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Dust and Bruises

Chapter 4 of Doomsday Deeny

By Sara RolsenPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

One week later, Deeny was on her way to The Kindred to meet Foxy for her first day of training. She had spent the past seven days trying to talk Rosie out of roping her into this. Rosie had assured her that if they got Otis out in time, she would not have to participate but she wanted her to train just in case. This new pressure combined with the ongoing task of completing the harness had her sleeping barely four hours a night and she dragged her feet with exhaustion and reluctance as she made her way to the tavern.

As she approached, however, a tall lean red-headed figure with dark sunglasses came into view. She smiled at Foxy as he beamed at her around the toothpick he was chewing. He looked relaxed, leaning against the doorway with his arms and ankles crossed.

"You're late." He said with no serious tone of annoyance.

"Good morning to you too." She scowled up at him. "Mind explaining why you wanted to meet here?" She blinked up at the swinging wooden sign.

"Well, two reasons", he said,turning to lead her inside. "One, coffee." He handed her a cup while also grabbing his own. She took it and gulped appreciatively while they continued toward the back. "And two, your little meetings with Rosie aren't the only things this place looks the other way on."

He led her through a back door that revealed a narrow staircase that was stifling hot and creaky. He went through another door at the top and Deeny was immediately thankful that it was cooler here. There were large box fans in both open windows.

"Wow. How do you even have those?"

"Well, like most of our equipment before we had you to engineer for us, we stole it. We spliced the wires with the power cord that runs that string of lights through the main street and we siphon off the electricity from there. You should have seen this place when Dale first agreed to let us use it. It was filthy and hot as hell. Part of me thinks he only agreed because he never believed we'd be able to make it actually fit to train in."

Deeny looked around. There was a thickly padded mat on the floor and a very lumpy looking punching bag. A rack of sparsely stocked fighting instruments was off to one side. It was barebones but obviously meticulously cleaned and organized.

"Is this where you spend all your time, Foxy? When you're not out risking your life for Rosie."

"That's right!" He said, smiling up at her.

He had removed his shades and long dusty jacket and was rummaging through a very battered chest for God knew what. Deeny shrugged off her pack and began stretching. She might not be a fighter but she had plenty of experience with intense physical activity and she was not going to embarrass herself with a cramp.

Foxy smiled at her as he walked over to her carrying a bag of what looked like mid-sized wooden fighting staves.

"We are going to start with working on your agility. I'm going to spread these sticks out and you are going to try not to trip on them while dodging my strikes with this one. He brandished a padded stave at her. It won't do us a bit of good if you know how to fight but can't manuvier the facility. Besides, everything goes according to plan, you won't have to fight, period."

Here's hoping. Thought Deeny

Foxy laid down the last stave.


Deeny nodded and reluctantly got to her feet.

"No use looking like you're headed for the gulags! I will not be going out of my way to try to actually hurt you at first."

"At first?!" Exclaimed Deeny.

But then Foxy began swinging his stave around intricately and she had to start darting and ducking. Deeny had never seen Foxy in action before and, despite all she had to think about at the moment, she could not help but be impressed. He had always seemed lanky and goofy but right now he was moving with grace and purpose and even though he was still smiling at her, clearly enjoying himself in his element, his brows and eyes held a determined fire that she found surprisingly attractive.

Two hours later, Deeny was sweaty and panting on the floor. She was slightly bruised, as was her ego, but on the last two passes she had managed not to trip up or get clipped by Foxy's stave.

"Had enough D?" He asked, amused.


He barked a laugh and held out a hand to help her to her feet. He had barely broken a sweat himself. She glowered at him, rubbing her shoulder.

"You really got me on that last blow you dealt me."

His eyes furrowed briefly in concern.

"I'm sorry but I'm just trying to do my job. I want to make sure you're adequately prepared and we don't have as much time as I'd hoped for."

It was the first time she had ever heard him say anything openly doubting Rosie's plans. She thought to push him for more of his opinion but just then, he met her eyes and quickly said,

"Same time tomorrow?"

Deeny rolled her eyes.

"I guess, if I must."

She hobbled over to her bag and slung it gingerly on her non injured shoulder.

"Do you want help cleaning up?"

He had already begun to gather the staves and flashed her a winning smile.

"No, you go ahead. You look like you could use a trip to the bathhouse and you better get going before it gets too crowded."

"Right." She said, wincing. "And she began limping to the stairs.

"See you tomorrow Foxy." She called from the door.

"Tomorrow Danger D."

She laughed a little and as she looked back they shared a look and a smile and then she set off back down the creaky staircase.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Sara Rolsen

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