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Dream boy,Real love


By Amal AfandiPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

imaginative soul who had always been captivated by the mysteries of dreams. One night, as she lay in her bed, she had a dream that changed her life forever.

In her dream, Emily saw a boy with warm brown eyes and a gentle smile. They laughed and talked, feeling an instant connection. It was as if they had known each other for a lifetime. When Emily woke up, she couldn't shake off the feeling of longing that filled her heart. She couldn't forget the boy from her dream.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into years. Although Emily had only dreamt about him once, that dream had left an indelible mark on her soul. She yearned to meet the boy from her dream in real life, to feel that connection once more.

As time passed, Emily grew into a young woman, but her trust in others remained fragile. She had been hurt in the past and found it difficult to open her heart to anyone. However, deep down, she held onto the hope that someday she would find the boy from her dream, the one who would understand her in ways no one else could.

One sunny day, while Emily was walking through a bustling city square, her eyes met those of a young man passing by. To her surprise, she felt a spark of recognition, a flicker of familiarity. Unbeknownst to her, this was the very boy from her dream, the one she had longed to meet for so many years.

The young man's name was Daniel, and he too had felt an unexplainable connection when his gaze met Emily's. As they crossed paths, they exchanged shy smiles and their hearts skipped a beat. They started talking, and soon discovered shared interests, dreams, and values. It was as if their souls had found each other once again.

Emily and Daniel spent countless hours together, slowly unraveling their stories, and building a deep and trusting bond. Emily's walls began to crumble, and she realized that sometimes, love has a way of healing even the most broken hearts.

With Daniel by her side, Emily learned to trust again. She discovered that not everyone would hurt her, and that some people are truly meant to be in our lives. Their love grew stronger with each passing day, a testament to the power of destiny and the magic of dreams.

And so, Emily and Daniel embarked on a beautiful journey together, embracing the unknown, and trusting that their love would guide them through life's ups and downs. Emily's dream had become a reality, teaching her that love could find its way even when it seemed impossible.


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