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The Clausen Cabin

Ghost Stories

By Roxy WolfPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window. It was a foggy cold evening in November, gusts of wind and rain were coming from the north and the campers were packing their materials and tents away to escape the incoming storm when they heard the screeching inhuman sounds echo through the night.

"Did you hear that?" August looked around at his friends and all of them were staring wide eyed towards the cabin oblivious to the haunting sounds coming from the woods. Rush pointed toward the cabin, "do you think the Clausen's came back?" The hairs on Augusts forearms stood on end as he turned to look at the cabin. August froze and another screech sounded into the night. "Guys, we need to leave. Now!" Matt and Evan reached out and grabbed onto August. "Where's Rush?"

August looked at his friends and then back where Rush had previously been standing. A chill spread through his entire body as his eyes scanned the darkness for his friend. The pit of his stomach filled with dread as he began moving towards the cabin unconsciously. Matt and Even followed behind without question. When they got closer they saw Rush standing in the window mouthing something but before they could decipher it a tall figure made it's way past Rush and out the door. "What are you doing out here? Didn't you hear those screeches? The inbetweens will get you! You need to come into the cabin now!"

Another inhuman screech echoed into the night right behind them. Not daring to turn around the three guys sprinted towards the tall figure in the doorway. Once inside the guys were doubled over breathing hard, fighting to catch their breath and Rush turns to them. Eyes lifeless and black, "the Clausen's are back." August backed away from his friend as Rush's jaw unhinged and he lurched forward spewing black blood down his chest. His body hitting the floor with a wet slap.

Matt and Evan stood back staring at the man that had ushered them in before begging to be let go. "I can't do that." The man pointed at Rush, "if I let you go, they will get you. You'll end up like your friend." August turned back towards his friends and the man, "this is the Clausen's cabin. How are we safe in here? This is their home!" Panic laced every word that he spoke and he could feel his body begin to tremble.

The man looked at him and slowly began to smile. "Who said anything about you being safe?" He turned his full attention to August, "I'm surprised that you don't recognize me August Nelson. I have to say you look just like your mother. It's a shame you didn't heed her advice." August racked his brain but kept drawing blanks on how he knew this man or what advice his mother had given him.

Another screech echoed into the night but this one was different. It was joined by others. It sounded like they had surrounded the cabin. The man began to laugh as footsteps could be heard above them. "It's almost time."

Matt and Evan stood frozen staring at Rush's lifeless body. Afraid to move or talk. August started to tremble harder when he heard a familiar voice coming down the stairs, "Gerald, I think they've had enough. Don't you?" The screeches came to a halting stop and silence filled the cabin. The man named Gerald stepped forward towards August as the steps creaked and his mother Agatha appeared. "August, I thought I told you never to come here."

Legend says that all four boys were murdered by his mother and the man named Gerald. Sometimes in November on foggy rainy days you can hear the screeches in the wind of the inbetweens that are the trapped victims of Gerald and Agatha and if you ever see the candle lit in the cabin, it's too late.

Short Story

About the Creator

Roxy Wolf

Hello! My pen-name for this is Roxy Wolf. Not using my real name due to personal reasons. One day that may change. This is part of my journey to healing & learning to use my voice. I hope this helps others know they're not alone.

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