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Never mess with a woman scorned

By Alexandra ZellerPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Lum3n from Pexels

Cole rode into town like a Tasmanian Devil. Anything in his path was his to conquer. He could take on the world. He was unstoppable.

Of course, with such courage and haughtiness comes its own troubles. You see, Cole was a woman's man. He changed women like they were meals during the day. It started with the widows, working his way through the married, then into the more complicated and flighty college women. He was a renowned pick-up artist.

This didn't sit well with most of them. He was a Cassonova, and although his reputation always preceded him, women still fell for his lures. His honeyed words were saccharine, dripping with false promise and hope. Yet women were still drawn to him in droves, like mosquitos to a lamp in the night. Their love burned for him.

He snuffed out their light, consuming it like a dark black hole. It was like he fed on the tears and sorrow he created. The sweet nothings felt like something, futures that were then snatched from these girls.

What Cole never learned is to never mess with a woman scorned.

You see, he'd make rotations between women. As one would assume, he eventually ran out of new blood in the small town. When Cole got tired of one, he would reach out to another he had left just to see if he could reel them back in. It was a sick game he loved to play- he was the hunter and they were the hunted.

The more they played into his game the harder he would pursue.

That was until Adrielle came into town.

Adrielle was a young, pretty thing. The talk of the small town since her arrival. A physician, a beauty queen, and a renowned hunter- it was hard not to talk about her. The state of Louisiana seemed to become pacified in her presence, but Cole saw her as the ultimate trophy- the notch that would complete his bedpost trophies.

It wasn't long before the two were spotted together. They would share flirtatious glances back and forth, dancing between feigning innocence and begging for more. At the local diner, they were often spotted sharing a slice of chocolate cake. It was an innocent act that the duo made so filthy.

But all good things must come to an end.

Cole had won his prize, and soon the beauty queen was left out in the trash. Her facade of perfection became distraught and riddled with tears. Whispers followed her around town, and hushed voices goaded her to insanity. The man who brought her to such a low simply toyed with her, bringing her back from the brink of a breakdown just to watch her fall again and again.

The real tragedy began when Cole had the audacity to share a slice of chocolate cake with the blonde-haired bimbo from the thrift shop. Anger so vile consumed every fiber of Adrielle. Where sadness once quenched, it now evaporated into a raging conflagration.

She knew his tactics, his ticks, so she set off home to prepare for the feast of a lifetime. Adrielle laid out cakes and candies, roasts and rabbit, liquor and juice, everything imaginable. It was a cornucopia. Unsheathing her ax, she wielded it with such grace it was as if she was performing a grand ballet as the roasts and cakes were cut into slices. Perfect! She was giddy with excitement.

Rain fell from the sky in droves, as Adrielle hummed happily. If she could not have Cole, then no one would. He was hers, whether by force or choice.

It wasn't long till the rocky path back to his bachelor pad came into view. She could see the lights still on, the silhouettes grinding against each other as they committed the ultimate sin against her. Adrielle grabbed her ax and headed inside, oh if only he knew!

The door was unlocked, it seemed the two lovers were in such a rush they didn't seem to be worried about security. Either way, with the roar of the music she knew they would be unable to hear her attempts at breaking in. Even shattering glass would be unlikely to pull these two apart.

The stairs creaked and screamed of her invasion, but it fell on deaf ears. Adrielle cradled the ax against her chest, grinning gleefully she skipped her way to their room. Stopping for a moment to grimace at them through the crack in the door.

The light cut through the darkness, glinting off her eyes as the huntress eyed her prey. Such a shame.

Opening the door, she let Cole eye her for one moment before the ax left her hand. It flew forward, connecting with the blonde. There was only a quiet squeak that escaped her mouth before she slumped forward. Red liquid pooled along the ridges in her back before the rivulets overflowed and tainted her perfect Cole.

At least he looked handsome in red.

Adrielle closed the gap between them, pulling the ax from the blonde's back. She lowered her head and gave Cole a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll forgive you this time Cole, don't you dare do this to me again darling." Raising the hilt she slammed it down onto his head, his body falling limp. He was such a lightweight, literally. It took Adrielle no effort to get him to the car, and eventually, into her house.

He looked so fragile sitting there at the head of the table. Adrielle ran her hands along the line of his jaw, before patting his cheek a few times to wake him up. It was time for their dinner date!

As soon as Cole opened his eyes, he realized the situation was dire. His mouth was stuffed with a white cloth, and his ankles and wrists were bound. His torso held him to the chair with a belt, and he was shackled by his neck like a dog.

Immediately across from him sat Adrielle. She looked immaculate, her hair done up in pin curls and her lips adorned with the most vibrant cherry. As he made contact with her eyes, he was greeted with that signature award-winning smile.

Adrielle stood up from her chair and began filling a plate with all sorts of food. She filled a glass up with ice and brought the offering to him. Seating herself beside him, she began to undo his gag and he prepared to scream.

"Oh Honey, you don't feel it yet do you?"

He tried to scream, tried to yell, tried to do anything but all he felt was a deep, throbbing pain. She was a doctor, of course, she had adeptly and swiftly taken his vocal cords.

"Now I will be the last living woman to have heard you. Your sweet voice... it's mine to cherish," she cooed. Adrielle took the fork and cut a small portion off the cake. A blush dashed across her cheeks when she noticed him staring at her.

"Eat your cake now, we have plenty of time to enjoy dessert later!"

Short Story

About the Creator

Alexandra Zeller

A young adult still trying to find her place in this world.

You can follow me on all my socials!

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