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Zeus had a son and a daughter, the son was called "Apollo". He was a handsome boy

By MerleVillalobosPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Zeus had a son and a daughter, the son was called "Apollo". He was a handsome boy, he was very powerful and was the "sun god" who was in charge of the sun. One day Apollo was instructed by his father to shoot a demon, and on his way back he saw a child playing with a bow, so he went up to the child and said, "Your children are not allowed to play with bows," and brought up the demon he had shot to show him. Well said a lot of contemptuous words ~ that child in charge of love Iroquois, also called him Cupid.

Cupid was very angry with Apollo's words and said, "Do you believe that I will shoot you with my arrow." Apollo, of course, did not believe. So Cupid shot two special arrows into the sky: the first arrow would make a person fall deeply in love; the second arrow would make a person not fall in love with the opposite sex. The first arrow hit Apollo, and the second arrow hit the daughter of the river god, a beautiful girl named Daphne, who was the first beauty in the gods. As soon as Apollo saw Daphne, he fell in love with her, and his love for her was as uncontrollable as a disease.

  He followed Daphne like a shadow. But the maiden revered the moon goddess and wanted to follow her to become an eternal virgin, and therefore very repulsive to men, simply ignored Apollo's pursuit. But Apollo did not give up. One day Apollo saw Daphne in the woods and went over to him to confess his love. But because of Cupid's arrow, she kept running away from him, and the more Daphne ran, the more frightened she became.

Because this time Apollo is determined not to let her leave, just when he was about to catch up, finally she stopped, because he was stopped by a big river. Daph, the river in front of him begged for help: "Daddy, please open your mouth and swallow me."

The river god always loved this beautiful daughter, so he cast the river god to turn her into a laurel tree. Apollo saw Daphne turned into a laurel tree, and felt chagrin, he gently embraced the laurel tree to apologize to her, and said that although she could not become his wife, his love for her will never change, he will use her wood to make his harp, use her flowers to decorate his bow and arrow so that she will always be young and do not have to worry about aging.

  Although Daphne became a tree, Apollo still loved her, he embraced the trunk of the tree, and the leaves rustled and trembled. "You will be my tree," he said, "and you will grow green all the year round and be a crown of glory to the victors." From then on, Apollo honored the laurel tree as his sacred tree, and his hair, lyre, and arrow pouch were always adorned with its branches and leaves. Every year, he chose the best poets in Greece and gave them crowns made of laurel branches as a sign of glory, as well as to all those who had achieved something. This is the origin of the name Poet Laureate and the word "laurel".


There is a small Greek city-state of little renown, which has always been favored by the gods of love and beauty, and where the people love beauty and know what beauty is. Every place in the small city-state had a temple to Venus, the god of love and beauty, and the people respected her, loved her, and always offered the best sacrifices to her. But in the past year or two, the situation seems to have changed. The temple of Venus began to be left out, fewer and fewer people went to offer sacrifices, and then it was simply empty; the offering table was covered with dust, the dust on the ground had accumulated thick, and the temple walls had cobwebs. Seeing this situation, the goddess was furious, and she immediately turned into a man to investigate the city.

  It turns out that the king of this small city-state has three daughters, the oldest two look ordinary, but the youngest daughter in the past two years has grown up very beautiful. She has a graceful physique, a pretty face, and a pair of watery eyes, dazzling. Those who have seen her do not know what words to use to describe her, just praise everyone, so the princess's reputation spread around the city. The people of the city took the princess' beauty as the pride of their country, and countless people came to the palace every day to catch a glimpse of her. Everyone worshipped her as a goddess and even offered her the best things. Her name, Puck, had long been forgotten, and everyone called her the goddess of beauty as if she were Venus.

  Venus was so jealous of her that she ordered Cupid to punish her. However, Cupid accidentally got hit by his arrow and fell in love with her and made her his wife. Puck lived a privileged life in the temple, but since Cupid married her against her mother's orders, she could not let Puuk see Cupid's face. For this reason, she was very depressed.

  Her two sisters were jealous of her life in the temple, so they lied to her that Cupid was a demon and encouraged her to peek at him at night. After she saw Cupid at night by lighting an oil lamp, she realized that he turned out to be a handsome young man. Cupid was awakened and went away in anger. Puck learns how much she loves him.


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