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Chapter one

By Aiki NightorePublished 2 years ago 19 min read

I blink bored at my reflection in the car window, everything around me being buried in a grave silence. It's past midnight, and I'm in a car as black as the cloudy sky tonight. I wish I could stay home, but someone is so annoying you can't resist. I lower my eyes to look out the window and notice that we have stopped walking. I blink a few times in a row, then look back at the boy who had dragged me out of the house more by force. He gets out of the car without waiting for me, slowly slamming the metal door. I sigh for myself and rest my head on the piece of glass, not wanting to follow him.

A few knocks on the window make me stand up and give the person a frown. Soon the door opens, a sign that I should go down. I get up hard from my soft chair and smile ironically at the brown boy. I look around and see the other members of the team trying to get closer without making too much noise. I roll my eyes at them and notice a big, old, dilapidated house, and then I step back, already knowing what's coming.

"Okay, Aidan , remind me not to follow you at such classes!" I tell the boy in front of me, being serious.

"Let me remind you that you've said this about ... fifty times?" he answers amused by my expression.

I murmur a few curses between my lips as the others reach us. Sarah jumps into my arms, making her light brown hair flutter in the air. I catch her giggling and squeezing her tightly, the girl imitating me. The brunette boy, who had come with Sarah, greeted his friend with a slap on the shoulder. Aidan rolls his green eyes and responds with another but stronger blow.

- Why are you so fed up !? the boy begins to scream, rubbing his shoulder.5

"Because you're interrupting my ass analysis."13

There is silence for a while, and all eyes are on Aidan. Sarah frees me from her embrace and approaches the green-eyed brunette, trampling him hard on his right leg and walking toward the entrance to the house. The boy starts screaming and jumping on one leg in the hope that his pain will ease. Sin. It doesn't work on perverts.2

- What the hell? Don't you know the joke anymore? the grieving boy revolted, stopping hopping.

"I say you deserve it," I say, and follow the brunette closely.1

- Not you, Layla! he complains in an angry childish tone.

I snort amusedly and catch up with the hurried girl, and in a few moments the two boys reach us. We glance at each other, then open the door to the house. The piece of old wood begins to creak loudly, making my body tremble slightly. Another adventure in a haunted house. I wonder when they'll get bored of this "job . "1

When Nova Nightingale sets out to find her missing sister in her small town, she isn't expecting to uncover dangerous supernatural secrets that challenge her understandi...

We enter the large room cautiously, one behind the other. I put my hands on the girl's shoulders and inspect the area, feeling a few glances from different corners. Sarah stays still and tries to find a flashlight through the pockets of her black leather jacket, and Aidan and Luka move forward through the darkness until they can no longer be seen. I inspect the place, noticing that the windows are covered with planks that do not allow even a strip of light to enter. A perfect atmosphere .

I take a step, trying to get away from Sarah, but I'm stopped by a short scream. I start short and take my fighting position, the girl suddenly coming towards me. The brunette turns on the flashlight and points it at the source of the noise, and the light pierces the darkness, showing Luka's figure. He rubs his foot and silently swears at a chair in hell, he knows why, in the middle of the room. I smile briefly, then smile as I analyze her elegant outfit, consisting of a black suit and a white shirt with a tie. Another light came in front of me, forcing me to close my eyes.

"Aidan, you'd better get that flashlight if you don't want to die here and now."

I hear a long sigh, and the light slowly fades away. I blink a few times to drive away the extra lights I see in the room. A few steps closer to us, the wooden floor creaked long and hard.

"I say you shouldn't be stupid anymore." The prey will leave ! says Sarah, mimicking an enthusiasm.

- Since when do you call spirits prey? Luka also approached, catching the subject of the discussion.

Even though it's dark, I can bet Sarah turned her eyes to the boy's phrase — it was a tick of hers. I smile and look up at the ceiling. We had to go upstairs, because that's where the people's complaints came from. I lower my head slowly to the same rhythm as the creaking of the floor.

- Very funny, Aidan! I say, and frown at the boy.

"I can swear it wasn't me this time." I heard from behind ...

I shudder at the words, and a cold shiver hugs my spine. Spirit. I turn on my heel without saying anything, and the others follow me silently as they light up the room to find the staircase leading upstairs. Without bothering too much, we see the pieces of wood arranged to be ironed. I grin suddenly and run to the narrow staircase, leaving the others behind.

- Layla, do you want to play poker again? Aidan says amusedly, making me smile involuntarily.7

I walk carefully on every step, making wonderful squeaks - so wonderful that you wanted to be deaf at that moment. I get upstairs and quickly inspect the place, which is not strange. I turn my head to the others, watching Sarah climb with Luka, the boy being careful not to let anything happen to his young lady. I make room for them to pass me, and I stay in front of the stairs to wait for Aidan.

"Are you going to climb, or are you afraid?" I say and raise an eyebrow with a bored expression.

"Unfortunately you can't get rid of me even if you want to!" says the boy as he lights his face with his flashlight as if he were telling a horror story.

- I'll give you three seconds. If you don't come up, I'll go out with Bart.

I put my hands on my chest and wait, grinning. Bart is Aidan's enemy, they are always in the race. Bart Browed is another exorcist, but from a different team. Each team consists of two people who must be together in each mission, whether they want to or not. Teams are made by the Chief , some are right, some are not. I still don't understand why I joined the team with Aidan and not a man with his head on his shoulders. But only the boss knew the answer, because he had formed the team.

I hear someone running down the rickety stairs, making her bang. When Aidan is on the last step, the ladder gives way, and the boy quickly jumps, letting the pieces of wood fall to the floor on the ground floor, making an echoing sound that could wake even the dead. In a short time I am suddenly knocked down by the boy's weight, my back making strong contact with the wooden floor, and another weight pressing me. I'm going to kill him before the spirits. Aidan rose a few inches, gasping. Now he is leaning on his elbows, above me, looking at me with an awkward grin. I look at him bored, wanting to put him in the graves next to the house.

"Are you going to get up from me?" I ask him seriously, glaring at him.19

- I'm much too well. In fact, I think I hit my foot!

"I'll hit you in the head soon, you idiot!" How do we go down without a ladder? Sarah's voice was heard, she was quite nervous.

- Are we jumping out the window? says Aidan, looking serious.

"We're on the first floor," Luka said, picking up her friend from me.

"I never heard anyone die because he jumped from the first floor!"

- I'll put you in the grave--

"Doesn't that sound a little quiet?" Sarah stops me from threatening.

"I say they all ran away from this noise!" Luka revolted for the first time since I entered the house.1

I get up from the hard floor and look around. There is silence between us, now paying attention to any movement or sound. I quickly approached Aidan and grabbed his white T-shirt, clutching it. The boy looks at me confused, then gets scared when he catches my nervous look.

"I'll use you as bait for that!" And rest assured that I will report this in detail to the Chief ! I say aloud, squeezing the material of my T-shirt into my fists.2

- Let's calm down. If they're trapped in the house, they can't leave, he says softly as he pulls his hands away from his T-shirt.

I snort and better arrange my black blouse that had risen without my will. He had remembered something after so many missions. I sigh for myself and analyze the long corridor, banishing negative feelings. On each side of the hall there are several rooms with closed doors. A long creak came from the end of the corridor, making me stare at the source of the noise. A child, about ten years old, runs on the cherry carpet on the old floor, disappearing in the middle of it. I raise my eyes in amazement, the others being surprised too.

"She doesn't usually show herself," Luka said with a slight restraint.1

- They were waiting for us, I sighed for a long time and put my hands on my chest. There's definitely something wrong here.

I turn on my heel, facing the others. I look at them briefly, then raise my hand and show in a slow motion that I'm going straight ahead. Sarah smiles at me and understands the plan, leaving the two boys silent.3

We quickly split up the floor: Sarah and Luka check the rooms on the left, and Aidan stays with the ones on the right as punishment for destroying the stairs. I walk lazily on the carpet, plunging into the darkness and quickly reaching the end of the corridor where a half-open door is. I take a deep breath and look at the old piece of wood, noticing a few scratches. I raise my right hand and push the door with my index finger, and to my surprise, it doesn't creak. I step inside, encountering an even thicker darkness than the outside. I walk carefully, and when I reach the middle of the room, the door closes abruptly, echoing. I lean my head slightly to one side and notice a transparent figure in the corner of the room. I blink, and the spirit disappears. I sigh for myself and notice how the white figure is in front of me. I quickly analyze the lost spirit, observing beautiful features up to a certain point. She's a girl the same age as me; her hair is black, curly at the tips, and her eyes are light in color and she looks at me insecurely. Her white dress is stained with blood in some places, and if you look below you can see only one leg, because the other is torn and hidden under the material.

"We didn't want to stay here," the girl managed in a crystal clear voice that sounded like a gust of wind.2

"We'll release you one at a time." Relax--

"You won't live if you stay here!" my face suddenly interrupts, becoming frightened. Nobody lived ...

I raise my eyes in surprise, and the spirit disappears. I bite my cheek on the inside and look at the plank window. A chair suddenly flew past me, crashing against the wall behind me and shattering. My breathing stopped for a few seconds and I turned my head robotically to where the chair had left off.

" Go away ..." there is a hoarse voice in the room, waking my goosebumps.

- What if we don't leave? I ask, though I know I'm making it worse.

The silence fades quickly, but not for long, with a long creak appear behind me. I turn quickly, raising my right hand with my palm in a horizontal position. The spirit stops a few inches from my palm, and I gently lower my hand so I can see its features. She is wearing a medieval dress, torn at the edges. Her brown hair was once caught in an elegant bun, but now it's a tangle. Wrinkles are scratching his face, showing me that he is old and has a painful past. When I reach his eyes, my breath catches and my heart starts pounding. The woman no longer had human eyes, but completely black.

- Shit , Aidan! I manage to scream before the woman grins and slams me against the opposite wall.

I force the air out of my lungs when my back makes contact with the hard wall. I cough a few times to catch my breath and I don't look away. The woman stands still and raises her right arm in a horizontal position. A pressure sticks to the wall again, then moves to my neck and forces my breath to slowly disappear. I gasp and hear the doorknob being pressed and pulled a few times, but in vain. The spirit had locked the door especially so as not to be disturbed. The pressure increased, snatching the last piece of air from me and lifting me off the floor. In the next second, the door slams shut, causing the spirit to weaken in surprise. Aidan enters the room, his expression astonished when he sees me as a picture. A chair tries to hit the boy, but he avoids it in time.8

- Where do I not realize ?! Aidan shouted as he looked in all directions.

I frown slightly at the woman, the boy quickly realizing what I'm doing and he puts himself behind the spirit, a few meters away, opening the old parchment. The woman turns her attention to the boy and raises her other hand. I punch the wall, stopping the spirit from moving.

- "Earth, bones. Wind wind. Leave that spirit. Send him alone. Otherwise don't send him at all."15

Aidan says the words carefully so as not to miss a single one, and the pressure fades away, slowly, letting my breath return. I reach the floor again and take a greedy breath, following the incantation and saying it in my mind with the boy. The woman starts screaming and holding her hair, the boy's words echoing in the room with her. I run my hand slowly to the ankle of my right leg and pull the dagger out of its scabbard, then run it over my palm and leave a red streak of blood. The spirit quickly turns its attention to me, sending me a cold air. I grit my teeth and stick my palm to the floor, a blue light surrounding the transparent figure.

"Your destiny will only bring you trouble." You won't be able to get rid of R when you meet him. Remember that, young exorcist ! the woman said in a low voice, then evaporated like a cigarette smoke scattered by the wind.

I take a deep breath and stick my back to the wall, staring at where the woman had been. Aidan quickly approaches me and holds out his hand to lift me up. I slowly move my eyes to his hand, then grab her and stand up with difficulty, being a little dizzy.

"Did you know he's a jerk ?" Of course you knew! And you went alone! Aidan starts arguing with me as he bandages my wound with a handkerchief.

- I only realized where I had the strange sensations, but I try to defend myself but I find the boy's frown. Okay, before I stepped into the room I felt like it was a zladuh ...

Aidan sighs for a long time, then ties my wound with his used handkerchief, with no bandages in his large black jeans pockets. His hand lingers on mine for a while, then pulls away, muttering words at random angrily. I smile crookedly and put my hands to my chest, crossing them. He always gets angry when I get hurt.

- Let's go home. I'm done here, he says in a low voice as he looks at my hand.

- Did you ... Did you hear what he said at the end? I say the question uncertainly.

- Did he say anything? I can't see the spirits, Layla ... And I can't hear them if they don't want to.

- It's okay then.

- Did he say something important? He raises an eyebrow and looks at me curiously.

- Yes, he will take revenge!

- That's what everyone says, Layla! the boy revolted.

- Exactly! I smile and make the boy roll his eyes angrily.

Aidan walks away until he reaches the front of the room. He stops abruptly, then glances back. Our eyes meet, and for a while neither of them shifts their eyes from the other. I take a deep breath and slowly lower my lips, dispelling the feeling of emptiness in my stomach.

"Thank you," I say in a low, low voice.

- What you said? Repeat! Repeat I don't believe you! he turns his whole body and grins implicitly.

I roll my eyes and walk past him, ignoring him effortlessly. Aidan sighs and follows me silently, knowing I don't like to repeat myself. We soon met the other two who were waiting for us exactly where we had parted. I glance at the destroyed staircase, then remember that I had to kill a brown-eyed brown-eyed boy like the tender grass.

"And now how are we going?" Sarah asks as she frowns at Aidan.

- It's not just my fault! Layla challenged me, defending the boy, blaming me.

"Do you want me to kill you and use you as a ladder?" I revolt and stand in front of the boy, fighting a gaze.4

As my fight with Aidan continues, Luka takes a few steps back. Take a deep breath, then run and jump downstairs through the stairwell. Sarah screamed in fright, and Aidan gave up the fight and quickly went to look at his friend. I approach Sarah from Aidan and look down, watching Luka shake off the dust and analyze her body, making sure she hasn't broken anything.5

"I told you no one would die if he jumped from the first floor!" tries to brighten up Aidan's atmosphere.3

"If anyone wants to come down, I'll catch him!" Luka shouted from the ground floor as she searched for her lost flashlight.2

- I'm coming! Sarah says excitedly as she steps back.

"She's going to scream," Aidan whispers, making me smile.

Sarah runs to the end of the floor, then jumps up and starts screaming as if she saw her death before her eyes. I glance down and notice Luka catching the girl in a bridal style, Sarah smiling broadly at him. I smile secretly, then turn my attention to Aidan.

"I'll jump last," the boy informs me as he reads my expression.

I shrug and look at Luka, who is waiting to catch another person. I swallow hard and jump without gaining momentum. I close my eyes tightly and don't open them until I feel two arms grab me carefully. She breathed a sigh of relief as Luka dropped me to the floor.

"Now let's go home," Luka says as she walks out.

"Don't you catch me?" Aidan's voice is heard with a hint of amusement.

- You destroyed the stairs. Do it!

- Romeo, catch me too! says the brown man in a dramatic voice.

- We're breaking up, Juliet.7

I snort in amusement, and Luka sighs and takes the car keys out of her pocket, then turns them on the index finger of her right hand. He motions for the brunette to follow him, ignoring Aidan effortlessly. I hold back another smile and look at the boy upstairs, who is falling to his knees.6

- Romeo ... Come back, Luka!

- Are you coming down today? I'm starting to get cold, I say and make the boy come back to reality.

Aidan sighs loudly and jumps upstairs, landing like a real athlete. I roll my eyes and head for the exit, almost slamming the door in front of the boy. I smile briefly and watch Luka drive away in his black car, disappearing into the night.

- I drive! I shout and start running to Aidan's car.

"Don't even think about touching her!" It's private property.

We race to the front of the car, Aidan coming in front of me and putting himself in the driver's seat. I sighed and sat down in the same place I had been before I entered the house. The brown starts the engine, making the car spin nicely, then turns it over and we move further and further away from the building.

"Today's mission is over," Aidan says, breaking the silence in the car.

"Next time, let me know about the Chief 's duties . "

I notice him bite his cheek on the inside and remain silent, turning right to avoid a fallen tree. A feeling of emptiness in the stomach appears and I look at the back seat. A transparent creature rests on the soft material of the bench, grinning at me. I shuddered to make Aidan look at me confused and look in the mirror, seeing nothing. The spirit slowly disappears, taking with it the cold feeling.1

- Did you see anything again? the boy asks me, being careful on the road.

"He's gone," I say hesitantly.

There is silence in the car again. I look out the window, lost in unnecessary thoughts, and Aidan turns on the radio, leaving it at an acceptable volume so as not to disturb me. A whisper comes from behind, making me swallow hard, but I stay in the same position so as not to disturb the boy.2

- Ryan ... , the whisper is heard again, but less noticeable, then the music of the radio remains the only noise.


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