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Puppy Love

A meeting in moonlight

By Jessica Nelson Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Puppy Love
Photo by Lydia Torrey on Unsplash


The dog’s plaintive whine roused Moira from a fitful sleep. She snagged a night robe, cinched the belt and strode down the narrow hallway of her duplex, feeling the walls for balance. A week in this place and things still seemed out of whack.

The poor thing howled again, sounding terrified. Or hurt.

She opened the front door and peered down at the wrinkled ball of fur curled on her doorstep. Fat face, squashed nose, and floppy ears. Absolutely adorable, even if he’d gotten her out of bed.

She crouched and picked up the trembling puppy. “You could get hit out here.” She pressed her nose against his warm fur. The scent of shampoo tickled her senses. She cuddled the dog and was about to step inside when a voice called out.

“Wait.” A tall man jogged up the sidewalk, his blonde hair silvery beneath the moonlight. “I think that’s my puppy.”

Moira pressed the puppy against her chest. The little guy squirmed, and bathed her chin with his warm tongue.

She watched the man as he stepped on the porch. Eye level, she recognized those serious eyes. The air whooshed out of her lungs.


He squinted as if trying to figure out how she knew his name but the overhang probably shadowed her face.

She stepped forward until they were almost nose to nose. “Moira Stevens. I’m with Morgan & Price. I’ve seen you around the building”

More like ogled the attractive paralegal, but he didn’t need to know that. Nope. Definitely did not need to know.

“The office across the hall? I know you.” A slow grin spread across his face.

“Liar.” She smiled to soften the word. “This wiggling creature is yours?” She cradled him so his round brown eyes blinked up at her. He twisted, his tiny pink tongue flicking out, and she laughed.

“Napoleon. I've spent an hour searching for him.”

At Clint's voice, the puppy nearly jumped out of her arms. An unexpected ache crept through her as she handed Napoleon over. “He’s beautiful.”

“He’s a tyrant.”

Bemused by talking to this handsome man in the moonlight, Moira chuckled. “He must have a ton of energy to have made it this far. Thank goodness this neighborhood is quiet. I’d hate to see him hurt by a car.”

She reached out and stroked his fur, relishing his softness. Awareness trembled through her when she realized Clint was studying her.

“What do you like to be called?” His brow furrowed.

She bit her cheek, resisting the urge to laugh. “I knew it.”


“You don’t know my name.” She held up a swath of mussed hair. “Imagine this, pulled severely back in a chignon.” Demonstrating, she reached back with a deft movement and made a tight bun.

“Office Girl.”

Cheeks burning, she managed a nod. “That’s me.” She released the hair and felt it brush her shoulders again.

“Interested in losing that title?” His eyes sparkled.

She nodded. “I’m hoping to be hired as a paralegal once I pass finals exams.”

“You’ve been going to college?”

“Every night.”

Clint shifted on his feet. Napoleon had fallen asleep in his arms.

“I guess you should get him home.”

Grinning, Clint looked down at the snoozing puppy. “His bath wore him out.”

“Or his trip down the street.” She laughed.

Clint’s grin widened. “Actually, I think he slipped right through that door.” He pointed to the neighbor’s front door.

Clint shared her duplex? Her pulse jumped. “You’ve been living here long?”

“Moved in about a week ago.”

Right when she had.

He gave her that grin again, wide with straight, white teeth. His smile was as sexy and sweet as his personality. Too bad he only thought of her as “office girl”. With a reputation for honesty and working hard, she was surprised he’d even heard the unwelcome nickname. Served her right for being unapproachable. But she was took her job seriously.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at work.” She gave him her business nod, and was just about to move back into the house when he touched her arm. Only the barest caress, but the warmth of his fingers stopped her mid-stride.

“Moira or Mo?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you …” He looked sheepish.


“It’s ironic we’re neighbors.” He cleared his throat. “Would you like to grab breakfast tomorrow? Before work?”

Moira bit back a smile, hardly believing this was happening. “I’d love to.”

Clint’s eyes crinkled. Napoleon let out a little puppy groan. “Awesome. You’re not so intimidating with your hair down.”

She touched her hair and offered him a rueful smile. “I know.”

“Either way, you’re beautiful.” His smile made her feel like he was the only woman he’d ever looked at. “How about we meet here tomorrow?”

Warmth spread through her. “Sounds perfect.”


About the Creator

Jessica Nelson

Jessica Nelson loves coffee, books, Jesus, her family, and writing. Not necessarily in that order.

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