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Re-inventing Roni

Will she finally be free?

By Carrie Ann AlexisPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Not a word, and you won’t get hurt. We’re going for a ride.”

The voice is familiar. I am grabbed from behind and before I know it, I am pushed into a van. I recognize the guy holding the door open. As he jumps in, he slides the door shut, and we are plunged into darkness. When the guy who grabbed me flicks on a light, I have to shield my eyes from the brightness until they can focus.

“Oh, it’s you two.” I recognize Dominic’s henchmen, Marco and Jimmy, they watch my every move. I had just left the club with my friends after a much-needed night out.

“It’s always a pleasure Roni.” Marco smirks.

“What did I do wrong this time? Was it the way I was dancing? Did I drink too much? Was it the . . .”

“Shut. Up! You’ll find out soon enough.” Jimmy rubs his hand down his face. I’m surprised Jimmy even had it in him. I pegged him as the muscle of the operation, he usually doesn’t talk. He must be having a bad day.

The van comes to an abrupt stop, I hear the front door slam, as the driver gets out. I’m left with Fric and Frac.

Looking at Jimmy, Marco nods his head towards the back doors, “You and Nick, go take a walk, stretch your legs, I got this.”

Without a word, he leaves slamming the door behind him. From what I can tell we are in a nondescript parking garage.

Marco glowers, “So, the guy you were talking to at the bar. . .”

“Geeeez-us.” Shaking my head. “I should have known. All this, for that? He’s an old friend! You really have to . . .”

Marco holds up his hand to stop me from talking. “Roni, seriously, stop talking. We don’t have much time, just listen to me.”

Crossing my arms over my chest I slump back in my seat. “Fine. Then talk.”

“I’m not who you think I am, I’m on your side. Your old friend, Dennis? He is one of us. We are about to take down Dominic, and he’ll be locked up for a long time. If you don’t cooperate with us, you will go down too. But, we know how desperate you are to get away from him, so I'm thinking you will.”

“We? Who’s We?”

“I can’t get into that right now; you just have to trust me.”

“Yeah? What happens when Dominic figures out I’m helping whoever? He’ll kill me in my sleep.”

Shaking his head, “Nah, we see your every move, even at home. To keep tabs on you, Dominic recently installed video surveillance throughout your house . . .”

“Video surveillance? Are you frickin’ kidding me? So, I’ve got you and Jimmy watching me undress and take showers?”

“Roni, calm down. We don’t have access to those areas of the house. But just so you know, Dominic made it clear that he was the only one to access those cameras for his private viewing and has it securely encrypted.”

“Oh great, I feel so much better.” Rubbing my forehead as I feel the onset of a headache.

“So, here’s what’s going to happen. When you get to work on Monday, you will receive a package, it’s a burner phone and that is how we will communicate with you, leave it at work.”

“Okay. Package, phone, got it.” I count out each step on my fingers to remember.

“In a few minutes another van is going to pull up, the guy," he emphasizes using air quotes, "you were talking to at the bar, will be dragged out and Jimmy will rough him up while I make you watch. Dominic can’t know about Dennis. So, we got a decoy. This guy, and Jimmy are one of us.”

I run my fingers through my hair to get it out of my eyes, “This is a lot to ask of me.”

“I know, I'm sorry. But I know you can do it.” He pats my knee for reassurance.

“We told Dominic that you were talking with some guy, and that we would make sure you didn’t do it again, that’s why we grabbed you. We will take you back to your car, you will go home and pretend none of this happened. Then you will wait for our instructions. Are we clear?”

“Crystal.” This is a lot to take in, for once I’m at a loss for words. I fidget with a loose string on the hem of my sweater.

“Roni. I know this is a lot to process. But you want a whole new life, away from Dominic, a fresh start. We can make that happen.”

“And how do you know what I really want?”

“We’ve got eyes and ears everywhere, you know, big brother and shit.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal that my whole existence is on display.

“That’s supposed to make me feel better?” I rub my palms on my jeans, trying to calm my nerves.

“It is what it is. In time, this will all make sense.” Marco looks at his smartwatch. “Now, it’s go time.”

<< >>

When I pull into the driveway, Dominic is outside smoking a cigarette; I hate that smell. He walks towards me and meets me halfway as I walk up to the house. He puts his arm around my waist to pull me close beside him, and kisses me on the top of my head. “How was your night out Veronica?”

He uses my proper name when he is being smug, and he knows I hate it. “It was fine. It was nice to get out. What did you do?”

We enter the house, and he closes the door behind him. “Not much, just watched the game.”

He grasps my hand and pulls me close for a kiss. “I know you must be tired. Why don’t you go upstairs and take a nice, long, hot shower?”

I force myself to smile and try to stop the chill racing up my spine. “It’s late, I think I’ll go right to bed.”

“Okay then, I’ll be up later. I have some uh, things to review. Don’t wait up.” He smirks as he kisses my hand, looking up at me with eyes that are filled with pure evil. How have I stayed this long?

“Good night then.” I walk up the stairs, even though I want to run.

I grab my pajamas and go to the one part of the bathroom where I know I am not being watched, close the door and sit on the toilet lid. It’s there I can finally breathe. I lean my head against the cool tile wall, thinking about my conversation with Dennis. It makes me smile and fills me with a happiness I have not felt in a long time.

It gives me hope.

Short Story

About the Creator

Carrie Ann Alexis

Just me sharing my passion for writing through fictional stories as I do life as a single mom while building a business as a virtual bookkeeper.

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