still the same Felicity they had known and loved.

She spoke to them, her voice echoing through the room. She thanked them for their efforts and their love, but she explained that she could not return to the world of the living. She had become too entangled in the world of dark magic, and she had no desire to return to the mortal world.

But even as she spoke, they could see that she was fading away. Her ghostly form grew fainter and fainter, until she was nothing more than a wisp of smoke. And then she was gone, leaving them alone in the darkened room.

They left the room in stunned silence, unsure of what had just transpired. But they knew that they had accomplished something important. They had saved Felicity's spirit from eternal damnation, and they had given her the chance to find peace in a world beyond our own.

And so, Felicity became known as the forgotten one no longer. Her legacy lived on, as a cautionary tale of the dangers of dark magic and the power of love and friendship. And her spirit, though lost to the mortal world, found a new home among the realms of magic and the unknown.

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