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"Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky"

a magical realism story

By Sigma Published about a year ago 4 min read
"Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky"
Photo by Nong V on Unsplash

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. It was a sight that only a select few were privileged enough to witness. Some said it was a trick of the light, while others believed it to be a sign of an impending storm. But for one young girl named Luna, it was a reminder of the magic that existed in the world.

Luna lived in a small town nestled in the foothills of a great mountain range. She spent her days tending to her garden and her nights dreaming of the world beyond her small town. She had always felt like there was something missing from her life, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

But one night, as she sat on her porch watching the purple clouds dance with the blushing sky, something shifted inside her. She felt a pull, a call to something greater. She closed her eyes and breathed in the sweet, musky scent of the night air. When she opened them again, she saw something she never expected.

In the middle of the dance between the clouds and the sky, there was a figure. A woman, tall and slender with long flowing hair, was twirling and spinning as if she were a part of the dance. Her skin was as dark as the night sky, and her eyes glimmered like stars.

Luna watched in awe as the woman danced and spun, her body becoming more and more translucent with each move. Suddenly, the woman disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a faint trail of stardust.

Luna sat there, stunned, wondering if she had imagined the entire thing. But as she looked up at the sky, she knew that she had witnessed something truly magical. And from that moment on, she knew that her life would never be the same.

In the days following her encounter with the mysterious woman, Luna's thoughts were consumed by what she had seen. She spent every night on her porch, hoping to catch another glimpse of the dancing figure, but the woman never appeared again. Luna began to wonder if she had imagined the entire thing, but deep down, she knew it was real.

As time passed, Luna began to notice other strange occurrences happening in her town. Flowers would bloom overnight in the dead of winter, and the trees would whisper secrets to each other in the wind. Luna knew that these were signs of magic, and she couldn't help but feel that they were somehow connected to the dancing woman in the sky.

One night, as Luna sat on her porch watching the stars, she heard a soft whisper on the wind. It was a voice, faint and ethereal, but Luna could make out the words. "Follow the stars," the voice said. "They will lead you to me."

Luna didn't hesitate. She packed a bag with a few essentials and set out into the night, following the stars as they twinkled in the sky above. She didn't know where she was going or what she would find when she got there, but she knew that she had to follow the call of the magic.

After hours of walking, Luna found herself at the foot of the mountain range that bordered her town. She looked up at the imposing peaks, wondering how she would ever find her way through them. But as she looked closer, she saw a faint glow coming from a cave in the side of the mountain.

Luna knew that this was where the magic was calling her. She climbed up the rocky path to the cave, her heart pounding with excitement and fear. As she stepped inside, she saw the figure of the woman from the sky, standing in the center of the cave.

The woman smiled at Luna, her eyes twinkling with starlight. "Welcome," she said. "I've been waiting for you."

Luna knew that her life would never be the same. She had found the source of the magic that had been calling to her, and she was ready to embrace it with open arms.

Short Story

About the Creator


My Name is Ankit Bhatt .I’m an educator, Blogger and Writer. I blog on multi niche topics such as Personal Development, Motivation, Education,Technology . And I’m writer on Medium as well. I want to write life experiences on this platform.

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