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P vs O

an interview between concepts.

By TestPublished about a year ago 4 min read

P: why must you always see that consequences as an outcome to every situation?

O:Its just my nature and besides you of all people know how to merge pragmatism with such stoicism.

P: Here we go again with that silly Schopenhauer idealistic veil that you put with. How many times must you always use his veil to illustrate and examine as not as a truth only to see the full capacity of the overview of what true nihilism does.

O: So you are implying that Kant, cant make his point not to mix Marxism with Lenin and be cynic about it, right?

P: With all the negative vibe and the world did suffer under any of such, why not peeps and other mofos to see the idealistic crusade of a merged society where everyone has that opinionated screw ups of idealistic Socratic ways of living.

O:Socrates believed in free thinking, I know all that philosophies turns into an opinionated screw ups from time to time. Here comes my bus.

P: Why do you even bother with the world today, cant you just signify a automobile and its ways.

O: Lets just say its just me, living in a world where both idealistic concepts of living can be in harmony but not in a just unfair world. Wait, its not my bus. Darn it another 15 minute wait. At least your here for silly notions, wanna go at it at Mythology P?

P: Why Mythology, cant we drag that silly heads of autocratic and authoritarian fight we always have when we are butting heads with Philosophy, Social structures and Politics.

O; I can not pin point who said who, I dunno what movie or frame of reference that I can qoute. Here it goes anyway "To have it another way is a way to fight not with all the arsenal in the world, yet to fight smart and efficiently without fighting physically and blunt speed with attitude and tenacity yet simple to say the least amount of words, so to speak"

P: I can list off so much reference from what you said, yet to term it or coin it up for you most likely when the late Bruce Lee said that to Peter Archer in the movie "Enter The Dragon".

O: You may be right , yet there are more than one movie to that reference.

P: Wanna try me?

O: I will if we dare to analyze why "Hera is always Jealous" first.

P: Man this again, but wait there is something in your eye that eludes me on that statement that I may have some light into it.

O: Well wanna try it and maybe I will say those two movies that you wanted an answer for?

P: I am not gonna go for that nitpickiness of Grecian pantheonistic behavorisms.

O: Then we talk about something else but no more Political idealouges from you, nor concepts of society in specifics or individual takes and retakes from a bygone age of Czar to whar evers man.

P: What else is there to talk about, other than religion, spirituality and way of the "Force" again with you.

O: Well its almost time, wait I think the bus that I am waiting for might be here.

P: Please I gotta know that movie you were refering about?

O: Dude we kept jumping topics for far too long, I am late and Sophia is making her best Coffee ever tonight.

P:You got back with Sophia?

O: Technically no but she might have someone in particular in sight for me?

P: Damnit, ugly, redheads, blondes, almost cool chicks, and hot chicks you have for friends but never got any.

O: Dude its here. Oh by the way, oh yah at least I have some. Bye man.

P: You little, I'll get you yet. Maybe I need to be more optimistic in my ways than in my thinking other than always reading silly raving lunatic books, oh well might as well get some grub at Pops.

JB was walking by and P saw him and the two snared and snickered for a minute.

P: Buddy ol pal, wanna go to Pops and get some mega Burrito and fries.

JB: Sounds good but who is buying, got almost a buck and quarter and my momma's gonna really scold me if I dont get back home, its quarter past 7. Sorry man gotta jet.

P: You dont know what your missing.


All views between P and O are purely for conversation between two opposing views of the old and the new world today. The common ground was it was normal between two arguments has no violent or inconsequential banter. This two friends has been there and will always because one is P:essimistic the other O:ptimistic.

Fan FictionHumorSatireScriptShort StoryLove

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